Yun Qishen

Chapter 1473 Stone Blade Demon City

Chapter 1473 Stone Blade Demon City (3)

The people outside the city wall who were thinking about fighting with Yun Qishen and the others also calmed down.

Zhu Batian took Lingxin Ziqing to choose to go back to take care of Duan Mandrill in order to cause unnecessary disputes, and temporarily withdraw from the positive interaction with people.

Xiaobi and Lao Xu didn't persuade Zhu Batian to go back after a while of hard work, which made them very unwilling.But they couldn't keep up with Zhu Batian's leaving figure.

Zhu Batian disappeared in front of them just like last time.

Xiaobi sat slumped on the ground, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and everyone present gave her sympathetic looks, and Lao Xu even knelt down and touched her head to comfort her.

"Little Zhu can't figure it out for a while. Give him some time and he will definitely change his mind. After all, we are his only relatives now." Lao Xu put his hands on Xiaobi's shoulders and patted, "You, Don't be sad."

"Well... I see. I'll wait patiently for him..." After saying that, Xiaobi hugged Lao Xu tightly, and she let him go after a while when she regained her composure.

All of this is also in the eyes of Lu Ren and Yun Qishen.


Although the two did not speak, they complained in unison in their hearts.

Naturally, Xiaobi secretly glanced at Yun Qishen, she was also afraid that her disguise would be seen through and ridiculed by everyone, but this was the only thing she would never want to happen.

But Yun Qishen's existence made her very uncomfortable, and she had to find a way to make this threat disappear.

But too many inexplicable people gathered around Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen and Lu Ren noticed Xiaobi's stealthy glance.

【It's too obvious that she was peeking! 】

"Why did I write such a silly character!"

"Why did the lawyer write such a silly character!"

The two even spoke their minds in unison this time.The two of them looked at each other harmoniously and smiled, but they were blaming each other in their hearts.

Yun Qishen: (What are you talking about, do you have an opinion? You bastard!)

Lawyer: (Shouldn’t I be the only one who can say this kind of thing! Bastard!)

Although some people care about Xiaobi's situation, most people still care about Huafan and Man Nanren's affairs.

Hua Fan was a little overwhelmed at the moment, and she even knelt down to the Mannan people to ask for forgiveness.On the one hand, she was asking for forgiveness for the irrational Nan Xing, and on the other hand, she was also asking for forgiveness for herself.

"What are you doing! Stand up! I, a man from the South, just kneel when I say kneel!"

The Mannan woman was not a particularly cruel person, she chose to forgive after she knew that Huafan was not in danger.

But Huafan still felt uncomfortable. She touched her belly, and she wanted to accumulate some virtue for the child.

The Mannan woman was surprised to see Hua Fan rubbing her stomach and knelt on the ground and couldn't get up. After thinking about it for a while, she suddenly realized.

"Hua Fan, is it possible that you are pregnant? The child is Nan Xing's?!"


Hua Fan answered in the affirmative, and the Mannan woman reached out to feel Hua Fan's pulse.

Seeing this, Yun Qishen was afraid of revealing the truth and making Huafan feel cold, so he used magic to send a message to the Mannan woman first.

As soon as the Mannan woman's hand grabbed Hua Fan's wrist, she heard Yun Qishen's voice, and she also had some memories about Nan Xing and Hua Fan.

[So... please keep this secret, I don't want her to be too sad. 】

The Mannan woman had a complex look on her face, she felt angry but she couldn't vent it, and she didn't look at Yun Qishen, she just retracted her hand and said to Hua Fan calmly: "The fetus is very healthy, but the breath is a little weak. But it doesn't matter, as long as you cultivate well. You don't have to worry about Nan Xing. I think we have our own way to bring our hero back."

Man Nanren's eyes are sharp, and even the last glance will send a chill down your spine.What's more, it is now a group of barbarians.

"But the main thing now is how to get over this high wall."

The Mannan woman looked up at the high wall, "I've been here for five or six days, and I can see people falling from it every day, or they were frozen to death at night because their mana was weakened and they couldn't make the bonfire. Some people climb up and disappear without a trace, and even fall down like icicles. Everything on it is unknown, but if you don’t cross the high wall, you will still perish.”

Everyone lowered their heads and sighed, and suddenly someone from another tribe shouted loudly.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged! There will definitely be a way to pass through the high wall, and the prodigy from Dongcang is here, so everyone can figure out a way together!"

The person who spoke looked young and vigorous, and he still had infinite hopes for the future.But soon there was a mocking voice.

"So what about the child prodigy? If she had the ability, she would have already gone to the high wall! No one cares about us! Let me tell you, people in Dongcang are all selfish!"

"What do you think happened to me from Dongcang!"

The people in Dongcang lost their composure when they heard the sarcastic words, and the smell of gunpowder suddenly rose on both sides.

"Stop arguing, all of you! Don't you think this place is not messy enough!"

The Mannan woman roared angrily, and then everyone quieted down, and the air returned to its original oppressive state.

Yun Qishen touched the surface of the high wall with his hand, he frowned and fell silent.

Evil Qi also touched the surface of the high wall with his hand, and he laughed instead.

"It's deep, do you want to laugh too?"

"Nonsense, how can I laugh at this moment... I just feel embarrassed."

"Is it embarrassing? Really don't plan to make a move?"

The smile of the evil spirit woman's watch seemed to see through Yun Qishen's thoughts.

Yun Qi pursed his lips deeply, then pushed lightly, and a huge hole was punched out of the high wall.

The jaws of all the people present except the lawyer and the evil spirit dropped in shock.


"Not really..."

Through the hole in the wall, people can see those souls who were also startled.

Both sides are thinking about what happened.

Yun Qishen didn't pay attention to the souls inside the wall, but turned around and motioned to the staring people.

"The wall is open, please."

[No way——]

Only then did everyone exclaim, and they hurriedly raised their weapons to deal with the soul behind the wall.

The souls also curiously approached the hole in the wall for a moment of doubt.

They used their claws and tails to go in and out of the hole in the wall, and after a complete epiphany, they also crossed the wall and attacked people.

"It's not a big deal to watch the excitement."

Lawyer looked at Yun Qishen and Nie Qi helplessly.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi just spread their hands together.

"They were the ones who thought of the wall, wouldn't it be okay if they got through?" Yun Qishen explained.

"You are right to say anything!" The lawyer crossed his arms across his chest, "And then? You pretend to be a B?"

"pretty good idea."

Yun Qishen raised his hand in satisfaction and then clenched it tightly. The soul body that rushed out of the wall instantly turned into dust and dissipated in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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