Yun Qishen

Chapter 1486 Sudden

Chapter 1486 Outburst (6)

[It hurts——]

【The face hurts especially—】

【It's also very uncomfortable in the stomach. 】

[It seems that there are a lot of bugs climbing and eating. 】

【The sticky voice flowed out of my mouth. 】

[Is it saliva or blood? 】

[I can't tell the difference, I can't tell the difference anymore. 】

Beside his ears was the arrogant laughter of the dwarf's soul.

"Hahaha, the Creator! Hahahaha, it's so funny! The real Creator is being slapped in the face like this in my hands, it's so fun! Hahaha! Say it quickly! I am nothingness!"

Even if there is a thousand unwillingness in the heart of the lawyer, he has no choice but to be controlled by his body to admit his nothingness.

"I am nothing..."

"Hahaha, let's talk again! Say you are a dog!"

"you are a dog."

"No, that's right, I'm a dog. Wait! This doesn't work...just... bark twice!"

As he said that, the soul body threw a fist at Li Ren again.

Li Ren felt that his teeth were aching and his mouth was numb, but he still yelled.


The tears flowed out unconsciously, and the law man didn't cry consciously, it should be the tears left by his subconscious mind after receiving a huge stimulus.

Seeing Liren crying, the soul became even happier, "Oh, you're still crying, it's so ugly ~ tsk tsk tsk! Hey!"

After the soul body patted Li Ren's red and swollen cheek lightly, he punched it violently with a fist.Ritsuto's head almost didn't separate from his neck this time due to inertia.

The pain is different now, and the lawyer can clearly perceive his current situation, which is completely different from the feeling in Yuluohuang.

Because the lawyer was worried that he might die if he was not careful this time, really he would die.

Li Ren's legs were weak from the fright, and his pupils trembled, but so what, he was powerless.

The short man's soul body had lost interest in fan mouth, he conjured a very thin iron shackle and tied it to Li Ren's neck, and then he used his power to conjure a group of low-level soul bodies.

Lawyer had a premonition that something terrible would happen next, but he gritted his teeth and found that he could no longer fully control his actions.

His hands were tied tightly together, and then the short soul body scattered densely packed triangular nails on the ground.

"Come on! Next game~"

The short man's soul turned into the appearance of a beautiful woman again, she covered her mouth coquettishly, and smiled evilly.

In the next second, Lu Ren felt his neck tighten, and his whole body was dragged down to the ground by those soul bodies and rubbed towards those densely packed triangle nails.

"It's wonderful! It's so beautiful! Run faster! Run faster!" The soul body laughed wantonly, "Don't forget your identity!"

Lawyer opened his mouth uncontrollably, but before "Wang" could make a sound, he was blocked by a magic spell.

Yun Qishen flashed to Lu Ren's side in the next second, and the inferior soul body disappeared with a wave of the long sword in his hand.The shackles that tightened around Luren's throat also turned into dust.

The blue-green light enveloped Ritsuto's whole body, and the wounds on his body were recovering little by little.

The soul body naturally wouldn't do anything to watch Lu Ren being rescued, she used her magic power to break through Yun Qishen's defense, but was blocked by evil energy.

"Hey, you're quite coquettish, why don't you do anything about it~ Hey, look at my memory, little Taoist priest, you really aren't human~"

Evil Qi squinted his eyes and smiled and taunted, the soul body was naturally angry and smashed towards Evil Qi.

Evil Qi dodged and at the same time swung his sword, and the soul body also took the opportunity to become shorter and emit poisonous smoke, wanting to attack again.

"Oh, it's really dangerous~ It's said that people who play drugs can't grow tall, so it's really true~"


The kung fu of the evil spirit did not degenerate in any way, and the soul body also chased the evil energy and fought hard.At the same time, Li Ren's injury has almost recovered, but his sanity has not fully recovered.

"This is troublesome... If Ritsuto thinks that you are nothing, the world will really collapse. Come back quickly... Don't waste the only time I have to be gentle with you."

Yun Qishen put his hand on Lu Ren's forehead, and he also entered into Lu Ren's state of mind at that moment.

The scene in Li Ren's mind made Yun Qishen frown, and the headless kneeling corpses around him were all Li Ren's bodies.

But what about the head? Where did the head go?

"Yun Qishen! Hey! I'm here!"

Lu Ren's voice came from Yun Qishen's feet.

Yun Qishen searched around for a while, and then there was another scream.

"He's coming! He's coming! Help! Yun Qishen! This way! This way!"

It was the first time Yun Qishen heard Li Ren's cry for help piercing his heart.After a quick search, Yun Qishen also found the walking figure.

Yun Qishen stepped forward quickly, but those headless kneeling corpses grabbed his advancing legs.

"I don't! Don't step on it! Don't!"

With the sound of bones breaking, Ritsu's voice disappeared after a few screams.

The kneeling corpses under Yun Qishen's feet who restricted his movement also let go.He can also easily approach that familiar but unfamiliar figure.

He opened his eyes wide, just because he saw the head of the blurry figure in front of him falling down, and the dark color faded to reveal the appearance of Ritsu.

That figure also turned into dust and disappeared, and at the same time, a dark figure appeared among the kneeling corpses.


Li Ren's head screamed, and Yun Qishen lifted his head up.

"How is this going?"

"Don't ask, help me find my body! Quick!"

The lawyer didn't explain, so Yun Qishen didn't listen to any explanation.He looked around and saw kneeling corpses without heads.Naturally, he didn't know which one was Li Ren's body.

"He's here! Yun Qishen took me out of here first, I don't want to suffer any more!"

Li Ren opened his eyes wide in panic, and Yun Qishen had no choice but to carry him away from the spot. He turned his head to look at the black figure that had formed, and it was indeed slowly approaching.

"Do you know which one is your body?" Yun Qishen asked.

Lawyer frowned and worried, "I don't know, maybe just put your head on it."

"Put it on? Like this?" Yun Qishen didn't think much, he stopped and put Li Ren's head on a kneeling corpse.

After putting the head on, the kneeling corpse's body began to melt, and Yun Qishen lifted Lu Ren's head up again.

"It doesn't look like this..."

"Then try a few more!"

Lawyers are anxious, so Yun Qishen has no choice but to help.It's just that this weird scene made Yun Qishen very uncomfortable and just wanted to end it quickly.

But after trying too many times without success, Yun Qishen had a bold idea.

(End of this chapter)

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