Yun Qishen

Chapter 1489 Sudden

Chapter 1489 Outburst (9)

"I didn't expect that my avatar failed. It seems that they really have a hand."

The same soul body as the little dwarf that Yun Qishen and the others defeated before was smiling in front of Lingxin Ziqing.

The mirror in front of him also showed every move of Yun Qishen and others.

"The Creator? What an interesting identity. Ziqing, do you understand this too? What kind of feeling is that?"

The hand of the little man's soul body lightly brushed Lingxin Ziqing's cheek, and Lingxin Ziqing opened his mouth consciously and let him take a tooth.

When Lingxin Ziqing's teeth grew back, she spoke slowly, "That was a very scary feeling."

The little dwarf became concerned, "Oh? How scary? Can you tell me carefully?"

"Okay brother kill..." Lingxin Ziqing was like a little sheep at the mercy of the soul.

"In order to avenge brother Xunyou, I thought about killing them. Who knew that after getting close to that person, some strange memories entered my mind." Lingxin Ziqing's voice also became softer.

"Why is it so strange?" Killing brushed Lingxinzi's blue-eared hair with his long nails.

"Brother Killer, do you understand what creation is? He is a human being who created us with a pen. He set our appearance, our words, our memories and even our feelings. After I even understood The direction of the plot."

Lingxin Ziqing wanted to be a little reserved, but now she can't control everything.She originally intended to trip up the murderer, but it seemed that this idea could not be realized for the time being.

"The direction of the plot after that? Is it like a prophecy or something?" Shi's nails scratched the corner of Lingxin Ziqing's mouth and poked her a small mouth, watching the blood flow out of Lingxin Ziqing's face. Feel very satisfied.

Lingxin Ziqing frowned slightly, she can feel the pain now is different from before, and she can also feel the love of the murderer in front of her for her current reaction.

"It's not just a prophecy, it's an inevitable plot. We will all die to kill our brother and become the soul crystal of the Summoner God!"

"Don't challenge my patience, Ziqing, don't make me hate you, okay?"

"I mean really kill my brother! It's true—uh—"

Shi's temper was unpredictable, his long nails pierced Lingxin Ziqing's mouth and poked into the wall behind her.

Lingxin Ziqing also lost consciousness briefly.

When he woke up again, Shi was still waiting in front of her for her to continue speaking.

This made Lingxin Ziqing's body tremble with fear.

Shi Xiao's stooped body began to change, his body continued to expand, and finally turned into the appearance of Xunyou.

Lingxin Ziqing was emotional, she clearly knew that her feelings for Chongyou were designed, but she couldn't control the excitement and shed tears.

"Brother Xuyou..."

Lingxin Ziqing even raised her hand to hug Shi, who had become Hongyou.

But Shi doesn't like other souls to touch him, after all, he can only touch other guys, and if he wants to touch him, he will have to pay a huge price.

"Ziqing, is your love for Zhangyou also designed by that human?"

"Hug me, brother Xunyou, I miss you so much."

"Ziqing, I'm asking you something."

"Brother Xunyou, I feel very painful now, my mouth, my teeth, and my heart hurt even more, Brother Xunyou!"

Killing Lingxin Ziqing's head, he said softly and seductively: "Ziqing doesn't want pain, right?"

Lingxin Ziqing nodded her head, and Shi's hand also grabbed Lingxin Ziqing's neck, "If you were given a chance to be with Xunyou forever, what would you choose?"

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die...but..." Lingxin Ziqing grabbed her hand with a bracelet, "If it's Brother He Xunyou, I'm willing to do anything. I just want eternal peace Brother Xunyou is together and will never be separated."

Shi narrowed his eyes and lifted Lingxin Ziqing up, and at the same time Duan Yao slowly opened his eyes.

In the next moment, Duan Hao saw a group of spikes erupting from Shi's body, and Lingxin Ziqing was like an ordinary canvas being shattered by the spikes, and then completely absorbed by the spikes.

Duan Mandrill felt that he was having a nightmare, he hugged his head and growled in fear, and here he made a second change, his hair began to grow longer, and his appearance became more cold and serious.He clearly has a human appearance that is not much different from Xunyou, but he looks like a different person.

As Lingxin Ziqing was completely absorbed by him, his strength also rose a lot.

After noticing Duan Xiao's movements, Shi approached him, "How is Son of God feeling now?"

"Who am I? My head hurts! What kind of monster are you? Why did you still eat it... What was that just now? Is it a person?"

Duan Hao held his head in pain, but his sanity and memory still hadn't recovered.

Shi squinted his eyes and sat next to Duan Mandrill. He covered Duan Mandrill's forehead with his hand and erased part of Duan Mandrill's memory with magic power.

"Son of God, you just need to remember that you are the Son of God, remember that you have the mission to destroy the entire Zhuoxiao Continent, and you will replace your father, our great Lord God, Chi Hin, will become the ruler of the soul body and even the entire Zhuoxiao Continent !"

Duan Mandrill's mind was in chaos, but at this moment he also repeated what he said, "The ruler of the Zhuoxiao Continent..."

"That's right, become the ruler of Zhuoxiao Continent."

"who are you?"

"I am the creator of your throne! My great son of God—Xiaojue."

Duan Hao kept repeating the name, and from the bottom of his heart he confirmed the fact that he was Xiao Jue.

At the same time, the lawyers and the others also noticed something was wrong, and the lawyers felt the most strongly.

"I always feel like something has been fixed..."

Yun Qishen spoke from the side, "Corrected? By plot?"

"It should be. It feels like the plot that was forced to collapse is starting to repair itself..." Lawyer looked at Zhu Batian in front, "He looks more and more normal, and he feels a little self-aware."

"Could it be your illusion? After all, our existence is the beginning of the collapse of the plot." Yun Qishen didn't believe that the recovery of the plot would be fast.

"I also hope so, but at the same time I don't hope so. I am worried that something will happen to Duan Mandrill and the others, if the plot is really being repaired. After passing the branch line of the devil boy, it is possible that Duan Mandrill is already carrying out the heart-killing of the Son of God It's over." The lawyer thought about it.

"God's son punishes his heart?" Yun Qishen was more concerned, "Why punish one's heart?"

Lawyer rested his chin with his hands, "Let Duan Xiao forget everything and become a soul that can only kill. And he will also fight against a very difficult soul——kill."

(End of this chapter)

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