Yun Qishen

Chapter 1488 Sudden

Chapter 1488 Outburst (8)

"Now Zhu Batian has also been rescued, and my inner demons have also been eliminated. Everyone relax a little, it's time for us to deal with Huafan's affairs, but the next thing may be more difficult.

Just remember one thing, no matter how thirsty or hungry you become in the illusion, you cannot eat anything there! "

The lawyer reminded everyone before entering the next episode.

Yun Qishen put away the long sword and put one hand on his hip, "What will happen if you eat it?"

"I'm pregnant with a big fat boy."

"..." Yun Qishen narrowed his eyes, "Be serious, don't make jokes at this time."

Yun Qishen flicked Lu Ren's forehead with his hand.

Li Ren covered his forehead with his hands in pain, "I'm talking about serious things, can it be true that you won't believe me until you have something in your stomach?"

Ei Qi also asked at this time, "So what you're saying is true, Lu Ren?"

"Of course it's true! If I lied to you, I'll be hit with thunderbolts and I'll die!"

The lawyer raised his hand and swore to God.

"What should I do if I accidentally eat it?" Zhu Batian also asked.

Lawyer said with a serious face: "There is no other way but to be born. As for whether the born is a human or a ghost thing, I don't know. So control yourself and never touch anything.

Just in case... Yun Qishen, you can use magic to seal everyone's mouths, the kind of magic that can talk normally but can't eat anything.Drinking water naturally and sucking it through the nose is also not acceptable, haha. "

Yun Qishen watched as Lu Ren turned his head to him, and he also moved his fingers to condense the spell, and then several balls of light flew into everyone's mouths and opened a barrier.

"This spell will send out an electric current when everyone eats, maybe this will wake everyone up, and the barrier will also prevent the entry of objects. That's fine."

"It's feasible." The lawyer nodded after feeling it for a moment, "In this way, you don't have to worry about eating indiscriminately."

Zhu Batian looked at the virtual barrier in front of him, "Now that we have the head of the devil's monster, the other conditions are not enough. How do we find it? There are 50 infant corpses, what should we do?"

"It's not too difficult to have 50 infants. It requires infants and it doesn't say that they must be human infants." The lawman smiled, "There will only be more things that we can use."

"So, do you have a goal? About this baby's corpse?" Yun Qishen folded his arms on his chest, "I'm asking what you have in mind."

"I remember that Mo Langqin's spare ring is still in your hand, Yun Qishen?"

Yun Qi deeply felt his storage space, "It seems... I do carry his ring, but I borrowed it before and haven't returned it to him yet. What's the matter? What's in his ring?"

"There should be several bottles of caviar in it."

"Caviar... Ha, you have a bright mind." After Yun Qishen complained, he also acted to find Mo Langqin's ring from the storage space, and also found caviar from it.

"It's still short of the mother's blood and plain body." Zhu Batian continued to remind.

The lawyer also quickly said: "See if there are any puppets inside? The smaller the better!"

After searching for a while, Yun Qishen did find some puppets, but these puppets were too big to meet the lawman's imagination.

"I think this is fine." Yun Qishen searched for a while, and finally brought out a rag doll the size of a palm.

"It is indeed possible. That's it!" After taking the caviar and dolls from Yun Qishen, the law man came to the immobilized Huafan.

"The blood of the mother's womb can only be Caihuafan's blood... Use a knife to gently pull a hole... that's it!"

The law man carefully took a drop of Huafan's blood, and he dropped the blood into the caviar, then he spread the caviar all over the doll and asked Yun Qishen to wrap it all up with a white cloth.

【Conditions fulfilled—】

[Magic boy's noisy branch line opened——]

The whole space began to turn blood-red under the system notification sound, and Yun Qishen and the others also saw the red bald little ghosts entwined around Hua Fan's body.

The rag doll just now also began to deform. It grew hands and feet and its whole body became red, with big eyes and a thin face like a skeleton.The stomach was sunken in, but at first glance, there was a ring of spikes on the waist that seemed to be broken.

"It's really strange things." Not long after Zhu Batian finished speaking, those little red ghosts crawled along the road, and they quickly attacked Zhu Batian and wrapped them around his neck and limbs. .




Those little red ghosts started screaming after saying a few words, the screaming made Zhu Batian's head almost explode.

Those little ghosts even wanted to enter Zhu Batian's body through Zhu Batian's wide-open mouth, but fortunately, the barrier Yun Qishen gave just now perfectly blocked it.

"Go away!" Zhu Batian took a few steps back after throwing these little red ghosts.

Yun Qishen and Ei Qi had the same experience here, they swung their swords and beheaded those little red ghosts mercilessly.

As for the lawyer's side, what's the matter?

"What are these little red ghosts?" Yun Qishen looked at Lu Ren and asked, "Is it a soul body?"

"No, it's the Wraith. The reason why it's a branch plot is because it's not a soul body. But this branch is very important, and it's also cheering for the future plot." Lu Ren pulled Yun Qishen closer to Hua Fan step by step.

At this time, Hua Fan suddenly moved into action and ran towards the depths of the deepest red scene. Several red ghosts were thrown off by her and screamed heart-piercingly.

The lawyer covered his ears, feeling uneasy.After regaining his senses, Hua Fan had disappeared.

"Don't look at me, I didn't follow either." Yun Qishen knew that the lawyer was looking at him, so he replied lightly.

"Forget it, let's deal with these resentful children first, go and save them in one breath, don't be too cruel." The lawyer pushed Yun Qishen, but Yun Qishen looked at Zhu Batian.

"This kind of thing should be left to the protagonist of the plot."

Seeing that all eyes were on him, Zhu Batian was ordered to move forward.

But the problem is...

"How to surpass?"

Zhu Batian's words left everyone speechless, and the lawer laughed dryly for a moment and explained the principle of superseding.

At that time, Yun Qishen complained, "What do you say about super speed, it is the output of violence, and it's gone with a bang! Got it."

"I understand." Zhu Batian Mao Sai nodded suddenly.

Lawyer squinted at Yun Qishen, "Please don't teach my protagonist how to deal with it strangely."

"Heh." Yun Qishen waved his hands and smiled indifferently.Evil Qi laughed beside him twice.

Zhu Batian also gathered mana, and then exploded the mana to cover the entire blood-red land.

(End of this chapter)

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