Yun Qishen

Chapter 1493 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1493 The Chapter of Murder (3)

"Hua Fan, how do you feel now?"

After the surrounding illusion disappeared, Zhu Batian's virtual screen also showed the end of the branch plot.After Huafan woke up from a boulder, the lawyer immediately went over to ask.His purpose is not to care, but to confirm whether Hua Fan, who escaped from the plot, will awaken some self-awareness.

"I..." Hua Fan opened her eyes and glanced at Li Ren, then saw Yun Qishen again, she couldn't help crying, the sobbing suppressed her breathing and made her extremely uncomfortable.

Lawyer quickly helped Hua Fan up and patted her on the back so that she could breathe smoothly.

"Stomach... child... woo..." Hua Fan curled up with her legs hugged, she sobbed softly, seeing this situation, the lawyer also confirmed that Hua Fan had not awakened her self-awareness.

Lawyer looked at Yun Qishen in a blink of an eye, and Yun Qishen also walked into Huafan and used magic to eliminate the things about the child in her mind.

"I said..." Li Ren raised his head suspiciously, "You don't want to bring back even characters who have no awakening consciousness, I don't allow that! I already agree with you to bring back another Rakshasa girl Zhu Batian, why do you still want to take Hua Fan back? My house is not a shelter! It's not an orphanage! You suddenly send so many people back, and you can't fit them in!"

"I'll take care of this kind of thing. It's not impossible for your family to let them go to Xuanruo to stay for a while." Yun Qishen helped Huafan to sleep again.

Lawyer pouted and complained, "You think very well, and I don't know when Jiayu and you have such a good relationship."

"When you were sick." Yun Qishen said lightly.

"Ah..." The lawyer suddenly became speechless.

The virtual screen appeared at this time, and the red screen did not display errors but highlighted difficulties.Then there are three large-character titles——Chapter of Killing.

Yun Qishen stared at the title on the screen, "You just mentioned one of the abilities in one form. What are the other two?"

Lawyer looked at the red virtual screen and frowned, "In addition to the main ability of [karma], Shi also has the two abilities of [sacrifice] and [exploitation]."

"What a strange ability." Evil Qi couldn't help complaining.

Yun Qi looked at the lawman with his arms akimbo and blamed him, "It's not the ability you designed, just think of some strange abilities to buff the enemy! Set up a flag for your own people! I don't think you are the protagonist's father! The villain is Your dear father is!"

"Ha... Forgive me, I'm already rectifying. Stop scolding, stop scolding!" The lawyer folded his hands together and apologized to Yun Qishen.

Zhu Batian also participated in the discussion. Instead of rushing to touch the virtual screen to enter the plot, he thought about listening to the lawyer's explanation carefully so that it would be easier for him to challenge later.

"Can you talk about it more carefully?"

Hearing Zhu Batian's question, the lawyer continued to explain, "Let me talk about the ability of [exploitation] first, this ability was actually added by me at will, and it is not very important.

[Exploitation] In the state of the ability, except for the killing itself, the abilities of people within its range will drop to 60.00% of their own abilities, and the energy aggregates existing on everyone will be absorbed by it. "

"Come in, what is an energy aggregate?" Zhu Batian saw the timing and asked.

Lawyer blinked, "The energy concentrator is like a sword in your hand. A simple explanation is an item with mana. It can be a weapon or a jade necklace."

"So that's how it is..." Zhu Batian put his hand on his chin and thought.

Evil Qi also spoke at this time, "Then is there any way to deal with this ability? Since it can absorb things with mana, will it be a problem to store items with mana in a different space before fighting against him?" How about a good way?"

"Good idea. Why didn't I think of it!" Lawyer agreed, but Yun Qishen patted him on the head.

"Damn it if you can think of it, you are more villain than villain!" Yun Qishen really became more and more angry as he listened, but he still had to listen, "Go ahead."

"Ha... the next thing is [sacrifice], I need to explain this, it is different from [karma], this ability belongs to our side to make output, it means that you can choose something that you can sacrifice yourself and Sacrifice to Shi can determine the strength of Shi's ability.

[Sacrifice], as long as it is something that exists, it is what exists in the plot, not what actually exists... Not just body parts, clothes, etc. can be sacrificed, but compared to a part of oneself , the sacrifice of things outside the body does not have any real effect. The lawyer pointed to his arm, "If I sacrifice my arm, I may lose an arm in the face of my murder, that's all." "

"What will happen if you sacrifice your own life? Do you have two deaths?" Yun Qishen felt that this sacrifice was very troublesome.

"It's not double death. Don't forget the existence of [Exploitation] and [Kamma]. [Sacrifice] is not activated alone. It can be said that these abilities are not activated alone. That's why killing becomes so difficult. "Lu Ren held his head to prevent Yun Qishen from hitting him.

Yun Qi sighed deeply, he smoothed his brows, and looked at Ei Qi with painstaking effort.Evil Qi also spread his hands helplessly.

After analyzing it clearly, Zhu Batian said, "It means that [karma] will trap us while [exploitation] will also weaken our ability. At this time, as long as we make [sacrifice], we can reversely weaken the ability of killing." Ability, right?"

"Yes, yes, but because we have been cut off by 40.00% of our ability by [exploitation], the cost of sacrifice will also be reduced by 40.00%. So even if someone's life is sacrificed, there is no way to achieve it One for one. Even if someone really does it, it’s not a good deal.” The lawyer crossed his hands in front of his chest, “As I said, these are only the three abilities of his first stage, and he still has three abilities. I haven't introduced the two stages. But those two stages are actually irrelevant, because when I designed it, I never thought that someone would be able to force Shi to reach the second stage or even the third stage."

Everyone fell into a brief silence, and the final solution was proposed by Yun Qishen.

"I have no better way. Since no one can force him to reach the second or third stage of transformation, then find a way to let him die in the first stage, so that he has no possibility of transformation." Yun Qishen He smiled meaningfully, "One-for-one deal is a loss, and what I want is the white girl ticket, and I want the white girl ticket to kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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