Yun Qishen

Chapter 1494 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1494 The Chapter of Murder (4)

"What a big breath!"

Killing wiped his long nails, he looked at the image on the peep screen with a glint of darkness in his lowered eyes.

At this moment, Duan Xiao rubbed his head and sat up from the stone bed. Hair and scales that did not belong to humans had grown on his body, and those originally tough and innocent eyes had also become tyrannical like the soul bodies.

The scarlet eyes swept across the cold cave wall and finally settled on Shi's body. After seeing Duan Zhen awakened, he leaned over to worship respectfully.

"How does God feel now?"

Duan Mandrill didn't speak, he just raised his hand and looked at the thick scaled arm, "Who are you?"

"I am your loyal subordinate! My name is Shi."

Shi was very cautious, and Duan Xiao also said lightly, "Stand up, there is no need to pray."

"Thank you Son of God."

As soon as Shi stood up, he found blood dripping from the corner of Duan's mouth, and then Duan began to cough up blood.

"Son of God! It's better to recuperate first if Son of God is ill. This subordinate will send the soup for recuperation to Son of God!" Shi hooked his fingers, and then a bowl of purple soup flew to him.

Shi handed over the medicine bowl, Duan Mandrill wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, picked up the medicine bowl and drank it down in one gulp.

The bitterness and saltiness in the medicine made Duan Mandrill frown and gag, but after taking the soup, his body did feel a lot easier.

When Duan Zi returned the medicine bowl to Shi, Shi also took out a straight knife and presented it to him.

"This is your magic knife, Son of God! It can assist Son of God to acquire the ability to take care of the body. Please also bring it with you, Son of God."

The knife was wrapped in cloth strips without revealing its true appearance, and it seemed to be one foot longer than Duan Mandrill's arm.When Duan Mandrill's hand touched the magic knife, a huge force turned into a black soul body and rushed towards him and bit him.

In the next moment, a large amount of power began to act in Duan Mandrill's body, and Duan Mandrill pinched his throat and screamed.After the power was fully integrated into Duan Mandrill's body, he also gradually recovered his calm.

"Son of feel...uh!"

Shi cautiously probed, Duan Jie suddenly raised his hand and pinched Shi's throat.

Mana replaced Duan Mandrill's hand to suppress Shi's throat, and Shi was completely lifted into the air by that mana.

Shi excitedly enjoys the feeling of suffocation, because in his heart, this is the precursor of Duan Xiao's awakening.

"Son of God is mighty! Son of God!"

As long as Duan Mandrill fully integrates his strength, and then develops a brutal character, even the main god Chi Xun will not be his opponent!

Only in this way will the world belong to Duan Mandrill, completely out of the control of the main god Chi Xiao!

Duan Manu frowned, and his head hurt violently.The force suppressing Shi also weakened, and Shi also fell from midair.

"My head...that person...who is that person! There is still blood! I want blood! Go find blood for me! Go!"

The sudden runaway of Duan Mandrill's strength directly slammed Shi Danfei into the cave wall.After standing up, Shi stood up and bowed to Duan Zi again, "This subordinate will go and prepare for you."

"I want that man's blood! Go! Go!"

Duan Mandrill didn't know who the guy was in his mind, he only remembered the white neck and the feeling of biting it.The thirst the blood brought him made his throat smoke with thirst.

"So thirsty... so uncomfortable! Who is that guy? There is another woman... who is that woman? Why is she smiling at me? Why do I want to cry so much? Who are you! Who are you!" Duan Mandrill vaguely saw the phantom of his mother, but he no longer recognized his mother at all, but the feeling of familiarity made Duan Mandrill's heart still clenched tightly.

At the same time, Shi has already started looking for a medicine primer for Duan Mandrill.Duan Mandrill longed for blood, so he had to use human or soul blood to nourish him.

Coincidentally, Shi ran into Nan Xing who was looking for Hua Fan.

After Nan Xing noticed the existence of the soul body, she stopped moving forward.

"It's not right here... It looks like we have to go back..." Nan Xing turned his head to leave but was blocked by a group of familiar figures.

"Nan Xing! Our hero, where are you going?"

The Mannan man who was talking lost his lower body, his upper body was crippled and rushed to Nan Xing with his bloody eyes open angrily.

Nan Xing retreated but was wrapped around his body by other Man Nan corpses.


"Our hero!"

"You are our pride!"

"Nanxing! We are the most dazzling star in Mannan!"

"Hero! Hero! Hero!"

The voices of these corpses restricted Nan Xing's every move like chains.

Through the gap between the corpses, Nan Xing saw Hua Fan's figure.

"Hua Fan! Hua Fan!"

Nan Xing stretched out his hand as if seeing a savior. After all, what he wanted to see most was Hua Fan.He had a lot of things to say to Hua Fan, but when he saw Hua Fan in front of him turned around to face him, he gasped.

【Nan Xing, I love you. 】

"I know... I love you Huafan too..."

[But how could you treat me like this! ! ! 】

"No! That's not my intention! I'm being controlled..."

[Our child is gone!South star!our children! 】


Looking at the severed stomach and pierced heart, Nan Xing's legs completely softened, and he fell to his knees powerlessly.

"Could it be Huafan, you..."

【Yes, I died because you personally pierced my heart to death. I love you so much, but you were willing to be bewitched to kill me and our child! 】

Nan Xing's body was wrapped around Man Nan's corpses, and he covered his face in sadness.

"Hua Fan, stop talking."

[I have loved you since before, and I have loved you all the time!I want to have our baby...but you!You have to watch me carefully!you look at me!Look at my pierced heart!Look at my slit belly!They are all empty!my heart!What about our children?What about the children! ! ! 】

Huafan's phantom, who was originally excited to complain, became calm again.

【It turns out that the child has always been by your side...】


Nan Xing lowered his hands and looked around, Man Nan's corpse was nowhere to be seen, but behind him was a red baby who was pulling Nan Xing's clothes and grinning.


Nan Xing opened his eyes wide, subconsciously wanted to touch the red baby with his hands, and in the next second Shi's long nails cut off his neck.

"I thought it would be a very powerful human being, but it seems to be a waste of my ability. Only this little blood seems not enough... If the god master will not appear until we all die, then the person who took the blood The target is very clear who to go to..."

Killing took away Nan Xing's blood, and then he ruthlessly kicked Nan Xing's head at random, after some calculations, he left quickly.

Not long after, Yun Qishen and the others found Nan Xing's body when they came here.

(End of this chapter)

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