Yun Qishen

Chapter 1499 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1499 The Chapter of Murder (9)

【May I make a paper man for you——】

The mysterious voice made everyone regain consciousness on the red pool, and the huge paper-made hand in front of everyone has disappeared, replaced by a paper-made man based on their appearance.

The lawyer raised his arm, and the paper man in front of him also raised his arm.

"It's this kind of avatar again... Lawman, you seem to have fallen into a dead end in designing the plot." Yun Qishen approached his paper figurine, but his paper figurine was different from other people's. The appearance is the appearance of him before reincarnation.

Ei Qi naturally noticed the difference of Yun Qishen's paper figurines, "What are these paper figurines going to do?"

"Yeah, what are these paper figurines going to do when they suddenly appear and look like us?" Zhu Batian also asked in doubt.

The lawyer continued to move his limbs and watched his paper figurine's funny performance, "Haha, this thing is quite fun."

"Seriously, don't be so funny! I don't think it's very funny!" Yun Qishen is most annoyed by this kind of eerie looking thing, just looking at it makes him feel nervous.

"It's nothing, the original design was to enhance the horror atmosphere. This paper man can't be destroyed unless the person of the main body dies, or the host of the main body will not die when the paper man is destroyed in a specific state." Lawman He moved his finger, and his paper figurine followed suit, "The paper figurine will absorb the essence of the main body, so when the essence of the main body is completely absorbed by the paper figurine..."

"These paper figurines will completely replace us, right?" Yun Qishen continued.

Ritsuto nodded while running his hands through his hair.

"Sometimes I just want to pry your brains open to see what it's like inside—"

Yun Qishen glared at Li Ren, "Why don't you tell me, what should we do next? Are we just wasting time here, just waiting for them to absorb our energy?"

"I'm trying to figure out a way, I swear I've really reformed myself now and want to fix these broken plots! You believe me!" The lawyer scratched his head, "But I'm really serious for a while. I can't think of any good way, there is only one other than what I just said, if I want the paper figurine to disappear."

"Speak up, everyone decides." Yun Qishen chose to trust the lawyer again.

Seeing that Yun Qishen gave him a chance, the lawyer turned from sadness to joy and said, "It is to summon a little girl paper doll by offering sacrifices to paper dolls. Here I call her the God of Zhizha. She is in charge of the paper dolls here. , so after summoning her and playing the flower card game with her, the curse of the paper doll can be eliminated, but once the flower card competition is lost, the paper doll will swallow all the energy and replace the original owner."

"One side is an adventure, and the other side is a gamble. Both sides are not good expedient strategies." Ei Qi looked at Yun Qishen, "Qishen, what is your decision?"

"Summon, let that paper piercing god come out. See if you can kill her, or... the paper piercing god, Li Ren, can the paper piercing man be effective on the soul body?" Yun Qishen put his hand on his chin and thought.

Lawyer folded his arms across his chest, "'s the first time I've heard someone ask. Let me think about it, her paper piercing should be able to affect the soul body."

"Then what are the conditions for these paper piercing people?" Zhu Batian asked curiously, and Hua Fan was also listening carefully.

"Childlike innocence." The lawyer said it simply, but everyone was in disbelief.

"Childlike innocence? But this..." Zhu Batian looked at the paper figurine that looked like himself, "Does it look like a childlike innocence?"

The lawyer waved his hand, and the paper man waved his hand again, "He looks like me but is not me, because he is a paper man, so you ignore him. Childlike innocence does not have to look like a child to be counted. In reality, there is a childlike innocence. Our paper dolls have become the same as us because we still have a childlike innocence. The reason why Yun Qishen’s paper doll is a child and looks like... is because his childlike innocence only stayed at that time .”

Everyone's eyes shifted to Yun Qishen and his paper man again.

Yun Qishen didn't care about this, he just wanted to summon that paper piercing god to remove this scary thing as soon as possible.

The lawyer suggested that everyone join hands and form a circle, and the paper figurines followed their movements and also joined hands and formed a circle.

"Then follow me." The lawyer cleared his throat and began to chant the mantra.

[A flash of spiritual light enters the womb of the gods, the gods of immortals, saints and Buddhas are there, the gods of the sky and the earth are respected, and the spirits of the gods are energized when they enter the womb of the gods.The magic soldiers are as urgent as the law. 】

Everyone also followed the law man and recited the ecstasy mantra.

Soon a small paper figure appeared in the circle they surrounded the city, and soon that figure took shape into a paper girl in a red dress with two sky-high braids.

[Faith is God, sincerity is spirit, what you ask will be answered, and what you should be will be spiritual! 】

That paper-made girl is the paper-made god.

The paper-tied girl has no eyes, she holds a pen and paper in her hands and raises her hands above her head.

【Dotting! 】

Lawyer understood that Yun Qishen and Ei Qi were afraid, and Zhu Batian and Huafan couldn't be in any danger, so he had to go to the Zhizha God first, picked up the pen and drew the eyes on the Zhizha God.

【You are the Creator, I know you! 】

The paper piercing god said so.

[As long as you play cards with me, I will release the paper figurines on you.Do you want to? 】

The lawyer had no choice but to agree.

Zhizhashen tore off a piece of white paper from his body, and in a blink of an eye the white paper became a set of flower cards.

This set of flower cards is not what lawyers can see in reality, and naturally its playing lawyers have no obvious design.

[This is a game between two people, whoever wins I will get my approval, and I will remove the paper figurines on you, otherwise you can play with me forever!whee! 】

The paper tie gods shuffled the flower cards in the air and then floated in the air for lawyers to choose.

The lawyer had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue playing. When he picked up the flower card, the pattern on the shower was revealed.

[The night card you chose, then choose the card you think is the night card from my cards. When our night card completely disappears, you win, otherwise, I win.At the same time, if a pair of flower cards are not synthesized, the scenes in the cards will appear and act on the player who wins the cards. If you can't bear the pain and die, you will naturally become a paper man! 】

The sun appeared on the flower card made of paper tied with gods.

[Come on, the flower card game of the sun and the moon between you and me. 】

The lawyer swallowed his throat, and he randomly chose one of the 21 cards of Zhizhe Shenshen.

【Japanese card: Gale】

He soon regretted drawing this card, and when it was Zhiza Shenming's turn to draw a card, Zhiza Shenming drew another [Japanese card] in one fell swoop.

The scene around them also changed accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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