Yun Qishen

Chapter 1506 Chapter 1506 Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1506 Chapter 16 The Chapter of Murder ([-])

The familiar voice made Hua Fan pay attention. After she looked away from Zhu Batian, she looked at the god Zhizha.

The appearance of Zhi Zha deity was deformed again, and the appearance of Nan Xing appeared in front of Hua Fan.But because Yun Qishen erased her memory, although she is more familiar with Nan Xing's voice now, she is still unfamiliar with that face.

"Hua Fan..." Nan Xing called out the name of Hua Fan again, but at this time, Hua Fan took his hand away from Nan Xing's.

"That...I don't know you, please don't pull me, I'm a little uncomfortable...Are you a god of paper sticks? Then what is the competition between us?" Huan Fan was very flustered, she didn't know How to deal with this man in front of her, her heartbeat is even a little unnatural.

In the distance, Yun Qishen crossed his arms on his chest. He raised his head and squinted to look at Huafan, "Scumbag. If he makes Huafan feel bad again, I will take away his soul and let him experience it. Go through what Huafan has experienced, and then let his soul fly away!"

"The devil is so cruel~ The little Taoist thinks it's not bad." Ye Qi smiled beside him.

Lu Ren raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it... you two world devils? How can you think so? Nan Xing is also controlled by Ripple, isn't he! Although he deserves it!"

"You also said that we didn't think so too. If you knew today, why did you design it like that! Didn't you think that this Nanxing is also eager to live? Yes, he has not awakened his self-awareness, so you will naturally ignore it. His feelings." Yun Qi's deep words were thorny.The law man still kept his dead fish eyes and said with his lips, [Thank you for my TM! 】

Here Nan Xing and Hua Fan sat opposite each other at the card table. Nan Xing was a little overwhelmed with rubbing his hands.

"Have you encountered any difficulties? I see you are frowning...if you can, you don't have to panic...if you can...maybe I can give you an idea...I mean this Isn't it too abrupt?" Hua Fan was kind-hearted, and she felt even more upset when she saw Nan Xing's panic.

"No! Not at all! I was thinking of asking you that, and I hope you can help me answer my questions."

Nan Xing was very happy after hearing Hua Fan's words.

"Well..." Hua Fan nodded lightly, and Nan Xing continued.

"I have a friend who is considered by her clan to be their clan's hero. At first, many women would approach him, but he never cared about them. In fact, their hero was a coward and a coward. He did not It is not the soul soil that left the land bravely, but was frightened and fled.

He keeps working hard!Work harder!Also become more hardworking!

He wants to truly be a hero in everyone's eyes.

Until one day, he met the first woman in his life that he would care about. This woman was younger than her, and he couldn't pull his face down to touch the woman.But he was thankful that he and the woman acted together.

Women like him, he can feel it.This should be a two-way love... But the fault is that the man can't keep his face.

The woman is pregnant with his child, and he is happy.But he couldn't show it, if he gave this woman hope, once he went to perish, he was afraid that the woman would also perish with him because of pain and sorrow.

He ruthlessly made himself indifferent, even knowing that the mysterious woman was a soul body, he still insisted on contact, he was deliberately bewitched, but he still lost to his arrogance after all.The soul body completely sealed off his rational consciousness, which caused him to obey the command of the soul body and do all kinds of irreversible things to women.

It was not until the last moment of his life that he realized how important it was to tell a person that he loved her while he was alive.

He just wanted to talk to women.

【he loves her!I can't help myself! 】

But that woman should never hear it...

When Nan Xing finished speaking, Hua Fan also opened his mouth to comfort, "Please mourn, since your friend has no way to tell that woman, he loves her. You may be able to tell that woman for your friend. I think that woman will understand."

"No..." Nan Xing looked at Hua Fan affectionately, "That woman forgot everything about him, that woman is enjoying the happiness she should have enjoyed. I shouldn't bother her..."

"Forget... that must be a very painful thing." Hua Fan's tears flowed out unconsciously, "It's strange... I'm sorry, I don't know, I don't know why I cry... I just... My heart is just a little sad...I don't know..."

Huan Fan suddenly choked up, "I don't know why my heart is so sad, I really want to cry. Death is a sad thing, and forgetting is a very cruel thing. These are not good things..."

Nan Xing couldn't stop Hua Fan from crying, and Hua Fan covered his face with his hands and sobbed louder and louder.

"Hua Fan, don't cry... don't cry... I'm sorry for you, it's me who failed your love. It's my fault." Nan Xing clenched his fists. He suppressed the impulse in his heart and finally relaxed. He hugged Hua Fan and let him cry in his arms, "Hu Fan... I love you! I love you! I love you!"

"I...I..." Huafan's mind was in a mess, and many bad memories reappeared in her mind.

I don't know when a dagger appeared in Huafan's hand, Huafan gritted his teeth and struck down, "Nanxing...our child is gone...nothing...nothing...I don't love you either... I don't love you anymore..."

Huafan said denial in her mouth, but her tone was so reluctant.

Nan Xing felt that the soul on his back was dissipating. The dagger that Hua Fan used just now did not hurt Zhi Zha's body, but directly hurt Nan Xing's soul.

Nan Xing didn't pay too much attention to his dissipating situation, he still kept telling Hua Fan.

"I love you, I love you..."

Hua Fan cried louder and louder, and after a while, along with Hua Fan's cry and Nan Xing's dying voice, Nan Xing's soul completely dissipated.

Zhizha God let go of Huafan, but Huafan fell on the ground and cried, "Why do you want to do this again! You clearly said that you love me...I..."

Huafan was weak and passed out after crying for a long time.

The god of paper Zha also dismissed the paper figurine of Hua Fan as agreed.Just when everyone was going to help Huafan down, a black whirlwind hit, it destroyed the flower card of the god of paper and also took away the unconscious Huafan.

(End of this chapter)

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