Yun Qishen

Chapter 1505 Chapter 1505 Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1505 Chapter 15: The Chapter of Murder ([-])

Ye Qi was satisfied, he returned from Zhi Zha God with a smile, and Yun Qi Shen started the act of reckoning after the autumn.

When Yun Qishen was fighting with Ye Qi, Zhu Batian also came to the god Zhizha.

Zhi Zha Shen's hand that was shuffling the cards suddenly stopped, and she raised her head to look at Zhu Batian with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

"You have come to the messy savior."

The voice of Zhizha God made Zhu Batian a little familiar. After he took his seat, he carefully observed the appearance of Zhizha God. He found that he did not know the face of Zhizha God, but this god brought Zhu Batian to him. A very familiar feeling.

"We..." Zhu Batian's doubts became even heavier. He couldn't help but ask, "Have we met somewhere? Or did we know each other before?"

Yun Qishen stopped fighting with Ye Qi and looked at Zhu Batian seriously, "Why do you use such an old-fashioned rhetoric?"

"Gu Zaowen... Gu Zaowen..." Lawman reminded.

"So..." Yun Qishen motioned to Lu Ren to look at Zhizha God, "What is their relationship?"

"There's nothing special about it, it's just that all the dead souls on the turbulent continent will be managed by the gods. So it's just an acquaintance Zhu Batian knows here." The lawyer sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm fine with that. Clear design."

Zhu Batian stared at Zhizha God's uncertain opening: "Are you Lumiao?"

Zhizha Shenming nodded and said nothing.

Zhu Batian pursed his lips and didn't know what to say.

"Zhu Batian, I have learned a lot from Zhizha God, and I have also learned a lot about the Savior. My remnant soul is mixed in that sword. Before the remnant soul completely disappears, I can also perceive it. until you care about me."

The voice of Zhizha God has also changed. To Zhu Batian, it was Lu Miao's voice.

"I have seen too many cruel and bloody things around Zhangyou over the years. But I have never forgotten you, and I hope Zhu Batian you can be happier. If it weren't for the collapse of the current plot, I would not I will communicate with you like this."

The appearance of Lu Miao gradually covered the god of paper sticks, and she picked up the flower cards and shuffled them in her hand, "Before the competition, I want to ask you how you feel."

"How do you feel?"

"Zhu Batian, do you still love me now?"

"I... don't know... I'm supposed to love you right? But I..."

Seeing Zhu Batian's embarrassed look, Lu Miao shook her head, "You shouldn't act according to the arranged feelings, you should act according to your heart. She is a good match for you."

"No Lumiao, she and I are not what you think. I just see that Huafan's fate is too tragic. I just don't have any thoughts about her out of sympathy. Please believe me." Zhu Batian was a little flustered, "Although I awakened my self-awareness, of course I took a detour because of it, but I also thought a lot after that. Even if my actions and the plot around me are arranged, but the feelings are real .

He really exists.I can't deny what has happened, so I still have admiration for you, but...sorry Lumiao...I can't explain clearly...I really don't know how to answer. "

The corners of Lu Miao's mouth raised slightly, "Then don't answer, I don't want to see your pain. I am very grateful that you have done so much for me, and you should be free from here and pursue your own happiness. ."

"My happiness... Lumiao."

"Zhu Batian, I'm just a passer-by in your life. Remember me, I'm already content, and I want to see you happy. Because this turbulent continent has brought you too much pain, if one day you can If I get happiness, then my disappearance will be meaningful."

Lu Miao's smile was very gentle and contagious, and Hua Fan couldn't help but feel sour listening to the dialogue between Zhu Batian and Lu Miao.

"No one's disappearance makes sense!"

Hua Fan rushed to Zhu Batian's side, and she looked at Lu Miao and cried into tears, "If you disappear, you disappear, and the rest is meaningless! You can't use your disappearance to bring pain to Zhu Batian."

"Hua Fan..."

Lu Miao looked at Huafan, and her appearance changed for a moment.

Hua Fan also suddenly regarded Lu Miao as someone else.

It feels familiar, but it's someone you don't know...

Lu Miao finally dominated the soul, she raised her hand and patted Huafan's shoulder lightly, "No one is immortal, and the meaning is not what I said... But as long as I disappear, Zhu Batian can Complete relief, that's what it means, isn't it?"

"But, Zhu Batian likes you, he has done so many things for you..." Before Hua Fan finished Lu Miao, he smiled warmly.

"Huan Fan, you are really cute. I think I understand why Zhu Batian wants to protect you. Naturally, I also know what happened to you, and there are people who are eager to talk to you." Lu Miao didn't say much. Mentioned, she smiled, "But now, Miss Huafan, can you please leave first, Zhu Batian and I need to compete, or I'm afraid your paper figurines will absorb too much of your essence."

Hua Fan nodded, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and walked back.

Lu Miao also spread out the flower card in front of Zhu Batian.

"Come on, let's forget about life and death, and play cards well."

Zhu Batian clenched his fists, "Lu Miao, I can go and beg the Creator, he can..."

"No, no, Zhu Batian, please understand my thoughts. The creator, he should not want this kind of life law that goes against common sense." Lu Miao got up and approached Zhu Batian and kissed his forehead, "I think this should be It's our last time."

"Lu Miao..." Zhu Batian moved his hand to his forehead, and he looked at Lu Miao sadly, "I will live well and be happy... I will definitely be happy..."

Zhu Batian and Lu Miao also quickly started their confrontation, which is more like a game than a confrontation.

Both of them forgot their sadness and laughed happily.In the eyes of the lawyers, Zhu Batian's smile was so fake, but he still accompanied Lu Miao to the end of the card game happily.

When Lu Miao's soul dissipated, Zhu Batian's paper figurine also disappeared crying.

The fake smile on Zhu Batian's face disappeared, and Zhizha God returned to her own appearance.

Zhizha Shenming smiled, "Ah la la la, is this a regret? It seems that it will be the most critical person's turn next."

Zhizha God deliberately ran to Huafan's side, and Zhizha God took her hand and ran to the card table.Zhu Batian walked back from the poker table with his head lowered, and while Hua Fan was caring about Zhu Batian, he heard a familiar voice calling her.

"Hua Fan..."

(End of this chapter)

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