Yun Qishen

Chapter 1508 Chapter 1508 Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1508 Chapter 18 The Chapter of Murder ([-])

After half a day of collecting, Yun Qishen suddenly realized something and gave Luren a fist.

"Why did you hit me all of a sudden!" Lawren frowned angrily, he looked at Yun Qishen with his head in his head reproachfully.

Yun Qishen said lightly, "I don't know why, when I'm upset, I hit you with a fist like this, and I feel very comfortable."

"What's the reason for this! I'm not convinced!" Li Ren jumped up and thought to fight back, but Yun Qishen stopped him with one hand.

Ye Qi joined in the fun and stepped forward and clenched his fist, "Is it really as magical as the devil said? The little Taoist wants to try it too~"

"How about you, Ye Qi... I don't want my son to kiss my father anymore, my father is so sad." The lawyer turned around and hugged Ye Qi, and Ye Qi had no choice but to smile.

"Hey boy! Control your snot and saliva! Hey~ Dirty! Dirty!"

Yun Qi couldn't see it deeply, so he pulled Lu Ren and threw it aside.

Zhu Batian looked at the map, which also showed where Hua Fan was, and the surrounding fog slowly dissipated.

Just when everyone thought they could see the things in front of them clearly, a strong light rushed over.

Yun Qishen pushed the Lawyer and Ye Qi away and blocked the strong light with a sword-like barrier, and then he was completely surrounded by the strong light.

"It's deep!"

Ji Qi stepped forward to check it worriedly, but when the strong light dissipated, only Yun Qishen's purple Taoist uniform was left on the ground, and even the crown and jade pendant fell to the ground.

Then the lawyers also rushed over, and they quickly discovered the bulging bag under the clothes.

Li Ren realized something, and his face froze for a moment.

Zhu Batian came over and exclaimed, "How did he become a doll!"

"Babu!" Yun Qishen, who turned into a doll, could only speak the language of a baby in a loud voice.

Ye Qi put on Yun Qishen's Taoist uniform after he was weak and weak.

"Is there any way to change it back?"

Ye Qi picked up Xiaoyun and asked the lawyer.

"It will naturally change back in time. It's quite cute that this kid has become smaller." Lu Ren thought about teasing the child, but when he reached out, he was almost bitten by Yun Qishen's teeth.

"Not cute, not cute at all!" Lawren waved his hand, he pointed at Xiaoyun, and he was deeply responsible, and then he heard the child cry with a wow.

The three big men didn't know how to deal with this at all. Although Ye Qi was holding the child, the child was dancing and tossing, who could stand it here!
"Who has taken care of children!"

Because the lawyer was close, the crying Xiao Yunqishen grabbed his ear, and the ear was pulled and hurt.

Qi Qi was being pulled by his hair, so he could only lower his head, but he didn't raise his head for a long time.

"The only person who has taken care of the child may be Qi Shen..." Qi Qi was not angry because of her hair being pulled, but was very happy.

The lawyer covered his ears, he glanced at Mo Qi, "You are still laughing! How can this kid be so strong, how can he coax him! Coaxing is fine! If he can't, he stunned him with a spell! Oops, Mo Qi , stop laughing! Save your father and me!"

"Ha, I really can't save it now..." Yan Qi squinted and smiled, Xiao Yunqi was tired from crying and slowly let go of her hand, and Lu Ren took the opportunity to escape and quickly stepped aside.

"My ears, don't fall off! Don't fall off!"

The lawyer asked Zhu Batian to look at his ears, and Zhu Batian had to use his ability to treat him first.

"It's just some congestion and nothing else." Zhu Batian's ability thinks that the healing time is a little longer than that of Yun Qishen's healing technique, but it can still come in handy.

Here, Qi Qi patted Xiao Yun's deep back and coaxed the child bluntly.

Xiaoyun Qishen also said the past.

"Don't wake him up!"

The lawyer said word by word.

Ye Qi just laughed and didn't say anything.

Then everyone looked for the place where Hua Fan was.

At the same time, Hua Fan sat quietly beside the gravel and watched the sturdy figure squatting in the corner.

"You...why don't you hurt me? You want to heal me? Do you think I won't hate you souls like this? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have suffered from this...that..."

Although Huafan's injury has been treated, her legs have not fully recovered, so she can only sit in one place and cannot move.

"Don't cry... What should I do to make you stop crying? You... stop crying..."

The sturdy figure shrank into a ball and hid in the dark corner. There was moonlight shining on the side of Huafan, so it was not particularly dark.

Huafan thought that this strong soul was afraid of light, maybe this was the key to her survival.

"How can I not cry, you just killed me, why save me? What are you giving? Are you monsters giving us?"

Huafan couldn't understand, he didn't believe that there would be any good people in the soul.

"I don't want to hurt human beings, just leave when you're well..." The soul said in a voice, "It won't be long, leave when your injury is healed. I won't hurt you, please believe me , I won't hurt you."

Although the voice of the soul sounded frightening, these words did not seem to be said to fool Hua Fan.

Huafan was crying, she could feel the sincerity in those words, but she was unwilling to believe them.

"When I get better, I will definitely kill you! I will definitely smash you to pieces! Your souls are damned! Damn!"

Hua Fan shouted at the soul body, and her voice echoed around it, all of which entered the soul body's ears.

"If... my death can bring you happiness, then come and kill me... Since the existence of our soul body is wrong, then you..."

Before the soul body could finish speaking, Murder appeared not far away and was walking towards it.

Hua Fan closed her mouth nervously, her eyes staring at Murder and even holding her breath.

The strong soul also said at this time, "Don't be afraid, he can't see you... You are safe, he can't see you."

Hua Fan thought to himself that this soul body said so clearly, how could Murder not notice her?
As a result, Murder completely ignored Hua Fan and came to the soul body.

" are sick again, there are no humans here, there are no humans here!"

Ji walked over and gave the spirit body a slap, the spirit body still said, "You are safe, don't be afraid, don't cry... I don't want to hurt you..."

Seeing this soul body like this, the anger in his heart grew even stronger, "Why are you so stupid? People eat animals, we eat people, that's just right! How can you still have sympathy for your own food! You are like this! Worthy of who! Worthy of me! Brother!"

After killing his anger, he picked up the face of the soul body and said softly, "I'm sorry brother, I was wrong. I just want to change my brother back to the past... It's my fault... brother, please don't hate me... …”

(End of this chapter)

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