Yun Qishen

Chapter 1512 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1512 The Chapter of Murder (22)

"Erasing a character is not so easy." The lawyer ignored the whistle of Huafan.

"But you can easily kill my compatriots, my brother and sister, why can't you erase me as a waste?"

E's heart is begging for death, and there is no way for a lawyer.He looked at E in the shadows and sighed, "How much did Shi tell you?"

"He said that in order to fight against the Lord God, you are going to wipe us all out. Now you have wiped out me and all the souls other than Murder." He hugged himself tightly, "and we can feel that he It's all true. I could still feel Ziqing's existence before, but now I can't feel it at all."

"Lingxin Ziqing..." Luren frowned after hearing E's words, and he quickly explained, "I didn't destroy her. So I lied to you."

"He never lied to me."

Er showed a little eagerness, "Are you trying to torture me with such an excuse? I trust him, he won't lie!"

"But he did lie. It was Lingxin Ziqing he took away. Since Lingxin Ziqing disappeared, it was only possible—"

"No! Murder would not do such a thing of killing siblings! Everything he does is for righteousness, for revitalizing the race of the soul!" Er interrupted the explanation of Ritsuren, and he became even more excited. , "I will not accept such an explanation. I believe in killing, and he will never harm his compatriots."

Ye Qi, who was on the side, hugged Yun Qishen and approached him. He looked at Er, "Don't you think it's very contradictory?"

Er and Luren's eyes moved to Ye Qi, Ye Qi lightly patted Xiaoyun's deep back and continued, "You changed because of an opportunity, and Natural Killing also changed because of an opportunity. You changed. Have mercy on human beings who hate their life as a soul.

And he also collapsed your tall image in his heart because you suddenly showed too much weakness.Murder became a kind of hatred for both human beings and the soul body of his fellow countrymen.

It was this hatred that led him to choose to kill Lingxin Ziqing and use your blood to help Duan Yi awaken. "

Ye Qi's words were what Lawren wanted to explain, but he didn't want to say it so directly, because he knew that Er couldn't accept it.

E looked at Mo Qi and shook his head, "Even if killing him has despised my brother, I still firmly believe that he will not kill Lingxin Ziqing."

Lu Ren pursed his lips, he slowly stepped closer to Er, and he shouted, "Please don't come near me, I'm in danger, I'm afraid of hurting you."

"It's okay, you can't hurt us..."

After Ritsuren explained a sentence, he insisted on approaching Eri's body again. Just after Ritsuren took a few steps closer, Er waved his strong and powerful arms in fear and smashed it towards Ritsuren.

"I don't want to hurt you, get away, get away!"

"You won't hurt anyone, and you won't hurt any soul. The only thing you can hurt is yourself. Look carefully, please face yourself."

Ritsu Ren approached and persuaded him, but Er's strength was too strong, he just flicked his arm lightly, and Ritsu Ren was thrown out.

At this time, Hua Fan couldn't help laughing sarcastically from a distance.

"Haha, is this the creator? Even a soul body can't be killed! Why must I be deceived by you! Controlled by you!!!"

If Zhu Batian hadn't stopped Hua Fan, Lu Ren would have been afraid that she would come and strangle him with her still paralyzed body.

"I said, don't come here, don't come close! Why don't you just listen! What's the use of me like this? It's a scourge to keep it! Please kill me! Kill me!"

Everyone knows Er's fate, but Er can't completely die. His heart is suffering, but what makes him more painful is that his body cannot be completely destroyed.

The lawyer understood this. He only told everyone that E was ultimately self-defeating, and he didn't say anything else.

He didn't say how brutally and painfully Eh had gotten to that near-death state.In this way, the main god Chihu was summoned, and it was not until after the death of the main god Chihu that he was freed.

The lawyer knows that the plot he arranged is not very reasonable, and he has no sympathy for these villains who are both good and evil, but now it is different.

He wants to change such a plot, but he can't go too far against the direction of the plot. Just like saving Hua Fan, Er can also be saved.

Ritsuren stood up and patted the dirt on his body, then quickly approached Er again, and was waved out by Er's arm after a few seconds.

"Hey, I'm going! I don't believe it anymore!" Ritsuren rolled up his sleeves and continued to charge forward, this time he was thrown out and smashed against the wall faster than last time.

Ye Qi smiled with concern, "Are you okay?"

"Babu! Giggle!" Xiao Yunqi laughed happily, but in Lu Ren's ears, the laughter was more angry than the electric shaker.

"How can a man say no? I'm a dignified man who fell here because of this? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

That tone was what Ritsuren tried, but he stopped when he got close to Er's attack range.

He stretched out his hand and looked at Er, "Come on, put your hand gently on mine first..."

I thought it was a harmonious persuasion work, but the lawyer was thrown out by an arm, and the scene was very embarrassing for a time.

"Hahaha." Ye Qi couldn't help laughing, and Xiao Yun Qishen in his arms laughed along with him. "

"Smile, laugh! Why laugh! Instead of laughing so happily, you might as well find a way to help!" The lawyer shyly wanted to find a time machine to get in.

Yan Qi put Xiaoyun in his arms deep into Luren's arms, and the kid instantly became disobedient, grabbing and biting at Luren's face.

"Hey, I'm going, you little brat! Come down! Ouch! You go and make a quick decision, then quickly take this little devil off me!"

The lawyer's complaints about Ye Qi were all for fun, and he followed the way of the lawyer just now to approach E.Er's fist was very fast, if it wasn't for Ye Qi's quick dodging, he might have been thrown away by that fist.

The failure of an attack caused a slight surprise in Er's heart, but at the same time he also felt that he might not be very dangerous.

Xie Qi disappeared in front of E in a flash, and when E was looking for him, he had come behind E and kicked him to the ground.

The law man was also stunned, "No way, your kid moves so flickeringly, how come you don't have such a speed when you escape?"

"That lawyer... I feel like I haven't escaped very much~" The lawyer's reply made the lawyer angry.

"Hehehe." Xiaoyun Qishen also laughed at this time, when he pulled Luren's hair, Luren's face was deformed.

It feels so sour!
(End of this chapter)

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