Yun Qishen

Chapter 1519 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1519 The Chapter of Murder (29)

"Murder got blood, and Duan Yi's power may have been awakened by now."

Yun Qishen said, and Lawren also joined in the discussion, "Duan Ji's awakening power is not threatening, we just need to solve the matter before he fully awakens."

"Then what can you do now?" Qi Qi looked at the lawyer and asked with concern.

Yun Qishen quickly put on his hips and said to Ye Qi, "Yeah, seeing that you've been closed off for so long, there should be a way."

"You're the one who shuts yourself up!"

The lawyer scoffed at Yun Qi deeply, then he sighed and leaned on his chin and said seriously, "If I don't go with the plot of death, I have to take the risk to change the plot.

But the set Chi Zhu must wait for the return of his differentiated soul power before he can be resurrected.In the current situation, I promise Erang Su and himself to survive, and at the same time, I must revive Chi. "

"Say the method directly." Yun Qishen didn't want to waste too much time.

Ritsuren endured his anger, "I have to lay the groundwork... OK, method! I plan to use your power to restore the soul and body of Eureka before they completely disappear and die."

"I don't have this ability, and I can't restore anything that has disappeared and died. This is the idea and ability you gave, please don't forget it."

Yun Qishen lowered his eyebrows, he thought that the lawyer would say something that made his eyes bright, but it turned out to be so mediocre and even ridiculous.

"I know... so I only want to use it once. You can use the spell of the book of power now, although I know that using that power will put a great burden on your body, but this time... I beg you to help I."

Seeing Lu Ren's sullen appearance, Yun Qi was deeply upset but did not directly refuse.

Yun Qishen looked at the lawyer and asked, "You go against your own ideas like this, how are you feeling now?"

"I only understand one thing now... If I also pursue the concept of pain in the illusory plot, wouldn't that be more sad?" Ritsuren smiled wryly, "Even if it's just a one-time indulgence, I want to try it. Of course, I didn't try it rashly, I'm pretty sure I can make this change, as long as you're willing to help me."

"I look forward to your change this time. Since you are determined to change, I can't say anything. I'm happy for you if you can do this, but the first and foremost, how to make Ji give up and continue to awaken the power of Duan Yi." Yun Qishen's serious plan "We can't waste time here all the time. According to the original plot, Zhu Batian is the main force in the battle. It is natural for him to defeat Murder. must fight.

Besides, this soul body... He should have his own ideas, but his ultimate goal is the same as ours.

Now Jiu didn't face us directly, he was very smart not to waste time fighting with us, but to seize the time to awaken Duan Ji's power.

We had to take the initiative, and we have not actually encountered the ability of his original form, so we have no actual combat experience.

Then our first battle here is to test the enemy, but everyone still has to face it in a full-scale battle. "

"You're right, our first attack is purposeful. In addition to exploring the ability to kill, we also need to observe the terrain and design a way and route to escape." The lawyer looked in Zhu Batian's direction, "At this time, we We need to use Zhu Batian's ability to escape. We must design a spell to safely exit, and if we can't escape in the illusion of killing, we can forcefully exit back here."

"It's really a good method." Ye Qi responded with a smile, "You want to use Zhu Batian's [broad overall situation] to achieve the shackles of fantasy space, right?"

"That's right." The lawyer nodded, "At the same time, I will also use his [Archive] ability."

Yun Qishen suddenly thought of when he fought against Sangyou before, "I remember that the ability of [Archive] has a lot of drawbacks. It can only be used once a month, and there are also great side effects. And the archive time is very short, If you don't have enough time to test the enemy, I don't think it's ideal."

"We can change our thinking." Ritsuren showed a smug look, "We use Zhu Batian's [broad overall situation] and at the same time use [Save] so that we can move to various places in a limited time.

At the same time, we can use Zhu Batian's [Copy] to let him copy the power of [Archive] to all of us.At the same time, it also gives us the ability to [Copy].

Zhu Batian is limited by the system, and his abilities are naturally limited, but Yun Qishen, you and Qi Qi are different from him, you are not under any control by the plot and the……"

Yun Qi smiled deeply, "So you are waiting here. What you mean is that the power of a bug in Zhu Batian, after duplicating it in me and Ye Qi, we can use the power of the pair indefinitely. ?"

"I really mean this, even if Zhu Batian doesn't pass on his power to you, some of his skills are similar to those of Ye Qi, but you can't fully understand the mechanism because of some hidden limitations of the plot. So after using [Copy] to get the exact method, you are invincible!"

The lawyer considers himself a genius.

Yun Qishen felt that Luren was really a clever little ghost, but in fact it was not very useful.

Ye Qi thinks that it is not bad that lawyers can come up with so many things in a short period of time and arrange them all at once.

"We can't limit ourselves to just talking on paper, everything has to wait until after ten o'clock before making further plans." Yun Qi rolled his eyes, "I can use the power of voyeurism to connect our thoughts, so that if necessary We can get in touch as soon as possible. Naturally, there will be drawbacks, and I am afraid that when we each fall into the illusion of murder, the impact will increase."

"But we have to take this risk now." The lawyer clenched his fists and looked at Yun Qishen, "Link, I can do it."

"Where's Zhu Batian? What do you think?" Yun Qi looked at Zhu Batian deeply, and Zhu Batian nodded and agreed to connect his thoughts.

Soon Zhu Batian also expressed his concerns, "Since we all have to focus on all-out battles, what should Huafan do? Wouldn't it be dangerous to let her lie here all the time?"

Ye Qi smiled and replied to Zhu Batian, "In the next battle, this is the safest place~"

"Why are you so sure?"

Zhu Batian looked at Mo Qi suspiciously, and he was still a little worried.

After Yun Qishen and Luren saw Ye Qi's extremely bright smiling face, they both felt that there was definitely some big trick hidden in it.

"If you're really worried..." Ye Qi approached Zhu Batian and Hua Fan, he squatted down and wrapped a cloud of black energy around Hua Fan's hand, "If her life is in danger, she will be brought back to her by this group of spells. By your side. Does that make you feel at ease?"

(End of this chapter)

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