Yun Qishen

Chapter 1520 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1520 The Chapter of Murder (30)

After discussion, Lawyer and Er acted together, and Zhu Batian, Yunqishen and Ye Qi chose to act separately.

Because things changed, Er had to convey this matter to Ji through the thoughts of his soul body, and Ji naturally also took measures to deal with it.

Murder also had to choose to fight against Yun Qishen and the others to delay the final time. Since the time was being forced to shorten, it was imperative to bring the savior over as soon as possible.

【Brother Er, is it true that you say that the Savior is by your side? 】

While listening to the words of Murder, Er looked at Ritsuto who was much smaller than himself.This little body just proposed to act on his own, did he do it on purpose or did he really not understand?
〖Yes, he is by my side. 〗

[Then, Brother Er, bring him here! 】

〖Okay, we'll be there in a minute... Murder, remember what you promised me, don't risk your life for others. 〗

[Brother Er, let's meet again. 】

After the sound of killing disappeared, Ritsuren also turned to look at Er.

"Let's go too, give me your hand and we'll pass it on."

Ritsuren stretched out his hand towards E, and his other hand also opened towards a green ball of light.

Seeing this, Er didn't hesitate. He raised a finger and touched the palm of Ritsuren's hand. The next second, the green light exploded, and Riley and Er came to the vicinity of the murdered palace.

"I think you've seen my intentions, right?" After letting go of Er's fingers, Lu Ren walked straight towards the palace gate.

Er didn't speak, but the lawman nodded his head.

"You don't ask me, why should I take this risk?"

When the lawman came to the gate of the palace, he stopped moving forward, and Er also followed him to the gate of the palace.

There was a stench around the murdered palace, and the stench was naturally mixed with the smell of soul or human blood.

Around the palace are naturally large and small corpses, some of them still have complete bodies, their faces are ashen and their hideous faces are exposed and buried, paving the way under their feet.

To say that this is only the case around the palace, it may be a strange hobby of murder, but this is not the case. These corpses are stuffed around the palace where they were murdered.It can also be directly regarded as the ground of carrion. No one has ever seen such a ground, but this kind of ground does exist.

Just now, Lu Ren stepped on such a ground to come to the gate of the palace. Only he could understand the feeling when he stepped on those soft corpses.

The disgusting description can no longer fully express the mood.

"You want to face them yourself...I'm right."

Ershun said it out of his mind, but Ritsuren shook his head.

"To be honest, I don't want to come and face this in person, I prefer to hide behind my back and manipulate it. Like I used to be able to change anyone's memory, future, even life and death with just a touch of a finger. But now...

I can't say it's a last resort, nor can I say it's to atone for the characters.I am making a change...

I'm also afraid... I'm also afraid of change, but if people change, they will never be able to grow, and they will never be able to escape the cage.

I don't want to be an imprisoned bird, I want to fly, even if it's not under the blue sky and white clouds, even if there is only such a change...

I can save myself by myself. "

After Ritsuren finished speaking, he pushed open the gate of the palace, and then the magic of slaughtering illusions was entangled in Ritsuren's side.

Including Er, they were all overwhelmed by the black smoke.

When Ritsuren regained consciousness and opened his eyes, what he saw was not an illusion, but Duan Ji's gleaming face.

"The son of God enjoys it slowly, and the minister withdrew."

Ritsuren watched Ji disappear into the darkness, and the next second he was pulled by Duan Ji and pressed against the table.

"That's you! What do you need? Tea? Meat? Or drink these nasty soups like me?"

Duan Yi was displayed in front of the lawyer in a crazy state, and the lawyer could see at a glance that the current Duan Wei had forgotten about him, and there was no sign of awakening his self-awareness.

Ritsuren didn't know whether to be happy or to sigh. He was disgusted when he looked at the pitch-black potions that were being slaughtered around him.Unexpectedly, Duan Yi picked up a bowl and handed it to Luren.

"Come, drink it."

Duan Yi smiled brightly, and his youthful appearance made Lawyer fearful.Duan Yi's eyes were not angry, and he handed over the medicine to let Lu Ren drink it.

If the lawyer doesn't accept it, he may be forced to drink this soup.

As long as Ritsuren suppressed the disgust in his heart, he took the bowl of pitch-black soup medicine, and then he drank the bowl of soup medicine without hesitation.

The subconscious aftertaste made Ritsuren cough suddenly. The soup was bitter, and had a sticky and rusty taste. It felt like drinking it.The medicine seemed to be stuck in the throat, neither up nor down.

"I still have a lot here, you have another bowl."

Just after drinking a bowl, Duan Yi hurriedly handed it over.

After being stunned for a moment, the lawyer took it and drank it.

Just like this bowl after bowl, after the fifth bowl of soup and medicine, the lawyer spit out the soup and medicine that he just drank.

In the next instant, Duan Ji grabbed his neckline.

Before the lawyer could react, Duan Yu bit his throat.

It felt like being bitten by a beast's throat.

In the blink of an eye, Ritsu returned to the side of the case and looked at the medicine in front of him.

"Just now……"

Li Ren looked up at Duan Ji's smiling face, and touched his throat subconsciously.

Could it be a hallucination?
Or because of the soup?
Or have I really died once?

There are too many questions in my heart, which makes the lawyer distressed.

But at this time, Yun Qishen's voice appeared in his mind.

[There is a high possibility that you have already died once. 】

[Because I could feel the pain of your death just now. 】

Hearing Yun Qishen's words, Ritsuren rejected the medicine that Duan Ji handed over this time.

"Don't you drink..."

Duan Ji slammed the soup bowl to one side, and then he used his force to shake all the surrounding soups apart.

"It doesn't matter if you don't drink these, how about we play chess together?"

Duan Yi waved his hand, and a game of chess appeared on the table.After Duan Ji chose black, he smiled and looked at Lu Ren, "Red first and then black, please."

Chess is also compulsory... Could it be that if I fail, I will be bitten in the throat again?
When Ritsuren thought so, he pushed out a pawn, and Duan Yi also took a step from the opposite side.After a game of chess, only Shuai Xiangmao was left on the side of Ritsuren.On the other hand, Duan Yu's chess pieces are very complete.

"Three unimportant chess pieces, if you don't want them, just say it." Duan Yi's pride and discipline can be clearly seen.

"Don't be too complacent. I have a few of them enough to defeat you!" said the lawyer.

(End of this chapter)

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