Yun Qishen

Chapter 1558 Preparations

"Half a month later, there will be a small self-organized concert. My friend got a few somatosensory machines and thought about inputting the program into a concert." Ji Xinke put one hand on his hip and slid it with the other. The screen of the mobile phone, "Look at this, are you interested? If you are interested, I will call you out when the time comes."

The lawyer took Ji Xinke's phone and looked at it, "Of course if you are interested! I really want to go!"

"But the regulations there require cosplay, you have a cos suit, right?"

Ji Xinke's words suddenly embarrassed the lawyer.

The lawyer scratched his head, "Well, I don't seem to have any cos clothes, but some ethnic clothes."

"Otherwise, after dinner, you can go to me and let me know your location. You can wait at my door and I will find some clothes for you. I don't think you are as strong as Ting Yuge and the others. You can accept women's clothes. ?"

Ji Xin could speak directly, but the lawyer had to agree.

"As long as it's not clothes with very little material, it's fine, haha."

Rong Mi also came out of the room while Ritsuren was smiling.

The shy blush on Rong Mi's face had not completely disappeared, but she was surprised to see that the lawyer and Ji Xin were very happy.

"Lawyer? What are you talking about? It's such a fun chat."

As soon as Rong Mi got close, Ji Xinke changed back to the gloomy girl who didn't like to talk.

"After all, it was Xinke who gave me the Band-Aid. I just wanted to express my gratitude to her. It's just that she was too shy and didn't talk much. Haha."

After a series of complaints from Ji Xinke just now, the lawyer also came to a conclusion that Ji Xin didn't want to reveal her true self in front of Zhang Ting and He Rongmi.

"Xinke is afraid of life. You didn't scare her, did you?"

Rong Mi said to the lawyer, and Ji Xinke shook her head beside her.Then she hurried back to the house to continue eating.

"Ah, Ting and brother are often troubled by her character. Ji's family has also hired many doctors, but they can't find out the reason." Rong Mi sighed as she watched Ji Xinke leave.

Lawren thought to himself, that is not of course, people can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and can't cure a person who pretends to be sick.This is the consequence of not understanding it. It seems that Ji Xinke is under a lot of pressure at home...

"By the way, the lawyer, I came out to talk to you."

"Huh? Say what?"

"Thank you."

"Ah, thank you for what?"

"Of course it's about me and Ting and brother. Now we have both made it clear. It's just that the engagement between the two parties cannot be terminated."

Rong Mi's words gave Liren hope and soon gave him despair.

"Thanks for this, it's useless..." Lawren couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Then Rong Mi said firmly, "But I agree with your idea of ​​breaking the engagement. Let's discuss it with my family. I want to live abroad for a few years to relax."

The lawyer blinked, he grabbed his face with his hand, it hurt a little, he should not be dreaming.

"Really? Are you really going to break the engagement?"


"You didn't tease me?"



The lawyer raised his hands and cheered, startling Rong Mi and also the service staff who passed by the two of them in the restaurant.

The next meal was very pleasant, and the lawyer didn't know how he got the clothes from Ji Xinke's house, nor when he returned to the apartment.

As a result, when he came back, Yun Qishen and Ye Qi were not there, only Hei Ying and Mo Langqin, who was still soundly asleep.

"Wow! This is so good! Cos clothing? How come there are women's clothing! Lawman, you..."

Before Hei Ying could finish speaking, the lawyer blocked his mouth with one hand, "Don't yell, it's just cos clothes, what women's clothes are women's clothes! This is the professionalism of cos!"

"...Just make an excuse! Where did you get the money to buy these? It looks expensive..."

Black Shadow pushed Ritsuren's hand away in disgust, and then he moved his gaze to the clothes in Ritsuren's arms.

"I borrowed it from a friend, and there is an event in half a month."

The lawyer had to explain to Sombra, after all Sombra is a tech house.

"I'm going too, take me! I'm going to see too!"

The shadow pulls the lawman and shakes it to request.

"Don't shake me! Go, go! Take you there!" Lawren picked out a black COS suit from his arms, "We are about the same size, you should wear black."

Hei Ying was very happy after taking over the cos suit, so the law man dragged his tired body back to his room and put down his clothes.

When he came out after washing up and saw the shadow again, he couldn't help asking, "Yun Qishen, haven't they come back?"

"No." The shadow pointed to Mo Langqin, who was sleeping on the sofa, and the sleeping cat beside him, "I've been working hard for the man and the cat for a day, and I haven't seen their shadow since you left in the morning. I haven't seen it since."

"Leave them alone, Fangzheng and the two of them don't have to worry now. How is Mo Langqin?" The lawyer looked at Mo Langqin across the sofa, "Why do I see his expression in such pain?"

"It's probably a nightmare. I took his temperature for a while today, and he has a low fever. In the evening, he was still talking in his sleep, so naturally I don't understand Liu." Hei Ying took the opportunity to give Mo Langqin He put an ice pack on his forehead, "I'm still waiting for my cousin to come back."

The lawyer touched Mo Langqin's neck, "I'm going, it's really hot! Can I fry a poached egg?"

"..." Sombra didn't want to take care of the lawman and continue to work on his business.

At the same time, on Yun Qishen's side, they encountered some trouble.

Just when Zuo Hao and the others invited Yun Qishen and Ye Qi to dinner, they were accidentally involved in a fight, and another was accidentally involved in the police station for education.

When it was found that Zuo Hao and the others had nothing to do with the fight, they were released, but it was too late.

"Sorry, you two, I was thinking of inviting you to eat and drink well today, but this happened. I hope we can meet again later, and then we will meet again!"

Zuo Hao waved at Yun Qishen and the others and left with the third child.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to walk back to Luren's apartment with Ye Qi.

When they came back, Lu Ren was already tired and fell asleep on the bed, and the shadow was still holding on.

"Finally... cousin, you're back... I'm dizzy..." Sombra couldn't hold back and fell asleep beside the computer.

Yun Qishen was wondering what the dark shadow was doing for so long, and his attention was attracted by Mo Langqin's voice talking in his sleep.

"He's very hot." Ji Qi said while holding Mo Langqin's wrist.

Yun Qishen also hurried over to help with the treatment, but the healing technique did not cure Mo Langqin.

"It's weird... He doesn't look like an ordinary fever. It's more like someone used a spell to make him look like this!"

Yun Qishen probed Mo Langqin's pulse again, and he said with certainty: "I can be sure that it is magic! There are people in this space other than us!"

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