Yun Qishen

Chapter 1560 Preparations

Early in the morning, Lu Ren came out of the room yawning. When he left the room, he saw Yun Qishen and Mo Langqin talking at first sight. Then he grabbed his greasy hair and leaned over.

"You guys are quite energetic in the early morning. Yawn~ Mo Langqin looks like you are much better. Yesterday, you had a high fever and kept babbling in your dreams. Now you can even step on my sofa with shoes on."

Only then did Mo Langqin pay attention to his feet. He quickly jumped off the sofa and swept the soil on the sofa with his hands.

Only then did Lu Ren's eyes move to Yun Qishen, "Last night, what were you doing with Ye Qi? I didn't even see you two when I came back, seeing that you are tired of the dark shadow and are still snoring over there to sleep. Woolen cloth."

Yun Qishen opened the storage space and put the acupuncture box in. He also explained, "I got involved in something, and I was invited in to drink a few cups of coffee last night."

"Please come in? The bureau! What happened?"

Lawrence's eyes widened in gossip.

Yun Qishen sighed softly, "There's nothing special, your family invited me and Ye Qi to have dinner, but there were a few people in the middle of the trouble, and there was someone on your side with a strange face and someone opposite. When the fight started, Qi Qi and I were involved and we were taught a lot by people."

"I remember you and Qi Qi. You two have ID cards. If I remember correctly, the age above should be eighteen. Come and call me eldest brother!"

Luren said jokingly, Yun Qishen thought about picking up the water glass on the side and throwing it at Luren's head.

Seeing Yun Qishen neither smiling nor frowning angry, Lu Ren was afraid.If he provokes Yun Qishen again, he will be injured, so it is better to restrain himself.

Li Ren smiled and turned to go to the bathroom to wash up. He was brushing his teeth when Yun Qishen leaned against the bathroom door.

"You, what are you doing! If you want to beat me, you have to wait until I finish brushing my teeth!" The lawyer hurriedly brushed his teeth, and then he started to rinse his mouth with a sip of water.

Here Yun Qishen also said, "I detected a strange spell in Mo Langqin's body. I am sure that there are people other than us in this world. Do you have any clues here?"

Ritsuren spit out the water in his mouth and turned his head to look at Yun Qishen in surprise, "Anyone other than you? And magic?! How is it possible, you should be the only ones here, those who were brought back by you? Everyone has also sent Xuan Ruo. There can't be anyone else here."

"But the magic power in Mo Langqin's body is real, and it is very powerful. We must find that person to fully unlock the effect of the magic.

My ability can only suppress the power, but it cannot completely remove it. "Yun Qishen put one hand on his hips and the other on the door frame of the bathroom. "The good for us outweighs the harm."Perhaps it is also possible to study the method of that guy's appearance in order to restore Gu Ao as soon as possible. "

"Then do you have a clear direction to look for? The world here is so big, that person may have only met Mo Langqin once, or he may not have met at all but a spell conveyed by someone else's hand." The lawyer felt rashly searching Not ideal.

Yun Qishen frowned, "Why do you think so? He is clearly telling us that he is asking us to find him. Mana is the best medium of communication. So it will not be difficult for us to find him."

The lawyer couldn't understand, "Why did that guy ask you to find him? Could it be that Mo Langqin has a fever because..."

"The reason for Mo Langqin's fever is indeed most of the spells. If he wants to find us, he may be as curious about us as we are about him." Yun Qishen thought so.

"I'm afraid that the other party is Jiang Taigong fishing, and the wisher will take the bait." The lawman took the water and washed his face, "You don't know whether the other party is good or bad, so you should be careful before taking action. In case his spell is also What about the one that was taken from someone else's hand? So he's digging a hole and waiting for you to jump."

"Why do you need to say that? I have more eyes than you. This kind of thing, don't make a rash assertion without seeing it with your own eyes.

In this way, Mo Langqin and I go to find that person first, and you and Qi Qi go to the fighting gym to practice first. "

As soon as Yun Qishen finished speaking, Liren almost choked on his own face wash.

"No, I'm going to go over and be beaten today." The lawyer pointed to himself, "Just forgive me, I can finally rest. If you beat me even more, my face is bruised, and my mother doesn't even know me. I am."

"I think you're quite free. Go ahead. There are only benefits and no downsides to exercising."

When Yun Qishen spoke, the law man had no choice but to nod his head.

He couldn't be provoked, and he couldn't beat him, so he could only lower his head and let him arrange.

Suddenly, Lu Ren realized that Qi Qi was not there, and he even asked curiously.

"Xiqi went out to buy groceries. After dinner, you two can go. With Xieqi watching you, you won't be lazy if you think about it." Yun Qishen patted Luren on the shoulder and left the bathroom.

After a long sigh, the lawyer washed his hair.

Here, Qi Qi also carried the dishes and entered the door.

After breakfast, they also divided into two groups and started to move. After Sombra woke up, he saw a thoughtful note from Lawyer, reminding him of the prepared breakfast, and by the way, he washed the dishes.

Yun Qishen and Mo Langqin came to the market where the mysterious man bought golden unicorn scales.

Mo Langqin also pointed to his booth that day and said, "The young master was sitting here at that time, and the customer came to trade shortly after the young master opened."

"Think about what that person looks like." Yun Qishen began to look around, trying his best to remember what someone looked like.

"Master only remembers that the guest was dressed in black and always wore a hood, and his voice was also magnetic."

Mo Langqin was talking here, and Yun Qishen quickly locked on more than a dozen people with hoods, "Does he have any other features, such as tattoo glasses or something?"

Mo Langqin shook his head, "Master remembers so much. He seems to have a strange walking posture, and there may be some problems with his legs. In other places, Master looks normal."

"Walking posture..."

Yun Qishen immediately locked on a man with a hood. That man had problems with his legs and feet, and he was walking erratically.

"Shit! Keep up! Found it!"

Yun Qishen ran in the direction of the mysterious man, and Mo Langqin quickly followed.

They chased the mysterious man to an empty alley inside the antique market.

The mysterious man stopped escaping, and he turned his head sharply to attack Yun Qishen and the others.

I saw the mana condensed in the hands of the mysterious man and attacked towards Yun Qishen's face.The yellowish white light also pierced into Yun Qishen's eyes.

Just when the other party felt that he was about to succeed, Yun Qishen raised his hand and grabbed the mysterious man's wrist with a slight twist, breaking his spiritual vein, and the mana light ball also disappeared.

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