Yun Qishen

Chapter 1561 Another World Warlock

The mysterious man's broken arm emitted a faint blue light, and the next second his hands were restored to their original state.

The ball of light was born again in the hands of the mysterious man. This time, Yun Qishen did not dodge away but endured the magic power of the ball of light.The power of the light ball burned the arm that Yun Qishen used to block, and he could vaguely smell the smell of burnt flesh.

In order to save his life, Mo Langqin found a place to hide early.

"This lame guy didn't expect to be so strong..." Mo Langqin frowned and looked at Yun Qishen worriedly, "I don't know if you can handle it, but if you really can't, just give Ye Qi a call... "

Here Yun Qishen dodged the mysterious man's second attack and took a few steps back to heal the burn on his arm with a healing spell.

The mysterious man stood there as if he was drawing a formation in the air, and then Yun Qishen saw him draw a sword out of thin air and attack him.

Yun Qishen also conjured up a black gold sword to compete with him, and the piercing sound of sparks rubbed between the swords stimulated both sides to speed up their sword swings.

Looking at Mo Langqin, only two flashes kept flashing in the alley, and the appearance of Yun Qishen and the mysterious man could no longer be seen clearly.

After that, he could only see the only afterimage of the two of them. In fact, Mo Langqin couldn't capture the actions of the two.It wasn't until Yun Qishen was injured and exited the attack that the speed of the attack was pulled back to its original state.

A bloodstain was drawn on Yun Qishen's cheek, but soon a layer of blue smoke appeared on it, and the bloodstain disappeared.

The mysterious man's attack did not stop. He swept the surrounding grass like a gust of wind, and the next second he jumped up again and slashed towards Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen dodged and jumped away, he moved behind the mysterious man, grabbed the back of the mysterious man's neck with one hand, turned and quickly threw it out.

At the moment when the mysterious man landed, the environment at the entrance of the alley changed dramatically. Light balls of different sizes appeared where the mysterious man had just stood. These light balls were connected together like a constellation. A huge black-blue vortex appeared on the deep head of the cloud.

Yun Qishen was also curious about what kind of spell this was while pressing the mysterious man under his feet, and he also thought about how to face it.

However, Yun Qishen thought a little slower about the unknown spell. A beam of light spit out from the center of the black-blue vortex and pierced Yun Qishen's back.

Although there was no blood, Yun Qishen felt that the beams completely sealed his spells.

"This can't be done! It seems that someone must be called! At this time, the young master should not blame the young master."

When Mo Langqin was about to call Ye Qi, he suddenly felt heart and lung pain and his whole body became hot.He grabbed his heart in pain for a moment but pressed the call button.

"Come on... come on..."

Mo Langqin felt that his heart was hurting more and more, and his strength to speak was much weaker. It was not easy for him to wait until the call was connected before he could barely speak.

Ye Qi, who was on the opposite side of the call, quickly put down the exercise equipment at hand, picked up his clothes, and left the fighting gym.

At the moment, the lawyer is still on the second floor trying to be beaten to practice fighting.

Ye Qi searched for the signal from Mo Langqin's mobile phone and opened the body-piercing vortex and rushed over when no one was there.

As soon as he came to the alley behind the antique market, he saw Yun Qishen being fixed in front of him by beams of light, and at the next glance he noticed Mo Langqin who was unconscious.


Ji Qi frowned, he rushed towards Yun Qishen without hesitation, and at the same time he separated the black energy in his body and turned it into black threads to bind Yun Qishen and the mysterious person under his feet together.

Just when Ye Qi was about to touch the beam, Yun Qi Shen stopped him.

"Don't touch it. In addition to suppressing mana, this thing has the ability to absorb it. You should be able to destroy these things by removing the surrounding formations first."

Even if Yun Qishen lost his mana, he stepped on the mysterious man's head with his feet and pressed him to the ground.

"it is good."

Ye Qi hurriedly used his magic power to eliminate the surrounding light balls, and the light beams on Yun Qi's deep back also disappeared and turned into dust and mustard.

"Naiqi, you seal him up with Jinhua's egg, I want to go over and check on Mo Langqin's situation."

Yun Qishen just noticed that Mo Langqin's situation is not very good, he wants to go over to see the situation before his mana has completely disappeared.

Just when Ye Qi was about to seal the mysterious man, the mysterious man under Yun Qishen's feet turned into smoke and dispersed.

"Damn it!"

Yun Qi deeply clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He didn't have much time to waste in this anger, so he hurriedly came to Mo Langqin's side to check his condition.

"Irregular heart rate... No, those magic powers are blocking his heart, so I can't cure it at all." Yun Qishen forced himself to calm down, "Since the magic is not good, it seems that he can only be sent to the hospital."

"I called a car." Qi Qi also called an ambulance.

At noon, the lawyer also rushed to the hospital to help pay for the medical bills.

"How's it going?"

Although the lawyer was distressed about money, he was more concerned about Mo Langqin's situation at this time.

"The doctor is still saving... Damn."

Yun Qi's deep brows are almost connected, he must be in a bad mood, don't mess with him.

Ye Qi also answered Lawren for Yun Qishen.

"Now that the situation is under control, the mystic warlock seems to be blocking some important positions such as his heart with magic power, which also makes it impossible for him to directly treat." Mo Qi paused and continued, "The magic of the mysterious warlock can Suppressing other people's mana, but also absorbing mana, is a difficult type to deal with.

Just now I listened to Qishen's description, that guy also seems to have the power to heal wounds, but Qishen said that it is very similar to healing, but he is definitely not a healing spell. "

The lawyer also lowered his eyebrows and thought, "What is the purpose of this mystic? The message he conveyed before was to ask you to find him, but if you find it, it will be a fight. Could it be that I am right? He is a person who is hunting for spells. Just waiting for the wisher to take the bait?"

"It shouldn't be that simple." Yun Qishen sat on the waiting chair, and he raised his head to look at Lu Ren, "His ability now seems to be stronger than mine and Qi Qi's. He can harvest both of us when he and Qi Qi take it lightly."

"Then what does he mean? Use Mo Langqin's life as a threat?" The lawyer didn't understand it, and he couldn't think of the purpose of this mystic.

Ye Qi suddenly understood a little at this time, "The lawyer said it well, is there such a possibility? Is he testing our ability to help him? After he agreed with us, he came by the name of Mo Langqin. Threatening us so that we have to take care of his business?"

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