Yun Qishen

Chapter 1592 Qinglong Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 1592 Qinglong Chamber of Commerce (2)

After Yun Qishen put the photo in his pocket, he looked back at the Xuanwu thug.

He frowned suspiciously, "Why? Why did he put a picture of Fu Shou in his pocket? This picture is still from when Fu Shou was young... A man from Xuanwu took a picture of the chairman of the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce when he was young... Why? What doesn't feel right. There's definitely something wrong with this person, it's not the way to leave him here, but it's too easy to expose yourself if you act with him."

Yun Qishen took out the handcuffs and tape from his pocket. He handcuffed the hands of the Xuanwu thug, and then he took the tape to seal the thug's mouth.

"Find a place to hide him first... It's too close to the White Tiger headquarters, so it's easy to be discovered... Just pull it back into the woods."

Yun Qishen had no choice but to pull the Xuanwu thug toward the direction he came from.

After the thug was settled, Yun Qishen rushed to the Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce with confidence.

At the same time, on the side of the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, Donghai and Xiao Feng have quietly sneaked into the hospital on Suzaku's side.

"I heard that Suzaku's leader Lu Lu was also injured. It seems that someone shot him through the neck when he went to Xuanwu to save people."

Donghai whispered and gestured behind his neck, Xiao Feng looked at him and then looked over to the ward.

"They are heavily guarded, and we definitely won't be able to get close to President Suzaku like this. They check the people around them very closely, even doctors and nurses, they will only let them go after checking." Donghai looked around, "And The guy we're dealing with doesn't seem to be on duty today, so I'll send him a message."

Without saying a word, Xiao Feng watched Dong Hai press the button of his phone.Then he saw a square-faced man walking towards President Suzaku's ward.

It looks like it should be a hall master...

Xiao Feng thought so, and at the same time he heard some people gossip behind their backs.

"What do you mean by the president's old man? This is because Brother Lu was injured, so he gave such an important matter to that wasteful lawyer?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. We're standing at the door. If Hall Master Duan hears you, you and I will be beaten."

"My voice is low enough, and I'm just not convinced. You can't choose anyone, you have to choose that trash. Anyway, I can't accept him as a kingmaker."

"Okay, don't talk about him, there is also our unsatisfactory young master! You talk about him, hey, these two are really young. At this point, they were even arranged to go fishing! Oh, it turns out that the president The job is so easy.”

"That is, Suzaku is alive and dead, and they even go fishing!"

Suzaku's thugs have a lot of broken mouths, Xiao Feng can't help if he doesn't want to listen.

After a while, Donghai raised his hand and patted Xiao Feng on the shoulder, "He returned to me and said he would come later. Let's wait first."

"how long have to wait?"

"Well...he didn't say it. Wait and see, we're fine anyway."

Donghae leaned against the chair in the waiting area and stretched, and they made a special call to wait in order to pretend to be like.

[Please ask Mr. Donghai, patient No. 1088, Area C, to come to Clinic 5 for treatment! 】

"I'll go first, you wait!"

Although Donghai was talking to Xiao Feng on the surface, he was actually observing the layout of President Suzaku's ward.

Watching Donghai leave, Xiao Feng also lowered his head and played with his phone.

In the ward of President Suzaku Yao Ye, the old man was happily eating an apple and watching TV.

"I said President, it's okay for you, just go back and take over..."

"Cough, cough, old duan, even the president has a time to retire. I have long wanted to live in old age, I am almost sixty, the child was born late, and now is the time to be naughty and rebellious. This will also allow him to take more care and pay more attention to the big family of Suzaku."

Yao also handed an apple to Hall Master Duan, "Old Duan, take a bite too, this apple is very sweet. You might as well find an heir, and then accompany me to go abroad for a few days, I am really impressed. Enough of the Sishen Chamber of Commerce. It's time for the old people to leave, and now it should be handed over to these children."

"What you said, President."

Hall Master Duan had no choice but to take the apple and eat it, "This apple is really sweet, who brought it?"

"What is the name of Xiao Jin's sidekick, Jie..."

"The apple from Aojie?" Hall Master Duan frowned, stopped chewing and spit into the trash can. He even picked up the trash can to signal Yao to throw the apple too.

Yao also sighed and had to throw the apple in his hand into the trash can. He turned slightly sideways and took out a tablet from the drawer by the bedside and ate it in his stomach.

"Old Duan, you are always so neurotic."

"It's better than your nerves. Do you know that although you gave the rights to those two children, you are still the backbone of Suzaku. Do you know how many people out there want your life!" Angrily, he put down the trash can and took out a tablet of pills from his pocket and ate it in his mouth.

"You still don't trust that kid named Aojie?" Yao also wiped his mouth and turned off the TV.

Duan Tang nodded with a sullen face, "If it wasn't for Aojie, Lu Lu would not have been hurt. I heard that this time the lawyer went to Xuanwu to steal information was also Ao Jie's idea. From my point of view, he was just trying to be nice to Suzaku. Reason wants to dismantle us from within."

"Old Duan, don't make people think so badly. People may also have their own difficulties, don't take it seriously, just play."

Yao also lay back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Hall Master Duan, who was beside him, folded his arms in a serious manner, "Don't use your tricks to convince me, it's not good for those I don't like."

"The times are developing, don't always look at them with our old-fashioned eyes. Oh, forget it, you can leave, I don't need you to watch when I sleep, go out."

Yao also waved and expelled Hall Master Duan, and Hall Master Duan left the ward after bowing.

Suzaku's thugs looked serious when they saw Hall Master Duan come out.

But when Hall Master Duan was about to leave the hospital, someone suddenly shouted.

"It's not good! It's not good! Brother Lu, he can't hold it anymore! Doctor! The doctor is coming soon!"

The sudden bad news made the Suzaku people present panic, and some of them even rushed into Lulu's ward to check the situation.

"Brother Lu! Brother Lu!"

"Brother Lu, hold on! Brother Lu!"

"Doctor! Doctor!"

The Suzaku thugs in the hospital were in a mess, and the noise was also chaotic.

Donghai just came out at this time, and Xiao Feng also signaled him to take advantage of the chaos.

Donghai shook his head, "Wait and watch, you also see that there is no movement from President Suzaku, someone is guarding or will guard. Otherwise, let's temporarily change the target and clean up the leader of President Suzaku?"

"This might be a good idea." Xiao Feng smiled slightly, staring in the direction of Lu Lu's ward.

(End of this chapter)

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