Yun Qishen

Chapter 1612 Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce

"What about the trouble?"

Lawyer saw that the number of people supporting Yao Shun suddenly decreased by one person, and he immediately understood what was going on.

This guy, if he doesn't support himself, he's included!

Yao Shun saw Lu Ren pat him on the shoulder with a gloomy expression.

"You are chosen by the president himself. This has nothing to do with your identity. It's just because the president thinks you can do it, not because you are his child. Do you know that?"

Yao Shun didn't speak, but the lawyer continued.

"Yao Shun, Suzaku has no leader now, if you don't even have confidence in yourself, can Suzaku survive?"

The lawyer said and took Yao Shun's hand, "People don't want to live a life of homelessness, and they don't want to be enslaved and squeezed. Are you willing to be like that for the people of Suzaku?

Let me tell you seriously, you have the potential to learn, and the statistics you did before are good, and Hall Master Jin even praised you, right?
You see, since learning can get praise from others, why do you still worry about others?You learn yours, and others will do what they are supposed to learn.

The two are not connected and do not interfere with each other.

You will be your president, and I will be my 'kingmaker', and I will not covet your position.After all, that wasn't my job at all.

I know you won't listen to much of what I'm saying now, but Yao Shun, growth doesn't happen overnight, it's a process of change.

All people go through great joy and sorrow, they will change, change and growth are two different things.

Personality can be changed, but growth takes a lifetime to experience. "

The lawyer was not in a good mood after he finished speaking these great truths, because he knew that he gave Yao Shun and the others life, but did not give them time to play out this life.

Therefore, the existence of space is also a good thing for lawyers, because in this way, every kind of idea and character has been extended, even if they sometimes intertwine and fight each other.

But after all, this is the path chosen by the characters themselves, not the path that the characters he controls must embark on.

It's just that he can't do it now, he has to complete the task here, revive Gu Ao and give Yun Qishen an explanation.

You should make up for your own mistakes.

Lawyers think so.

But in order to make up for one mistake and then use other mistakes to make up for it, it is all mistakes again and again.

I have already sinned, so what does it matter more or less?

Just make up for what I want to make up for, and it's not up to others to instruct me.

In one sentence it is
"My pleasure."

But how can such words be said... Law man looked at Yao Shun and thought about the things he was still hiding, and he didn't have the courage to face Yao Shun.

The lawyer was just thinking in his heart and writing on his hands.

He found it interesting to watch others record the lives and deaths of characters, so he imitated them and wrote them down.

But the specific pain of bereavement, national hatred and family hatred, etc., the lawyers don't know what it looks like.

And on the day his cat disappeared, how many people could understand the heart-piercing pain.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is just a cat, but in the eyes of lawyers?
That was his reliance, his redemption, his company, and all that was left of him except his life.

In the darkest hour, a ray of light shines through at the most opportune time.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it is a cat. Without a cat, you can still live.

The law man's thoughts gradually went astray, but here Yao Shun always stayed on the law man's words.

[You have the potential to learn. 】

This sentence is ordinary, but it is a great encouragement to Yao Shun.

Yao Shun never heard any words of encouragement during Suzaku's life from childhood to adulthood.Only Lulu told him to have confidence in himself.

No one would think he could learn, nor would anyone think he was capable of doing anything.

In Yao Shun's understanding, his hard work was justified, and he would not be found out if he studied or not, and the guys in Suzaku also said some things against their will just to compliment him.

Yao Shun didn't know why, but such a casual word of trust from Li Ren made him feel extra warm in his heart.

Perhaps it is not a bad thing to make a lawyer a 'king maker'.

He thought that his attitude should also be restrained.

"Ah, chattering a bunch of irrelevant things again, I must find a way to find out the whereabouts of Mo Langqin and the others!"

Just when the lawyer was in a state of desperation, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After the lawyer answered the phone cautiously, Mo Langqin's voice came.

"I'm fine, I'll give you a call to report the situation."

The lawyer was stunned and was about to speak, but Mo Langqin didn't give the lawyer a chance to speak at all.

Lawyer, I quickly realized that Mo Langqin was surrounded by guards, which meant that Mo Langqin had been captured.

"I said I won't eat. I won't go home tonight when I go to my colleague's house to sleep. Oh, by the way, I put a bottle of wine under the table in the living room of our house. Remember to take it out to see if it has expired. Others Yes, I will stop talking about it. Hang up!"

After Yao Shun listened to everything, he frowned, "What does he mean by that?"

"The wine under the table in the living room..." Li Ren had an idea and rushed to Suzaku's headquarters in his hospital clothes.

From the perspective of people outside the ward, they thought it was the mental patient who had fled.

Yao Shun hurriedly followed, thinking to see what the lawyer had thought.

Soon the two came to the living room, and the lawyer went straight to the coffee table that he had used before. He squatted down and looked around under the coffee table, and finally let him find a transmitter.

"Okay, Mo Langqin! How dare you install a bug in front of me!" Li Ren hurriedly called someone over to adjust the signal transmission position of the transmitter.

The signal point shown above is rushing towards Qinglong.

Lawyer glanced at Yao Shun, and Yao Shun understood that he called and sent people to surround the passage around the sending point.

At the same time, Mo Langqin was stabbed in the back with a knife, so he contacted the lawyer on the pretext of talking on the phone with his girlfriend.

From the sidelines, Lilith saw that Mo Langqin was coming to the rescue outside. She pouted and didn't speak, but sat quietly on the side of the car seat.

Mo Langqin was not sure that the lawyer would be able to find the sender, but when he heard what the lawyer scolded him through the sender, he felt relieved.

"Speaking of which, why did the agent fall in love with that woman from the White Tiger Chamber of Commerce?"

"Who knows, maybe it's really like what the outside world said, Yun Jin is a monster who specializes in seducing these presidents."

"Hey, why don't you come and tempt me?"

"What kind of dreams are you having, kid!"

The people from Xuanwu were joking, they were talking about Yunjin, who Lilith disliked the most.

At this moment, they still don't know what they will suffer next.

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