Yun Qishen

Chapter 1619 Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 1619 Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce (9)

Jin Zhehu touched the ring on his hand and pondered for a while, then got through the phone.

"Call that boy, Ei Qi, over here, I have a task for him to do."

Soon, Nai Qi pushed open the door of Xuanwu's acting president's office and came in front of Jin Zhehu.

Jin Zhehu tapped the table two or three times with his index finger, and Nai Qi stood opposite the desk with his hands behind his back, waiting for Jin Zhehu's arrangement.

"I heard that you were called by the old man of the president?"


"Did you talk to him about anything?"

"Talked about his son."

"Oh, Ouyang Jian. What are you talking about?"

"A starling, and the child."

"that's it?"

"that's it."

Seeing Nai Qi's serious appearance, Jin Zhehu could only half-close his eyes and speculate in his heart.

If it wasn't for the scheming of this evil spirit, he would have only talked about so many things as he said.

Jin Zhehu didn't want to continue to question, what he needed was to observe secretly, and sooner or later he would be able to catch the flaw.

Then Jin Zhehu took out a dozen of materials about Qinglong and Suzaku.

"Our people are trapped by Suzaku. I need you to deal with two things. The first thing is what I am talking about now. Bring back the trapped Xuanwu companions in Suzaku. The second thing is to go to Qinglong to find A secret document." Jin Zhehu touched the wrench in his hand, "This secret document is the key to Baihu's fire. I need you to find him and bring him out.

Of course, if you can go undercover in Qinglong, I can also create a perfect identity for you. "

Hearing Jin Zhehu's words, Nai Qi's eyes flashed with joy.

Can you go to Qinglong?Evil qi can't ask for it.

"Since it is a task, and the agent reuses me so much, I will definitely be able to complete the task smoothly."

"That's really the best. If you feel that the mission has failed, then you can only deal with the matter yourself and return to Xuanwu. Can you still make up your mind to complete this condition?"

Nai Qi clenched his fists and looked firm, "I promise to complete the task assigned by you on behalf of me."

Jin Zhehu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Nai Qi's face, then he waved his hand and let Nai Qi leave the office.

Holding Qinglong's materials, Nie Qi was already pounding with joy in his heart.

This task is like a sweet trap.

Nai Qi knew very well that Jin Zhehu was trying to get him away from the Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce.So he arranged a dangerous mission and a distant mission.

Sure enough, it will not be so simple to become the acting president of Xuanwu, there are still many things that Xi Qi needs to do.

In order to do a good job of superficial skills, Jin Zhehu gave Nie Qi some subordinates who could help.Before the evil qi went to Qinglong, he had to bring out those companions who were trapped in Suzaku.

For the simplicity of handling things, Evil Qi can meet with the lawyer and explain everything clearly, so that both parties should have no loss, but there are factors that cannot be grasped, such as human hearts, so they meet and talk directly Things just don't work out.

Nie Qi could only bring these basalt thugs who couldn't make it to the front to the vicinity of Suzaku's territory.

At the moment, the lawyer is playing Monopoly with Mo Langqin.

"It's great that you don't move this round! Hey, Liubu, I'm really refreshed today, sir."

"You are really pissing me off!" Lawyer touched the note on his face and frowned while looking at the rich man's chessboard, "Impossible, I never designed you to win money like this! Mo Langqin Tell me, are you cheating!"

Mo Langqin raised his eyebrows in puzzlement, "Master is really speechless, take a good look at this is a rich man, how can my master cheat! Admit it, you are a rookie, you can't even beat a rich man!"

"You are a rookie, you know you can't beat me, so you cheated!"

"Master is a serious businessman!"

"But you are not a serious player!"

"Hey, what do you say as an author!"

"Hey, how does your character talk to the author!"

Lawyer Mo Langqin started arguing again, and Lilith who was sitting on the side suddenly yelled.

"Stop arguing! I didn't come to Suzaku to hear you arguing here! I came to Suzaku to ask you, Suzaku, to help me find someone!"

Lilith's mature temperament and tone made Li Lisi feel that this child was very abnormal.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Lu Bai, the president of the White Tiger Chamber of Commerce."


Lawyer was a little embarrassed, after all, in his design, he himself didn't know the whereabouts of Lu Bai.

"It is said that Suzaku's people can find everything, why did Suzaku die after changing the president?"

Lilith's rhetorical question stunned the lawyer for a while.When Mo Langqin touched Lieren's arm with his hand, he came back to his senses.

Lawyer found that Yao Shun's supporters were declining again, he clenched the monopoly chess piece in his hand and persuaded himself that he could not continue playing like this, and the task was his first priority.

"Of course not, Suzaku is still recovering time. If you want to entrust us, Suzaku, you must have enough funds to hire us."

The lawyer thought that intimidating Lilith would make her retreat, but his trick made Lilith pretend again.

Lilith put a business card in her arms on Monopoly's chessboard, and there was a string of densely written numbers on the card that she didn't understand.

"This is..." The lawyer picked up the business card and looked around, but found nothing special.

Lilith raised her immature face and put on a haughty attitude, "Give this card to Baihu and you will get 50 in reward. This card only recognizes the card but not the person, and this is just me asking you to find the way." Bai's deposit, and I will pay you the remaining 100 million after you find him completely."

Before the lawyer could speak, Lilith continued, "I know that Suzaku is in a difficult time now, you must need my funds, this deal is not bad, you can also take this card now, go to In exchange for the 50. This can also prove that what I said is not false, even though I am young, my mind is not worse than yours."

Li Ren was about to applaud this little girl in his heart, after all, this little guy was really mature which surprised him a bit.

But Mo Langqin silently turned his face cold.

Lilith's idea of ​​finding Lu Bai also overlaps with his mission, he just thinks that Lilith thinks everything too simply.

This must be a disadvantage.

For lawyers, helping Lilith can not only earn money, but also increase Yao Shun's support to a certain extent.

"We took over the job. But if Lu Bai deliberately hides himself, will we, Suzaku, take tough measures? Or should we just let him continue hiding?"

Lawyer turned his head to look at Lilith, and Lilith bit her lower lip, "It doesn't matter how tough it is to take him back to the white tiger."

(End of this chapter)

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