Yun Qishen

Chapter 1621 White Tiger Chamber of Commerce

"Lawyer! Can you hear me?"

"Hey! You wake up, don't sleep!"

"Hey! Did you hear what I said!"

"Wake up! Don't sleep!"

Yao Shun's appearance was immeasurable, and Lu Ren couldn't see his face clearly at all. He only felt a special pain in his head, and Lu Ren vaguely seemed to have fallen into a long-lost illusion.

The center of the illusion is Kayu's conspicuous silver hair, gray one-shoulder sweater and brown trousers.

The red canvas shoes are Jiayu who was originally set by the lawyer, and they are his unique friend in the depths of his heart.

"Jiayu... why am I here?"

Lawyer blinked his eyes, Yao Shun's shadow in front of his eyes had disappeared, and the surroundings turned into a dazzling dreamy color.

Jiayu turned around and squinted his water-blue eyes, "Because you are in a coma and dreaming, Ritsu-ren."

"Dream? So direct? So how can I leave this dream?" Lawman tried to walk on the ground. He was worried that he would fall into the space, but he didn't. Instead, he came to Jiayu's side safely.

"This dream comes and goes quickly. So you don't need to do anything, Li Ren. You will forget what you said and what you did when you woke up."

Jiayu sat on the ground, and many animals quickly surrounded him.

There are deer, bears, etc., and flowers and plants grow around him.

This is the ability that the law man wrote to him at the beginning, and the law man gave all the care and love to Jiayu.

"You are not him."

Lawyer looked at Jiayu and spoke.

This Jiayu also nodded with a smile, "That's right, I'm not him."

"You are the perfect person set in my heart."

"Yes, I can become anyone. But you can't let go of Jiayu in your heart. No matter what kind of character you create, you will never give up your only friend."

The law man clenched his fists after hearing this sentence, he admitted this, he will not give up Jiayu, never.

Lawyer has a strong obsession with friends, even if he does something that no one or character likes, he will not give up Jiayu.

After the days of giving up on himself were over, the lawyer also re-examined himself.Tragedy is not the only way for the characters to be remembered. He didn't design the plot to make himself or the characters uncomfortable.

It is a good thing for the characters to have a wonderful life for the plot, and he has gradually gained his own grasp in the plot.Now it's more about letting the characters develop on their own.

"But Jiayu told you that you don't have to let go completely, you can only give the characters freedom, but the indulgence of space is not acceptable."

This Jia Yu said to Ritsu while stroking the heads of the little animals.

Li Ren naturally knew this well, and she also sat down, but those animals were not close to him, which made Li Ren a little sad.

This Jia Yu saw the depression of the law man and said again, "You are just making yourself suffer again, this is your dream, the world you created, you don't need to live in such depression. You can control the dream now Get what you want. Desire is not good if you don't have it. You have to remind yourself all the time to find your own desire.

Express your thoughts, that's not a bad thing. "

"My desire...won't you let yourself suffer..." Li Ren lowered his eyes, he knew that he had never tried to make himself happy.

It may also be for this reason that the characters do not have the possibility of happiness.

It is not unreasonable to say that the author cannot write a character who is smarter than himself.

The lawyer opened his hands and waited for an animal to come, but it didn't work, which made him a little frustrated.But at this moment, Li Ren felt his back being hit lightly by a group of furry things.

The familiar touch made Li Ren burst into tears.

"I can't remember what it looks like...but this feeling is very happy. It is with me...I shouldn't be selfish and trap it by my side."

Lawyer bit his lip and sighed happily, "I'm very happy, I'm very happy..."

Jiayu smiled, "Lunren, you need to find a way to be happy. Believe in yourself. This world is not dark and scary. This is everything that belongs to you. You don't need to control it, but you need to enjoy it.

You don't need to care about what other people think, you just need to indulge in it as before.

You are always excellent and have confidence in yourself. "

Lawyer looked at his clenched fist, "I will, I will find my happiness, and pass this happiness on to more characters. Thank you for telling me this."

Jiayu raised his head and looked towards the sky, "Lunren, your dream is coming to an end, there are still people who are worrying about you, go and help them find happiness too."

It was a ray of light that completely enveloped Li Ren.

In the next second, Ritsuto woke up again from the hospital, but this time he was accompanied by some injured Suzaku thugs.

Didn't you say that Suzaku's people are very good at fighting?

But a group of ants can also kill an elephant. Suzaku's men narrowly win but also lose some men.

However, the lawyer noticed that Yao Shun had many more supporters.It seems that one method is indeed good, but it has become a fake show.

"I thought you were going to hang up. Now that you're awake, you can't make a sound!"

Yao Shun crossed his arms in front of his chest with a reproachful expression, and there was a broken beauty on his face.

In other words,,,..version. 】


"Huh? I told you to squeak and you really squeaked! I told you to bark and you barked too!"

Yao Shun blinked his eyes dullly for a moment, then put on an arrogant attitude.

Lawyer smiled instead, "...Duplicate brat, if you're worried about me, just speak up!"

"Oh, I don't care about you!"

Yao Shun left the ward directly this time.

At this time, Hall Master Duan heard that Lu Ren had won and came in dragging his injured arm, "Xiao Lu, how is it, is it better?"

"It's okay, but the head hurts a bit. It's okay... Everyone in Suzaku is okay, the people at Xuanwu... hiss..."

Lawyer thought he was only injured in the head, but he didn't expect that his thigh would still hurt if he moved it.When Luren looked over, he found that his thigh had been bandaged. Judging by the amount of blood, Luren knew that it was definitely not as simple as a minor injury.

The guys from Xuanwu even play make-ups!When the lawyer was thinking about cursing, Hall Master Duan spoke.

"Yao Shun can't speak, I guess he didn't explain the situation. I apologize for our young master, Xiaoli. He didn't mean to hurt your leg, so please forgive him."

The lawyer raised his eyebrows, he thought he must have heard correctly.

The co-author was done by Yao Shun!No wonder he runs so fast!
In a blink of an eye, Liren shouted towards the outside of the ward.

"Hey! What a goddamn brat! Yao Shun! Sun thief! Come back and apologize, bastard!"

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