Yun Qishen

Chapter 1626 White Tiger Chamber of Commerce

"Master Feng, do you think this strength is feasible?"

Lawyer squeezed Feng Jinying's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Comfortable~and this neck here."

Feng Jinying naturally put on a look of leisurely enjoyment.

"...Okay." The lawyer agreed on the surface but had an unspeakable complaint in his heart.

(I want to strangle you!)

Feng Jinying lamented that Lu Ren's shoulder massage was good, "Hey, you, I feel refreshed. It would be great if some women came here to serve tea and water at this time~"

Lawyer gritted his teeth fiercely, but still got through the phone call of Hall Master Duan with a smile.

"Hello? Hall Master Duan? I'm a lawyer, and I have a need for that, that is... can I find some women over here?"

The opposite party hesitated for a moment before speaking, and Li Ren replied calmly.

"No, no, I don't want it." Lawyer scratched his head and was a little speechless, "It's not Yao Shun who wants to..."

"Who wants... this, um... In short, just find a few beautiful ones..."

The lawyer originally thought that Hall Master Duan would find a suitable woman to come over, but in the end it was three aunts who still had charm.

"Okay..." What can lawyers say, what can they say?Don't look at these aunts who are not fat, but if you hit three, the lawyers can't beat them.Does he dare to resist?

Not to mention lawyers, even Feng Jinying, who is half-disabled, can't move.

"Hey, you two handsome guys~ they are really tender~"

"Come, come, let the aunts pinch your face. Look at how tender this little face is."

"That's right, such a small face! Such a small body!"

Lawyer endured the chattering of these aunts and still smiled, but Feng Jinying had an expression of lovelessness.

This woman would always gossip about some of her parents when they got together, and the lawyer listened to the words and information in it, and even heard that one of them had something to do with Hall Master Duan.

A woman in a cheongsam put her arms around Liren's neck and said to her sisters with a smile, "Isn't this better than those rough men? Those rough men have oily faces all day long, and it's annoying to watch."

"That's right, I think the degree of oil production in my family is terrible~ My family will not be short of oil for the rest of my life. And that hair is getting balder every day!"

"Not to mention the one in my family, that big belly is bigger than when I was pregnant with my son! How did I get it wrong?"

This group of aunts, you talk like you are firing a machine gun...

The lawyer just felt that there was no need to put his arms around his neck and talk at this time.

(Actually... my uncles were still very handsome when they were young hahaha... Fortunately, my hair can last for a few more years...)
Just as the lawyer finished thinking, the cheongsam woman let go of him and continued talking to the sisters.

"Don't talk about the old ones, talk about the young ones. By the way, has your son found a job recently?"

"What kind of job are you looking for? He knows how to stay in the gang all day long, and then he will follow this side for a while, and then he will follow the old Duan to the districts to make troubles. He didn't see the money in hand, but he spent a lot of money. Let alone my son, How are the two little ancestors of your family?"

"Those two little bastards in my family? Hey, don't talk about it, they just play around all day, or go out to fight. I have the heart to have a third child. The two of them are like this every day. It's a shame that they are still alive. Miraculous.  …

Look at our little Mr. Lu, who is as old as our son, how can he be so promising!Look at my two little bastards again, what the hell! "

Hearing someone praise him, Li Ren was naturally happy in his heart, but...

(This aunt, is it too inappropriate to say that about her own child? How sad those two children are~ They have three children... Poor brothers.)
The lawyer subconsciously covered his mouth with his hands.

(No, I can't be so schadenfreude that I almost laughed out loud.)
However, Feng Jinying cast a reproachful look at the lawyer, "I said, if you are looking for a woman, can't you find some peers? This... What is this for? Opening a women's federation?"

Lawyer regained his composure in an instant and coughed twice, "...Maybe Hall Master Duan has this kind of taste, or..." He then paused, "Is there a possibility...the root of Suzaku's life Without a woman?"

Feng Jinying half-closed her eyes and was speechless, "..."

Suddenly a woman's laughter came from outside the ward, "Hahaha, I'm sorry I'm done coming, I just rushed over after receiving a call from the old Duan. I heard that three are missing and one... huh?"

The woman was stunned after entering, and Feng Jinying was also stunned at the same time.


"Son?" The woman moved to Feng Jinying's bed in disbelief.

"Mom?" Feng Jinying's eyes widened, feeling that the world was too magical.

"?" The aunts and lawyers present were a little surprised.The aunts stopped chatting and watched Feng Jinying reunite with their mother and son.

Lawyer petrochemical——

(It's over, why did you get the parents here? Could it be that Hall Master Duan already knew it was Feng Jinying's request?)

"Ringlingling~" At this moment, Ritsuto's cell phone rang.He lowered his head and saw that Hall Master Duan was calling.

"'s me. Um...they are here, yes, four of them..." Lawyer raised his head and looked at the aunts again.

Hall Master Duan on the other side of the call happily introduced something.

"Pretty... right. Why is Feng Jin welcoming him..." Before the lawyer could finish speaking, Hall Master Duan praised the group of aunts.

"Hey~ what a four overlord flower... yes, it looks quite domineering. It started pinching my face as soon as it came, and it was almost swollen."

The lawyer originally thought his complaint was useful, but Hall Master Duan only asked him to ask for blessings and serve the four overlords.

"Okay...yes...I will entertain Auntie and the others..."

(What's the matter, Overlord Flower, I didn't think of this title, I've already created a hidden character...)
lawyer crazy ing——

Good things come in pairs, misfortunes never come singly.

When the accident happened, the accident happened together, and when the four aunts and beauties knew their purpose of coming here, they began to criticize and educate Feng Jinying.

Poor Feng Jinying was lying on the hospital bed and could only be used as a doormat.

Lawyers want to get out of trouble?It was impossible at all, and he was not immune to being slapped on the head by the aunts.

Just as the aunts were frantically exporting education, Yao Shun opened the door of the ward and came back.

"What's the situation? Godmother? Why are you all here?"

Yao Shun's innocent eyes met the gazes of Lawen and Feng Jinying, and he seemed to understand something. He was about to close the door when he was scolded by a woman in a cheongsam.

"Yao Shun, come here and kneel with him too! Come here!"

Yao Shun bit the bullet and had to go and kneel beside the law man.

"What's the situation?" Yao Shun asked the lawyer in a low voice.

The lawyer also replied in a low voice, "Feng Jinying must find a woman to serve him tea and water, no, he brought his mother over..."


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