Yun Qishen

Chapter 1633 4 God Cores

Chapter 1633 Four God Core (3)

"The core of the Four Gods, the core of the Four Gods is related to the lifeblood of the Four Gods Chamber of Commerce. A chamber of commerce that can have the core of the Four Gods will be prosperous for a lifetime, and can command everything in the other three chambers of commerce!
So the core of the four gods is such a thing, but no one knows whether the core of the four gods is an object or a person.Since there are legends, there must be someone to verify it, and people from various chambers of commerce will look for it.Bandits, bandits, and black-hearted traders in other places will also look for it!
The legend of the core of the four gods has been circulated for 50 years as far as I know. My father has this legend since he was a child.

So the core of the Four Gods represents money!Money is glory and wealth!With prosperity and wealth, everyone can live a good life!As long as you live a good life, you will have more money!More glory and wealth!
So for the core of the four gods, people will only become more crazy and they will also be surprised! "

The kidnapped robber told Yun Qishen what he knew.

"Hmm..." Yun Qishen held a long knife in one hand while sitting on the truck box and looked down at the robbers, "Is it over?"

The robber lowered his head, "Are you finished?"

"Is there nothing to add?" Yun Qishen jumped off the truck and approached the robber who opened his mouth.

The robber raised his head and looked at Yun Qishen, "It's nothing."

Then Yun Qishen kicked the robber on the shoulder, "What's the use of you, you can't even make up the word count for a small essay!"

The robber hurriedly kowtowed to Yun Qishen, "Grandpa, spare my life! Grandpa, spare my life! I say! I say! What do you want to hear? I can say it! I beg you, grandpa, to spare my life!"

Yun Qishen crossed his arms in front of his chest, he looked at the kowtowing robber with some disgust, "Is your family a storyteller?"

Robber: "No."

"No, what a fart!" Yun Qishen kicked again angrily.

The robber was in pain but also wronged, "Didn't you tell me to say it, grandpa?"

"I mean what I say! I say I'll kill you and you will do it?" After finishing speaking, Yun Qishen swung his long knife across the robber, who was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.


"Just hesitate, useless things."


The robber who was scolded felt wronged and wanted to cry.

After a while, Yun Qishen also calmed down and spoke calmly.

"So you robbed the goods on the mountain road to find the core of the four gods? Who asked you to do it?"

The robber quickly replied, "It's our own idea."

"You still don't tell the truth, do you? If you don't tell the truth, no one will protect your life! If you die, you will not enjoy any glory and wealth. Don't you plan to tell the truth?" Yun Qishen originally wanted to threaten them with a knife. , but these robbers are really tight-lipped.

"It's true. It's true that no one ordered us to come here. We decided to rob the goods on our own."

It didn't sound like a lie at first glance, but Yun Qishen didn't believe it.

"Okay, since you insist on this, I would like to ask. How long have you been robbing goods here?"

"Back to grandpa, it's been half a year."

"What did you do half a year ago?"

After Yun Qishen asked the robbers, he answered one by one, "Cook!"


"The butcher!"


"A tea seller."

"I work in a bank..."


Yun Qi raised his brows deeply, "There are so many kinds of people, let's talk about it, how did you choose to gather together to do things like robbery."

"This one……"

The robbers looked at each other, Yun Qishen decided to let a seemingly honest robber talk about the matter.

Even if he pointed at a robber, "Just you, just say it first, I'll cover your eyes for you, and you give me a good answer, otherwise it will take me a moment to put the knife down."

The robber was trembling with fright, thinking how the delivery man was even more robber than them this time, but he confessed tremblingly, "I said, I said..."

"Name! Age! Address! Occupation! The reason for the robbery! Explain it to me!" Yun Qishen covered the robber's eyes, and the robber began to explain with a trembling voice.

"My name is Lai Zi, I am 28 years old today."

Yun Qishen couldn't help complaining, "...Are you in such a hurry to grow? I think you look like you are in your 40s."

"..." Lai Zi was silent, after all, looking anxious was not what he wanted.

"Cough, you continue."

"My family lives in Longhu Street at the junction of Qinglong and Baihu. I sell tea...the reason is...yes." Halfway through the talk, the rascal began to twitch. If he wasn't blindfolded, he might have already Received the look.

Yun Qishen has good ears, and if someone sends him a signal with sound, he can immediately find out the person and cut off the thing he used to make the sound.That's why Yun Qishen warned the robbers not to make any strange noises.

"Don't waste time, my knife is on the back of your neck."

"Grandpa, please spare me, I'll tell you! I was selling tea that day, and suddenly someone from Suzaku came to buy tea. I heard him talk about the core of the Four Gods on the phone. He said that the core of the Four Gods is here. On Tiaoshan Road, the next year will be the year with the highest probability of the Four Gods Core appearing. So...

So we rob goods and people, in order not to let go of a possibility, but there is one thing that is very strange. "

Lai Zi spoke fluently, Yun Qishen also paid attention to Lai Zi's last sentence.

"What's weird?"

Lai Zi pursed his lips, and he replied while thinking: "The drivers who deliver goods on the mountain road are very strange. Some of them are not members of the chamber of commerce, and some have burn marks on their backs.

The guns in our hands were not bought by us. These are goods shipped to the mountain, but there are no merchants on the mountain.We also don't understand why the goods are sent up here.

It's like someone is using us in the dark to find the core of the Four Gods. "

Yun Qishen shook his head and smiled sarcastically, "You are really stupid, there is no Four God Core on this mountain road. They never thought about letting these delivery people return to the chamber of commerce safely.

What if the truck reaches the top of the mountain if you don't stop it halfway?
Come up with me and have a look. "

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, he was going to take the group of robbers up the mountain, but the robbers resisted.

"That's not necessary..."

"Do you know what?" Yun Qishen saw the trick and asked them.


"Don't be silent! Speak!"

The robber who was reprimanded by Yun Qishen had no choice but to speak because of fear, "There is a warehouse on the top of the mountain! There are two rooms in the warehouse! Even if they escaped our interception and went to the top of the mountain, they would still be killed by design! That's what we saw with our own eyes. Passed! The delivery person, no one can go down the mountain safely!"

(End of this chapter)

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