Yun Qishen

Chapter 1641 4 God Cores

The iron barn door was forcefully opened and made a heavy sound, and the sound of dripping water from nowhere echoed throughout the barn.

There was an unpleasant smell all around that irritated the nostrils of everyone present.

People covered their noses and complained, "Ouch, what does this smell like?"

"Smelly and sour?"

"That's right, it smells worse than the water in the stinky ditch in front of our house!"

"It smells like..." Someone suddenly pointed to the center of the warehouse, "It came from over there!"

People squinted at the thing, "What is that? Why is it still wrapped in red cloth?"

Everyone's eyes quickly focused on a huge object in the middle of the warehouse. The thing looked like a plaster statue. It was more than three meters high, but it was still more than one meter away from the top of the warehouse.The huge object was tightly wrapped by a piece of red silk cloth, from which came the pungent stench.

"Look closer?"

Someone asked softly, and rejection was written all over their faces.

"I don't want it! It stinks!"

Someone asked again, "Aren't you curious?"

"If you are curious, go and see it!"

After Yun Qishen walked out of the barn door, he began to observe the surrounding situation. Although he didn't notice the abnormality immediately, it was not too late, "Stop making trouble, and pay attention to the bottom of your feet! If you are not careful, you will—"

But accidents happen, someone suddenly stiffened and fell to the ground, which caused people around to exclaim, "Brother! The sixth child suddenly fell to the ground and twitched!"

"Don't touch him!" Seeing someone stepping up to help the fallen man, Yun Qishen hurriedly stopped him, but unfortunately this time he was a step too late, and the supporter also collapsed stiffly.

"Handsome! What's the matter with you! No matter what—Brother!"

Everyone looked away from the strange thing and came to Hulu and Yun Qishen.

Although Hulu was in the lead, it was difficult for him to deal with this situation, so he asked Yun Qishen, "Master, do you know what's going on?"

Yun Qi sighed deeply, and pointed to the ground, "So listen to me first, and pay attention to your feet."

Hulu lowered his head, "Underfoot? Nothing special..."

Someone suddenly yelled at this time, "No brother! Look carefully, there is a wire on the ground!"

"Line?" Hulu stared carefully at the ground, and vaguely saw a particularly thin line, "There are really lines. Are these lines the reason why my brother fell to the ground?"

Yun Qi squatted down, his hand touched the ground and slowly approached the silk thread, a slight tingling feeling let him know that there was electricity here, but there was no such feeling around the silk thread on the other side. "The wires here are the same as the electric shock traps set up around the warehouse. The arrangement of these wires has no clear order, and not all the wires are connected to be able to receive electric shocks."

"Then what should we do, this trap is dead." Hulu looked worriedly at the two brothers who fell to the ground.

Yun Qi patted him deeply on the shoulder, "Don't worry, as long as you don't touch it when it's down, you won't be implicated, this silk thread will break if you touch it, and the electricity will only paralyze people's bodies, they won't die. He pondered for a while, "Why don't you go back and find a way, everyone be more cautious."

Hulu hurriedly ordered, "Back back, be careful!"

But before they retreated far, they were trapped by another problem, "Brother, it seems that there is no way to retreat. On the barn door..."

Someone yelled! "When did the line appear on this!"

Yun Qishen frowned, "It is very likely that this happened after the electric shock in the warehouse was triggered..." He turned his head to look at the center of the warehouse again, "It is impossible to move forward now, and the way back is also blocked Now, it seems that we can only go to that thing to find something that can be used."

People were about to follow Yun Qishen, but he raised his hand to stop him, "You all stay still, I'll go and have a look by myself."

Hulu also spoke at this time, "Master, be careful."

"My eyesight is better than yours, Hulu."

"Yes, hahaha."

Yun Qishen is not worthy of being cared about, really!
Hulu thought so.

The closer Yun Qishen got to the thing in the center of the warehouse, the harder it was for him to walk, "The lines are really dense here, well, we're finally here. It stinks!"

"It stinks!"

The stench that hit the face was not a one-off, but a sour smell followed by another foul smell.This is like eating a mouthful of blue cheese stinky tofu and drinking a mouthful of hot and sour snail noodles.

Enduring the stench, Yun Qi pulled the red silk cloth deeply, and the appearance of the thing was revealed in front of everyone.

"What is this?"

"It's disgusting!"

On the gray-white cement pillars are embedded the heads of men, and the facial features of these heads are pulled with silk threads to put on an exaggerated mourning appearance.Yun Qishen could tell at a glance that those human heads were definitely not made of plaster or rubber, but...

"Heads! Those heads are crying!"

At the same time, some people were even more puzzled about other questions, "Did you feel that it's raining?"

"You are confused, why is it raining indoors..."

There are also smart people who realized the problem, "No! The boss is the sprinkler! The sprinkler is spraying water!"

Hulu was also flustered, but he had to calm himself down, "Everyone, don't panic, don't panic first, Lord, what's going on?"

"Could it be that the receiver has arrived?"

Yun Qishen stood under the wicked sculpture and speculated quietly.At this moment, a small door appeared at the bottom of the sculpture, and the man in the crow suit poked his head out of it.

"Bingo!" The crow's receiver tilted his head slightly, he stared at Yun Qishen and said excitedly, "I came here to deploy as soon as I received the task, I think if I welcome you in this way, you will be very happy." Happy. Now it seems that you are indeed very happy."

"Everyone, don't move around!" Yun Qishen ordered loudly.

At the same time, the crow receiver also raised a round button, "It may be a bit late! Why don't you all have a delicious experience!"

"Big brother-"



As the crow receiver pressed the button, Hulu's brothers fell one after another, and he also felt a tingling sensation, but his consciousness told him that he could not fall down yet.

"Give me the remote control! Or I'll cut off your head right now!" Yun Qishen was about to draw the knife when the crow's receiver pressed the handle of the knife with his hand, and the crow's receiver immediately drew out the machete and laid it across In front of Yun Qishen's neck.

"Then I want to see whose head falls first! Come on! Hit!"

Yun Qishen could foresee that there would definitely be a more troublesome fight next.

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