Yun Qishen

Chapter 1659 4 God Cores

Chapter 1659 Four God Core (29)

Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce, Jin Zhehu invited Yunjin to enjoy a beautiful candlelight dinner, and after the Xuanwu thugs came to report to Jin Zhehu, Jin Zhehu also showed a playful expression, "Oh? There are rumors that Suzaku got the core of the Four Gods?"

Jin Zhehu moved the knife and fork in his hands, and he turned his head to look at the coquettish beauty wearing a white high-cut cheongsam sitting across from him, "I didn't think of this, Madam Yun Jin, what do you want to say?"

The glamorous face and white elegant cheongsam contributed to Yun Jin's unique temperament. She wiped her mouth with a dignified napkin and then looked at Jin Zhehu and replied, "I only know that Lu Bai has been looking for the whereabouts of the core of the Four Gods .”

"According to Mrs. Yunjin, is President Lu in Suzaku right now?" Jin Zhehu put his hands on both sides of the plate, and the ring on his hand was shining under the candlelight. It even reflected Jin Zhehu's malicious face.

Yun Jin was depressed and wanted to end the dinner with Jin Zhehu early, but she couldn't show it on the surface and could only reply indifferently, "I don't know, if he is here, someone from Suzaku will definitely notify me."

"Hahaha, that's right, the current Suzaku is a piece of cake that is gradually rotting. Although he is rotten, he is still a piece of cake. A false rumor can't change anything. People still eat cakes, don't they?
Since President Lu is not in Suzaku, it is not certain that the matter at the core of the Four Gods is true or not. "

Jin Zhehu was enjoying the freshly fried steak, while he refused, he admired Yun Jin with greedy eyes.

Yun Jin naturally felt Jin Zhehu's enthusiastic gaze, but she was calm enough to change the subject, "Actually, I'm curious about what is the core of the Four Gods?"

After swallowing the steak, Jin Zhehu also wiped his mouth with a napkin, "What? Mrs. Yunjin, are you interested in that?"

"I'm not particularly interested, but I can't help but care if I listen too much." Yun Jin's eyes deviated to one side, and Jin Zhehu liked it even more.

Jin Zhehu also continued in the direction of Yunjin's topic, "No one has seen the core of the Four Gods. No one knows whether he is a person or a thing. It is well known that the chamber of commerce that gets the core of the Four Gods will lead all chambers of commerce. In fact, there is a very magical rumor in it.”

Yun Jin's eyes lit up slightly, "A magical rumor? How is it magical?"

"I heard that the core of the four gods can make people forget the pain and go back in time." Jin Zhehu said in a mysterious tone deliberately.

But Yun Jin scolded unhappily, "It's absurd, it's not a fantasy! How can there be such a thing as going back in time! Just for this, you bother to snatch such a dream bubble?"

Jin Zhehu put down the knife and fork and touched his ring with a faint smile, "When a person is in this position, he will lose some corresponding things. Maybe President Lu is also regretting something and only wants to find the core of the four gods."

Hearing what Jin Zhehu said, Yun Jin also became cautious, she put her arm around her other arm, "What will he regret..."

Jin Zhehu said meaningfully, "Maybe only President Lu knows, or the president of Qinglong knows."

"Jin Zhehu, what do you want to say?" Yun Jin's eyes became sharp in an instant, and she might explode anytime she looked at Jin Zhehu.

Jin Zhehu saw Yunjin's emotions, and he quickly smiled apologetically, "Mrs. Yunjin, please don't be angry. I have some photos here before you look at them. They are all information that my subordinates have only recently found."

Speaking of Xuanwu's thugs, he took out a few photos and handed them to Yun Jin.

Yun Jin picked up the photo and looked at it, it was obvious that it was Lu Bai when he was young and Fu Shou when he was young.One is elegant in a white suit, and the other is fierce and evil in black. The two are looking at each other and talking about something.

Yun Jin's gaze quickly settled on the time when the photo was taken, "This is... when the two of them were young, time!"

Jin Zhehu realized that Yun Jin noticed the important point and quickly said, "That's right, this is a picture taken on the day of the Baihu arson case."

"So the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce really has something to do with the arson case!" Yun Jin opened her eyes wide and clenched her hand that wasn't holding the photo.

"Madam Yunjin, you can think whatever you want."

Jin Zhehu didn't want to participate in the fight between Baihu and Qinglong, so he didn't care what Yun Jin thought.

"Otherwise? What else can I think! That old bastard Fu Shou! I absolutely! Absolutely can't spare him!"

A few photos can make Yun Jin show a cute expression, Jin Zhehu only felt very happy, he raised his hand to signal his subordinates to serve Yun Jin with soup.

"Mrs. Yunjin is very angry. Come, come, try this steamed fish more, to calm down the anger. Come and serve Madam Yunjin a bowl of soup."

Yun Jin raised her hand to signal, "No need, I'm full."

Jin Zhehu put on an attitude of disappointment on purpose, "Hey ~ where are we going, Mrs. Yunjin, we haven't talked about serious business yet."

Yun Jin was a little impatient, "If you have something to say, tell me quickly."

"Don't worry, it's not too late to wait. Come on, remove all these things and bring someone over." Jin Zhehu clapped his hands, and Xuanwu's thugs came over with a little girl.

The little girl yelled loudly as she walked, "Where are you taking me! Let me go! I will let Suzaku's strong men beat you! Let me go!"

Yun Jin almost stood up from her seat in surprise, "Lilith?!"

Lilith also noticed Yun Jin and beat and scolded very angrily, "Bad woman! It's you again! You sent someone to arrest me, didn't you! Bad woman! Bad woman!"

"Why did you bring her?" Yun Jin looked at Jin Zhehu with a little fear.

Jin Zhehu just smiled, "I thought that Suzaku would change a little after going through a sneak attack, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, they still can only defend against outsiders but not their own people.

Hahaha, the concept of trust doesn't work, but Suzaku's idiots have to talk about trust!ridiculous. "

When Jin Zhehu said this, Lilith was not happy, "Hey uncle! Don't be happy! Brother Mo will definitely come and take me back! At that time, I will let Suzaku's brothers beat you to death! Not only Suzaku ! And my dad! They'll all deal with you!"

"The little girl is very talkative, but it's useless. But it will be very useful to restrict Mrs. Yunjin and you and President Lu Bai." Jin Zhehu glanced at Yunjin, expecting to compare Yunjin's performance.

Sure enough, Yun Jin's angry face was beautiful, "Jin Zhehu, don't go too far."

"I don't want to be like this either, but who told Mrs. Yunjin that you don't accept my pursuit. But it doesn't matter now, the meeting of the four gods in a few days..." Jin Zhehu touched the ring on his hand and still smiled at Mrs. Yunjin , "I hope Mrs. Yunjin can accompany me to attend as my female companion."

(End of this chapter)

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