Yun Qishen

Chapter 1667 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1667 Meeting of the Four Gods (7)

After getting the news, the lawyer waited for Mo Langqin to come to him.When Mo Langqin pushed open the door of the ward, Li Ren opened his mouth, "This matter is an oversight on our side, and it seems to be holding you back."

Mo Langqin took off his white coat, the white shirt was a little thin, and he could vaguely see a long red scar on his waist when it was pressed against his own white skin.

Mo Langqin came to Lieren's hospital bed and sat down. He still complained in his heart that Lieren was about to take over the hospital, and then he turned his attention to Lieren's injured shoulder.

But he did not choose to care about the lawyer's situation first.

Mo Langqin crossed his hands in front of his chest. "Young master doesn't care about this. What I care about now is Lilith. Do you have any news about Lilith?"

The lawyer also looked at Mo Langqin seriously and replied, "Lilith is fine. The informant in charge of the undercover reported that she was locked in a room by Jin Zhehu, and she has never been released. I think she should You won’t be in any danger, so don’t worry. According to the informant’s description, I think that room should be the room of Jin Zhehu’s daughter Jin Xinzi. Xinzi is about the same age as Lilith, so you don’t have to worry too much about what happens to her. "

"Is that so..."

Mo Langqin nodded slightly and said, "There is one more thing. The note said that the young master should bring the inheritance documents to exchange for Lilith. Isn't it inappropriate not to go to such a blatant trap?"

Lawyer leaned back slightly, his eyes half-closed with a sneer on his face, "Why did you suddenly ask me what I think? Didn't you lose your temper and say you won't cooperate with me before?"

Mo Langqin rolled his eyes at the lawyer and then closed his eyes, "Young master admits that it is the young master who brought in his personal feelings. Besides, the young master also asked for a time to calm down. Now that the young master has calmed down, we will Naturally, the transaction between them still has to be carried out, after all, this is also the foundation of my business. How can there be any reason to take money and not do things?"

The lawyer's mocking smile quickly turned into a happy one, "That's a coincidence, I have a paid job here, are you interested?"

Mo Langqin opened his eyes and looked at Li Ren with concern, "Let's listen."

The lawyer said directly, "You will be Yao Shun's bodyguard and accompany him to the meeting of the Four Gods. What do you think of the work here?"

"This..." Mo Langqin thought for a moment, "It depends on how much money you can give the young master. You can talk about anything when the money is in place."

The lawyer gestured with one hand, "I won't talk to you about the price. You can talk to Yao Shun. After all, the money is in his hands, and I don't care about the money."

"Why does it feel like a husband who is out doing business is spending his wife's money? But you are very good at making up your mind. It's just that you are just cheating or stealing, saying, are you taking advantage of my young master!"

Lawyer naturally did not deny it, but he felt that Mo Langqin guessed too quickly, "You really know how to guess, I am indeed using you, but protecting Yao Shun is also what I want.

Besides, I just got the news that Baihu heard that Lu Bai had gone back, but the specific informant never came back.So letting you go to this meeting of the Four Gods can be considered as helping you complete a task, isn't it, win-win and win-win. "

Mo Langqin let go of his hand and looked towards the door of the ward, "In that case, what about Yao Shunren?"

The lawyer also looked at the door, and Yao Shun was still talking at the door before Mo Langqin came, "I saw him staying in my ward before you came, and he may be out now, I will give him a call first, Tell him to come over quickly. It's strange where my phone went..."

After Mo Langqin found the mobile phone by the bedside, he handed it to the lawyer. He took the opportunity to stare at the gauze-wrapped shoulder of the lawyer and asked with concern, "How is your shoulder...?"

The lawyer was about to make a call with his mobile phone. He felt a little awkward when he heard Mo Langqin's kind words, but he was still a little happy, "Oh, do you still care about me?"

Mo Langqin evened his mouth, "Can't you?"

The lawyer laughed dryly, "It's not impossible, it's because of your concern, I won't give you money, you can't make money from the poor!"

Mo Langqin couldn't help it, if the lawyer was considered poor, then he might as well make money from the poor! "Are you poor! Really!"

The lawyer insisted, "I'm poor!"

"Cut." Mo Langqin rolled his eyes.

Before the lawyer's phone call was made, Suzaku's thugs came to report the matter, "Mr. Law! Something happened to the chamber of commerce!"

Lawyer frowned and looked at the Suzaku thug, and at the same time he stopped the bickering with Mo Langqin. He suspected that he was attacking Yao Shun again, so he hurriedly asked concerned, "What happened? Yao Shun... ... President, is he injured?"

Suzaku thugs bent down and replied, "The president is not injured, but the president's office has been turned into a mess. Besides..."

"Anything else?"

"They also put ten severed fingers on the chairman's desk."

Lawyer's eyes widened, his face was ugly, "Whose severed finger?"

Suzaku's thug was calm, "I don't know, but the president is very angry. Just now he took people to the northern market."

The lawyer was afraid that something would happen before the meeting, so he had to protect Yao Shun. He just said that this kid is more mature, but it turned out to be a firecracker at one point... The lawyer had to look at Mo Langqin, "Mo Langqin, please Go there and protect Yao Shun. It would be a disservice for me to go now."

Mo Langqin straightened his shirt collar, stood up and stretched his cuffs, "Understood, the benefactor is in trouble, there is no reason not to help him, but you have to pay the labor fee first. Don't Yao Shun’s, I want yours.”

"..." Seeing Mo Langqin reaching out to ask for money, the lawyer pursed his lips and took out 50 yuan from his pocket.

Mo Langqin half-closed his eyes, "50 should not be enough."

The lawyer had no choice but to take out another two cents of steel and gave it to Mo Langqin.

"... 53 yuan and 2 yuan? Yao Shun is worth so much? What's the matter with your two cents?" Mo Langqin was amused.

Li Ren raised his hand and gently scratched his cheek with his fingers. He glanced to the side, "I picked it up by the side of the road."

"That's it..." Mo Langqin subconsciously nodded to the lawyer.

Li Ren suddenly heard the nursery rhyme in his ears, "What are you nodding your head for! Go! Don't take advantage of me!"

"See you then."

After speaking, Mo Langqin followed Suzaku's thugs and left the ward.

The lawyer thought about the purpose of this incident while feeling sorry for his own money. If the purpose of the other party's trip was not to target Yao Shun, why would Yao Shun be so angry when he saw the severed finger?And whose ten fingers belong to them?Will the owner of the finger become Yao Shun's weakness...

If it is said that Yao Shun will be stumbled by a weakness... then getting rid of it is also a good idea...

Lawyer suddenly came back to his senses and tapped his head with his hand, "Wait! What are you thinking! You really can't change your old problems, can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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