Yun Qishen

Chapter 1666 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1666 Meeting of the Four Gods (6)

(What was Mo Langqin doing in the market in a hurry?)

While thinking about what Mo Langqin might do, the lawyer looked at Yao Shun and asked, "Are you looking down on a woman as the president?"

"Of course not! Why do you think so? On the contrary, I admire her a lot. After all, we have both learned it. We know how troublesome it is to count those things. You have to listen to different suggestions from the hall masters. It's really annoying. .

Although, I still agree with Suzaku's collegial approach.The white tiger is like a dictatorship. "Yao Shun also has a real temperament, which matches Suzaku's style very well.

Lawyer touched his injured shoulder with his hand, "Every place has its own way of dealing with it. Perhaps the people of Baihu enjoy being under command."

Yao Shun smiled, "That's right, people are different, and I don't have the right to tell others what to do."

The lawyer agreed with Yao Shun's words and then nodded, "I just hope that the current troubles can be resolved after the meeting. This feels like, when you know that something big will happen, your mood will become more and more serious. Don't be nervous."

Yao Shun couldn't help joking. "This is probably called getting a good vaccination."

At the same time, Mo Langqin was already looking for Lilith's whereabouts in the market. He asked many people in succession, but in the end he found nothing.

But protecting Lilith is also part of his mission, and he still has to find someone.

"Excuse me, have you ever seen a child this tall? A girl! I don't know what to wear, but she looks very clever."

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"That's it, then thank you."

Mo Langqin's gestures were very vivid, but if people didn't see it, they didn't see it, so he had to find someone else to ask.

"Little girl? I seem to have a little impression... Old lady, do you know?"

"I've seen it before. I saw that child ran to that tavern over there, and then a few people from the chamber of commerce came and took the child away."

After finally finding the clue, Mo Langqin also raised the corners of his mouth happily, and he looked at the two old men expectantly.The old lady bent her waist and leaned on a cane and pointed to a tavern in the distance.That tavern Mo Langqin still looked familiar to him, wasn't that the last tavern he and the lawyer left.

"Take it away? People from the Chamber of Commerce? People from the Suzaku Chamber of Commerce?" Mo Langqin turned his gaze from the direction of the tavern back to the old woman.

The old lady nodded, "It should be, after all, they are all wearing red clothes."

Mo Langqin murmured softly, "It shouldn't be..." He then thanked the old people, "Thank you, grandpa and grandma."

"How could Lilith be taken away by Suzaku's people? The thugs arranged by the lawyer around the young master didn't move at all. How could they deal with an unarmed child... It seems that we need to talk to the lawyer about this matter." Let's chat." Mo Langqin thought as he walked, he thought that Suzaku would definitely not be responsible for this matter.

【call out--】

Suddenly a white afterimage brushed past Mo Langqin's cheeks, and Mo Langqin raised his hand subconsciously and grabbed the "hidden weapon" that was thrown - a piece of paper.

"A note?" Mo Langqin looked in the direction where the note was thrown and found nothing unusual.He had to open the note to see what was inside.

[If you want that girl to be safe, bring Baihu's inheritance documents to Xuanwu to exchange! 】

The handwriting was crooked, and even Mo Langqin didn't like the handwriting, and it was completely worthless.

"It's Xuanwu again... I didn't succeed in kidnapping last time and now I'm here again. I don't know if these Suzaku thugs have chased the person who threw things, but now..." Mo Langqin muttered and glanced After glancing at the surroundings, he yelled out artificially: "Ah! Damn it! Damn Xuanwu played tricks on the young master! Kidnapping is addictive, right?"

The Suzaku thugs hiding not far away could really hear what Mo Langqin was saying.


"Who was kidnapped?"

"Could it be that little girl from Baihu?"

"It's possible, otherwise why did he call so loudly for us to hear?"

"Let's report this matter to Mr. Li and the others."

"Okay, I'll pass the news on."

After waiting for a while, Mo Langqin also smiled with satisfaction, "Well, they should be spreading the news now, maybe when I go to the lawyer, the kid can tell me what happened."

Just when Mo Langqin was about to go back to find a lawyer, a young man in blue-gray overalls ran towards Mo Langqin, saying hello.

"Hey! That little brother with very fair skin! Can you come over and help me!"

"Help?" Mo Langqin's eyes sparkled with business in an instant.

The man in work clothes also smiled brightly, "Yes, help me unload the goods. My friend's waist is flashed, we are in a hurry, brother, can you help me?"

Mo Langqin cleared his throat and continued: "It's not that I don't want to help, you can ask me for help, but I want money. If you don't have money, I don't do idle work."

"Money, I have money. Is it worth 50 for a box?" The man in overalls gestured with five fingers.

Mo Langqin thought it was interesting and raised his chin, "I have to let the young master go and have a look."

Soon Mo Langqin followed the man to a large truck with many boxes of wooden barrels on it.

"What's in it?" Mo Langqin asked curiously.

The man in work clothes also enthusiastically introduced, "This is the original wine that is abundant in Suzaku. We are in the wine processing business. In Suzaku, wine is the best seller. Other chambers of commerce are greedy for our business. "

Mo Langqin's eyes were full of money and benefits, "Oh? Is it so powerful."

The man in work clothes saw through Mo Langqin's identity at a glance, but he didn't say it directly, "Brother, you are not a local."

"Of course the young master is not from the local area. I came with a little girl, but the child was lost."

Mo Langqin felt that he was telling the truth.

The man in overalls touched his head in embarrassment, "Then, brother, are you looking for someone? I'm really sorry that I asked you to come and help."

"It's all right. I've found the man too. Don't worry." Mo Langqin raised his head and counted the boxes. He felt that he lost money with 50 boxes. "Well... I did the math. Your box of wine is quite heavy. If you count 80 for a box, I will help you."

The man in work clothes wanted to fool Mo Langqin, but he didn't expect that the other party was also very powerful, so he had no choice but to admit defeat, "80... that's fine, deal! Then little brother, help me move here first. "


As long as the money is in place, Mo Langqin will do anything.

The Suzaku thugs who were in charge of the investigation in the distance watched Mo Langqin go to help unload the goods. They couldn't understand, "Why did this person suddenly help someone unload the goods?"

"I don't know."

"Should I also report this to Mr. Li?"


(End of this chapter)

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