Yun Qishen

Chapter 1665 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1665 Meeting of the Four Gods (5)

Looking at the familiar ceiling of the ward, Ritsuto couldn't help itching his nose due to the harsh sunlight.

"Ah-choo—" Li Ren raised his hand to touch the bottom of his nose and then sucked his nose forcefully, "Is someone scolding me..."

Yao Shun was leaning against the wall and gnawing on an apple. When he heard Li Ren sneezed, he raised his eyes and looked over, "Could it be a cold? There are more people with colds recently, so pay more attention."

While thinking that the apple Yao Shun gnawed was supposed to be for him, Lawyer replied with a smile, "I'm fine~ Because I'm stupid, I usually don't catch a cold."

"Who would say I'm stupid..." Yao Shun quickly gnawed the apple and threw the core into the trash can.

Lying on the hospital bed, the lawyer patted his chest triumphantly, "I'm done."

Yao Shun pulled up the chair and sat beside the lawyer's bed, "You have to have some positive comments on yourself."

"Yao Shun, haven't you ever thought that I think I'm stupid, but in my heart I think I'm really awesome?"

Yao Shun couldn't understand the lawyer's words, and he forced a smile, "What kind of ambivalence are you doing?"

"Is it contradictory... Oh my shoulder!" Li Ren sat up subconsciously but forgot that his other arm could not move for the time being.

Yao Shun hurriedly helped Lu Ren to sit up slowly, "Take it easy, being shot is not an ordinary bump. You can take it out, otherwise the bullet will be buried in your shoulder for a lifetime."

"Ha..." Li Ren smiled awkwardly, and he spoke again after the arm over there didn't hurt much, "I actually think I'm quite selfish."

"But it's fine if you're not selfish." Yao Shun's legs were slightly spread apart, and he bent his waist slightly and put his hands on his knees, looking rather cute.

The lawyer shook his head, "Have you ever thought about it, I don't like doing this."

"Then why do you insist on doing it? Isn't it in your mind to let go?" Yao Shun asked.

The lawyer replied with a sigh, "But I don't want to let it go."

Yao Shun sat up straight and said in a relaxed tone, "So this proves that you are also responsible, doesn't it? No matter how bad things get, you won't give up easily, right? As you said, don't let yourself make decisions. Regret. You have to believe in your persistence and every decision you make."

Yao Shun's words of encouragement made Li Ren feel a little strange. After all, Yao Shun didn't seem like someone who would comfort others. He didn't design it like this before.

It doesn't feel like that, the lawyer doesn't know Yao Shun very well, maybe these words of encouragement are also a manifestation of Yao Shun's true personality.

"Thank you." The lawyer smiled, "On the contrary, I think you have changed more than me these days, and you have become much more mature."

Yao Shun raised his hand and touched the back of his neck, "Actually, I also think that I was a bit rebellious before, but I still like the feeling before. Now, I may be with you for this responsibility just like you Suzaku walked down step by step.

This is my responsibility and my obligation.Now protecting Suzaku has become my goal.What about you, lawyer, don't you have a goal? "

Seeing Yao Shun looking at him, Lu Ren casually said, "The goal is to protect Suzaku."

Yao Shun naturally didn't believe it, he chuckled, "Really? I don't believe it."

The lawyer pouted and played with his childish temper, "Of course it is true. I am very happy to see you live the life you have decided."

"Speaking like my elders."

"Hahahaha, I am your elder! Hurry up and call me Grandpa!"

"Ha, fuck you!"

Yao Shun waved his hand and patted Lu Ren on the back and smiled, and Lu Ren followed him with a smug smile.

When both of them had had enough laughs, the lawyer began to discuss the business, "Speaking of which, what happened to the guy who shot?"

Yao Shun restrained his smile and became serious, "He shot himself when our people chased him. We haven't found out who sent it yet."

"I don't think it has anything to do with the other Sanshen Chambers of Commerce. It is very likely that they are sent by those small chambers of commerce nearby." The lawyer said so.

Yao Shun was very strange, "Could it be that they came for the core of the Four Gods? The news must have spread too fast..."

Lawyer shook his head, he moved his stiff body a little and looked straight into Yao Shun's eyes, "They are not for the core of the Four Gods, their goal was on you from the beginning, you should have discovered that, That bullet was aimed at you."

Time stood still for three seconds, and all the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear, Yao Shun nodded in understanding.

"You proposed to release the news not only to contain the Sanshen Chamber of Commerce, but also to disperse the targets of those small chambers of commerce?" Yao Shun clasped his hands together, his fingers kept rubbing as if he was calculating something.

Lawyer nodded, "That's exactly what I planned. I'm afraid that something will happen to change my plan. The meeting is not far away. Although Suzaku's thugs are strong, they still have some shortcomings. Suzaku's side Compared with other Sanshen Chambers of Commerce, vigilance and combat skills are still poor, you can’t go to a meeting without an almighty bodyguard to protect you.”

Yao Shun also agreed when he heard the lawyer suggested bodyguards, but...

"You're right, but this kind of all-round bodyguard is rare in Suzaku."

Lawyer suddenly had a flash of inspiration at this time, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile, "I have a very good idea, but I need a little money to hire this one~ money~"

"How much?" Yao Shun was also straightforward.

Li Xin thought, why is Mo Langqin not here at this time, " about waiting for him to come and talk to you?"

"Who? Do you know?" Yao Shun couldn't think of any powerful people in his mind.

"Not only do you know each other, you have met Yao Shun."

"Okay, I just hope your plan can catch up with the changes this time."

"I'm not a god, how can I know what will happen next? We are all experiencers all the time."

Lawyer felt that being a recorder was not an uncomfortable experience. What he saw was far more than what he had planned.

Yao Shun took out his mobile phone to check the time, and he continued: "Ha, that's right. I didn't care about the little hall master of Baihu for the time being, and let him stay in front of Brother Lulu's tombstone for a while. Yes, I just heard that he hurried to the market again.

You said that he is a hall master-level figure, but Baihu didn't arrange such a position, right?I heard people say that the chairman of Baihu has disappeared for a long time, and now it is run by a woman. "

(End of this chapter)

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