Yun Qishen

Chapter 1678 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1678 Meeting of the Four Gods (18)

[Why is it you? 】

In a closed room, a couple is hugging each other tightly, and they look fearfully at a man in black in the distance.

[Why are you doing this! 】

The couple kept questioning the man in black.

[We support you so much?Why are you!Why kill us! 】

The man in black's eyes were cold, and the words he said pierced the heart of the couple like a needle, 【All this is for Baihu, I don't want to talk to you about the rest. 】

【you can not--】

Just when the man in the couple wanted to use violence to stop the tragedy that was about to happen, the bullet mercilessly hit the man's waist and abdomen.

The man fell to the ground in pain, and blood continued to flow from his abdomen. His wife supported him and wept in fear.

【husband!Husband, are you okay?Lu Bai, you are still not human!In your saddest time!We were the ones who took care of you when your mother passed away!The entire Yun family takes care of you like that, how can you, husband, let's go to the hospital, go to the hospital. 】

[None of you can leave! 】The man in black saw that the woman was going to take the man away, so he shot the woman's ankle.The woman was also unable to walk and fell to the ground screaming in pain.

【what! 】

And the man in black who watched the couple suffer was Lu Bai when he was young, when he had just become the acting president.

The man who fell on the ground gritted his teeth and endured the pain and shouted at Lu Bai, 【Lu Bai!What resentment do you have for coming to me!Don't hurt my wife and my kids! 】

Lu Bai replied calmly. He pointed the gun at the couple again, 【I have no grudge against the Yun family. I am very grateful that you take care of me and allow me to live in Baihu. 】

The man who fell on the ground didn't understand, 【Then why did you do this?Why? 】

【Everything is for Baihu. 】Lu Bai said repeatedly.

The man's eyes were both surprised and flustered, 【I don't understand what you're talking about!Want to destroy the Yun family that raised you and saved you for the sake of Baihu?how could you do this!I don't understand you, really don't. 】

Lu Bai sighed slowly, 【You are not the only ones who say that, other people also say that.Only by destroying you will I not have any weaknesses. 】

The man clutched the wound on his abdomen, the bleeding had already stained his hands red and dripped on the floor, 【Stop talking nonsense!When did we become your weakness!If you are really kind, forgive us, and we will not pursue your atrocities, but we will not have any contact in the future! 】

Lu Bai frowned annoyed by the man's noisy voice, 【It's safer to be dead, isn't it?I keep you, you will only betray me and turn against my powerful father, won't you? 】

The man continued to yell, at this moment he just wanted to protect his family, 【Lu Bai, we swear, if you let us go, we will leave Baihu immediately and never come back! 】

【I do not believe. 】Lu Bai raised his pistol and aimed at the man.

[Husband...] The woman who was in pain looked at her husband and felt distressed.Her husband was smiling at her comfortingly at the moment.

【Don't be afraid, there is—】

But everything happened too fast, and the man's smile was frozen at that moment.

With a burst of gunshots, the man fell to the ground with no signs of life, the woman screamed, and she begged for mercy, 【Ah!husband!Husband, wake up!husband!Call an ambulance, call an ambulance, Lu Bai!Master!Young Master!Please, call an ambulance for the sake of helping you, don't hurt my husband!Don't hurt my children either!I beg you!I beg you!Spare them!They are still children! 】

Lu Bai's tone was still flat, 【I can spare those children, after all they are still useful, but you can't, you know too much.It would be a disaster to leave you alone. 】


The emotionless gunfire was hidden in the muffler, and did not cause any major commotion this night.

Lu Bai slowly closed the door and went straight to the next house, 【This is the third house...continue...】

【Lu Bai, you white-eyed wolf!You must die! 】

【You will leave this world in the most tragic way!what! 】


Everywhere he went, Lu Bai would hear them condemning and cursing him.These curses were all covered up by him with gunshots one by one.

After dealing with the last person, Lu Bai let out a long breath of relief, 【Finally... finally all are resolved. 】

At this moment, a child opened the door that shouldn't be opened. The child looked at Lu Bai with innocent eyes and wondered, 【Brother, who are you?Why are you at my house? 】

The child looked at the two fallen people on the floor with those eyes again, 【What happened to my parents?them--】

Lu Bai didn't give the child time, he went up to him and knocked the child unconscious, 【Sorry kid, I can't let you go with your parents...】

Soon he left the house.

Lu Bai stood in the night, looked at the empty street and dialed the number, 【Hey, I've taken care of everything here, what about the things I asked you to prepare? 】

After a noise was heard in the communication, Lu Bai also nodded in understanding, 【Okay, I'll get it myself. 】

[The next step is the last step——]


The flames spread along the gasoline, and soon turned into a demon-like existence, devouring that area.

【Lu Bai, you must die! 】

[White-eyed wolf! 】

【Saving you is the biggest failure of the Yun family! 】

【what! 】

Before Lu Bai's eyes were not only the raging fire, but also the cursed faces of the dead who were struggling at the end. It was a curse for him, and it was also the most vicious curse.He's going to end up dying badly, but not now.

Soon Baihu's thugs informed Lu Bai of what happened, 【Deputy President!Oh no!Oh no!Yun's house is on fire, and it's huge! 】

Lu Bai pretended to be anxious and replied, 【I'll rush over there right away, call the fire police for rescue! 】

【Yes! 】

The silent night turned into a lively night.The dark colors are also rendered by the red light of the flames.

Then there was the meeting between him and Yun Jin, which was also the second step in the implementation of his Lu Bai plan.

【Save me——save me——】

[Children, it's okay, it's all over. 】

【My parents, they...they...】

[I will definitely give you an explanation, I will. 】

【Dad, Mom...】

[What's your name, kid? 】

【My name is Yunjin...】

[Yun Jin, live with me from now on. 】


Lu Bai was resting on the office chair. For some reason, he had this dream. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled boredly, "It's this kind of boring dream again. I know what the meaning of the dream is. Now I am curious how much Yun Jin has found out about that matter."

(End of this chapter)

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