Yun Qishen

Chapter 176 Support from Lingshan in the past

Chapter 176 Back to Jingling Mountain's Support (8)
"Jiangbang Demon Lord! That's right!" The group of Taoist priests looked at what they didn't know what it was, and there was my portrait on it...

"I thought it was a woman, but I didn't expect it to be such a handsome man. I heard that it was the third young master of the Yun family who destroyed the Yun family in the East Yuguo. I still don't believe it. I am afraid that I will not see the third young lady of the Yun family today? Dress up as a woman. Men's clothing? Hahahahaha!" A Taoist sneered at my appearance.

The fake Immortal Sword Sect disciple pretended to be pitiful, "The devil save me..."


"You think I'll save him? Stop joking... If you don't get out of the way, I'll kill you all one by one!"

What else can I say?I can't laugh hahaha and say your acting is too bad!

"Sure enough, the devils are all hard-hearted, and the allies can't save them!" Those Taoist priests grabbed the disguised Immortal Sword Sect disciple tightly.

Is he testing me?
"Alliance? Joke! Who said I was allied with other Jingling Mountains?" I sneered in disdain.

Compare your acting skills with me, hehe!You still owe me a Golden Actor Award!

"I just threatened him with the most precious thing in the spiritual realm... Consciously, let me go the way I want to go."

What can I say?I want to say that I kidnapped the Dao of the Spirit Realm, which is definitely not convincing... I'll just make up this one, before he said that I was afraid of the dark when I went to the thatched hut by myself!
As a result, all the Taoists here are thinking about what is the most precious thing in the spiritual realm. If they get that thing, the most powerful opponent, the realm of Lingshan, if they can use it as a tool, wouldn't they be invincible in the world?

This group of people is ridiculous enough... but now they must be temporarily left the gate of the sect.

"What nonsense are you talking to him! For the sake of the world! Kill the devil here and take his head!!"

Suddenly, a Taoist priest shouted, and this group of people remembered that their business was not to unite with Jinglingshan, but to attack me.Then set foot in Xianmen.He became famous because of the battle between the fairy and the devil a hundred years ago.

Hmph, this group of people who have never seen Spirit Realm Dao is still imagining how old a Taoist priest is.

Following the instigation of the Taoist priest, these Taoists attacked me one by one.

It's just ants, I trapped this group of people with black gas. I thought that after trapping them, I could turn around and go into the fog, but things were not as simple as I thought...

I just stepped one foot into the mist, and then a white ball of light attacked me.

Fortunately, I hid in time. When I looked back, I didn't expect someone to grab my neck, pressed the whole person to the ground, and hit me with a small stone.

Later, when I realized it, if it weren't for the backlight, I would definitely have seen the person's appearance all night, but I still found it for two seconds.

brush - click -

A silver sword slid past my ear and stabbed hard into the ground.

ah!I'm scared to death...

"It really looks like a girl when you get close. She looks white and tender!"

This frivolous guy said in white clothes, with a pair of fox eyes, and his face could still be seen, and these eyes would definitely give him points.It has a big mouth and a canine tooth.I really want to pull it out for him... OCD is not used to it...

"Haha!" I sneered and kicked my leg.The same man, I don't know how to kick [beep——]
Seeing the man in front of me stand up in pain, I feel extremely relieved.

"Fuck you meow white and tender! You are the girl!"

I also got up and patted the dirt on my body... The black clothes fell on the ground...

I saw this fox-eyed guy bent over and wanted to laugh, telling him to get me to the ground just now, and then I'll make your face rub on the rough ground...

"You... did this Demon Lord just pretend to be so majestic?"

I've been found out?I don't see anyone else around, it's okay...

It seems that other people didn't get rid of my black qi, so if this person caught up later or got rid of my black qi...

"You don't care if I pretend or not, I don't have time to spend time with you!" I quickly entered the fog.


What is this guy chasing after me?Still in the fog?Exactly...

I thought I could shake this fox-eyed guy out of the fog, but...

"Why are you running so fast? Afraid that I will kill you??"

? ? ?What do I rely on?
I had no choice but to stop...that's all I can do.

start to install-

"Haha." I sneered, "Your strength is really good, you might as well report your name."

The fox-eyed guy sighed, "So why are you running away sooner or later? I hate chasing people the most."

After he said this, he didn't say a word. I asked him to sign up his name. How could he answer the question?
"It seems to be an unnamed mountain trail. I'll let you live, why do you still have to go over there and make fun of it?"

Yunqishen, Yunqishen, your words are very similar to the lines of a bad guy.I can't help but sigh, I'm definitely fit to play the villain.


I suddenly felt a powerful murderous aura.

At that moment, my left arm, along with my sleeve, was cut off from my body.

The sudden pain swept through the whole body immediately, this was not an illusion... This person... He had just been suppressing this powerful murderous aura.

I also quickly used the healing technique to temporarily seal the spilt blood.

"I really underestimate your fox eyes..." I really felt that my life was in danger, but there was no one around me at the moment.

I'm in a bad mood all of a sudden, I feel like I'm a burden...

I use my other hand to conjure a black sword to beware of this guy.

"Ouya... Ordinary people are frightened like this, as expected of the devil." This guy slowly approached again.

"The name Fox Eye is not bad... By the way, I didn't come to Jingling Mountain to take your head. I came to find the spiritual realm of the sect master of Jingling Mountain."

The fox eye picked up my broken arm, "It's a pity for these hands..."

The strange flame in the hands of the fox eyes made my broken arm disappear in an instant...'s not right...

This fox eye is different from the guys before. He really wants to kill me. If that's the case, Takizawa and the others have shown mercy at the beginning...why?Damn... I thought it would be possible to get the broken arm back and connect it with healing... But now...

"It's such a good expression... I also want to see Lingjing Dao's expression and then kneel and kowtow to me... It won't be a waste of my 100 years of hard work..." Fox eyes admired his fairy sword, and the sword gave out a cold sound. Light……

For the first time now, I want to ask for help... Ye Qi... help me...

"who are you!"

"My name is Yu Xingguan - a judge from hell, in order to take down the head of Jingling Mountain Dao Zongmen Lingjing Dao." Fox Eyes smiled complacently, "But before I see Lingjing Dao, I need to meet you!!"

I watched the tip of the silver sword attack my neck, and I closed my eyes subconsciously...

What a shame!

(End of this chapter)

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