Yun Qishen

Chapter 177 Support from Lingshan in the past

Chapter 177 Back to Jingling Mountain's Support (9)
(God's perspective)
Yan Qi had put her arms around Murong Danran's neck and joked, but she wanted to laugh when she saw Luo Bufan, who was tied up with five flowers in front of her.

Yan Qi used his urchin attributes to draw a lot of turtles on Luo Bufan's clean and tender face.

Ye Qi thought to himself that the shocking roar before must be Chen Yueluo's summoning of gluttonous food.

"I'm just curious, Yueluo and Fifth Senior Brother, your beast masters are all learned from Third Senior Brother, why does Fifth Senior Brother like such disgusting things?"

All the millipedes summoned by Murong Danran have disappeared, so Qi Qi will not miss any opportunity to make fun of him.

"I still don't understand that you dislike this disgusting thing, then spit out the six sticks you ate." Murong Danran pushed away Mo Qi with a look of disgust.

Ye Qi's female watch smiled, "Hey~ I don't even remember~ I still remember the number of five senior brothers summoned, how many are there in total~"

"It's not too late, let's take this guy back first..." Murong Danran ignored Ye Qi, and he lifted Luo Bufan, who was unconscious, with his whisk.

When Murong Danran turned back to look at Ye Qi, she saw Ye Qi covered her chest with a panicked face and was dazed.

It was also the first time that Murong Danran had seen Ye Qi in such a state. What was this kid doing?
Just when Murong Danran was about to ask Ye Qi aloud, Ye Qi quickly turned into black smoke and left.

Murong Danran had no choice but to take Luo Bufan to the spiritual realm as soon as possible.

Ye Qi was in a very flustered mood, is something going to happen to Yun Qishen?Where is he?He will be all right.

"Hey! Brainy! What's that black smoke over there?"

"My name is Chen Yueluo! Auntie, can you stop worrying about whether I have a brain?" After Chen Yueluo finished speaking, she looked in the direction Xiaoya indicated, "Isn't that Uncle Seven?"

"That black smoke is indeed him... But wasn't the spiritual vein on Uncle Seventh Master's feet broken by the master? He turned into black smoke and flew like this to hold his ankle?" tied up.But there's nothing pretty to say about it, it's just tied into a zongzi.

Xiaoya frowned and was about to catch up. Xiaoya had good leg strength, and he ran up the cliff with three strokes and five divisions.

Chen Yueluo was worried that this aunt was in trouble, so Mian said about him, and Yun Qishen also said about him, and it was even possible that he would be joked by Ye Qi for a few days...

"Auntie! Don't be impulsive! What are you going to do!!" Chen Yueluo followed closely.

"Senior Brother Yueluo... gluttonous..." Xiaoshao held Xu Mingjian and looked at Chen Yueluo who was leaving.

"Don't worry about him, I'll take this guy to the master. Xiaochao, take the gluttonous food and this mouse to the third master."

If you touch the head of the spoon, you will take out Xiao Zhi from her arms and give it to her... As a result...

The mouse is gone? ! !
"No way..." In case a bad situation comes to mind.

at the same time.

On Yun Qishen's side, Yun Qishen ran away with all his strength, and it is not a long-term solution for the middle-black sword to resist. Besides, Yun Qishen can only use these spells with the beads given by the golden unicorn. Once the spells are consumed too much He was afraid that the unicorn beads would not be able to supply mana, which would cause the spell used to stop the bleeding to disappear.

Now he Yun Qishen died of exhaustion or bloodshed.

Just now, the silver sword of the imperial officer attacked Yun Qishen's neck, and at that moment Yun Qishen closed his eyes subconsciously.

When Yun Qishen opened his eyes, his green jade pendant floated in the air to block the fatal blow for him.

Only Yun Qishen can escape safely, but unfortunately this jade pendant is completely broken.

Yun Qishen suddenly thought that there was still a piece of purple jade in the fog. Since the things smelted by Mi Zixin here can be resisted, then maybe the original powerful purple jade can defeat him...

Yun Qishen repeatedly dodged, and repeatedly searched for the entrance to that place.

The royal officer fox narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Demon really don't deserve this name...The only person who can deserve the name of the Demon Lord is her, my fairy - Taki Yunhua!"

He won't be the rival of the Spirit Realm Dao...

Yun Qishen stepped back vigilantly and suddenly felt that he had guessed something under his feet.

It's ok... just how to avoid his sight... I haven't even found the weakness of this person... with...

Yun Qishen stabbed the black sword into the ground, he looked tired.Yun Qishen lowered his head and exhaled a heavy breath and greedily breathing.

"Why can't you run?" The imperial officer hurried over, "Boring!"

It's really a villain who doesn't talk much nonsense and lived a long time, and Yun Qi deeply complained in his heart.

Yun Qishen sharpened his eyes, and his eyes were shining with golden light. He turned from defense to attack and drew a semicircle forward with a black sword in one hand.

The broken part of the arm that was covered with blood on one side began to bleed.

The Imperial Officer was very clear about avoiding Yun Qishen's move for the next day, and he even exclaimed, "I really didn't expect you to still have mana... It will be impossible after this golden pig!!"

Another half-blade attacked Yun Qishen's head with a single blow, and the imperial officer was killed by a move.Yun Qishen used all his mana to resist, and although he resisted a move, it deviates from the position Yun Qishen expected.

even closer...

The seal on Yun Qishen's severed arm was about to be undone, and he went on to falsely lure and attack the imperial officer.

The purpose of Yun Qishen is to let the sword qi of the imperial officer smash the purple jade. It is best to break the purple jade as small as possible...

Soon the last big piece of purple jade in Yun Qishen's eyes was also broken. When Yun Qishen was thinking about the next step, the attack of the imperial officer came towards Yun Qishen... It was not a move. It's three tricks.

Yun Qishen, who was so tired and nearly paralyzed, could only resist one of the moves. The other two sword moves slashed across Yun Qishen's cheek and his calf respectively.

This attack was not as strong as before, Yun Qishen guessed that it must be related to Ziyu...

The imperial officer over there was also curious as to why the three moves here didn't cost him his life?He and you clearly used the same mana as when you cut off Yun Qishen's arm before.

Forget it, another powerful move will kill him directly.

The imperial officer did what he said, and Bai Guang broke off the ground and attacked Yun Qishen.

Can't you...seems like I'm being smart again.

"You devil here~ You really make me worry about the little Taoist!!!"

Black and purple lotus flames descend from the sky.

——Du Hualian——

The surface cracked and collapsed, forming a huge, sunken disk.

In front of Yun Qishen, the back of the familiar blue-grey-haired boy appeared again.

He couldn't see his face, couldn't see the evil red on his face.But Yun Qishen really thanked him from the bottom of his heart...


Black smoke emanated from Ye Qi's body, he straightened his waist out of breath, and suddenly blood came out of his mouth.

"Nei Qi..." Yun Qishen wanted to go over to see him.

Ye Qi looked back at Yun Qishen, pushing away the dark clouds and seeing the sunlight, "You'll be fine~"

 Broken arm, okay?Are you Venus?

(End of this chapter)

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