Yun Qishen

Chapter 1792 End of unit

"You can't find them. They've been taken and hidden by Qinglong's men now."

Lu Bai's indifferent eyes blinked slightly, then he raised his hand to signal Yun Jin to calm down first and not act impulsively.

But at this moment, Yun Jin seemed to have all the energy. She clenched her fists and said as if she was about to charge forward, "Brother Lu you trust me? In order to repay your kindness, I I can do anything! You asked me to marry Fu Shou, and I went. You asked me to act as an agent for Baihu, and I did too.

Now is the time for me to take the initiative to eliminate traitors for Baihu. I want to prove to the world that Yun Jin is not a woman who is so weak that she can only use beauty tricks! "

Lu Bai liked Yun Jin's positive attitude very much, and at the same time he shook his head and began to persuade Yun Jin, "Hey, Yun Jin, you don't need to be so excited, they can't do anything. You should do it first The only thing I want is to help bring Lilith back to Baihu, I am afraid that those people are going to hurt Lilith. If Lilith is hurt because of my affairs, I will feel very sorry."

Yun Jin was silent for a moment after listening to Lu Bai's words, and she spoke again after a while.

"Speaking of Lilith, brother Lu Bai, there is one thing I don't quite understand. Why do you value Lilith so much? I feel that your concern for Lilith has completely surpassed your concern for Baihu." Yun Jin was puzzled, She continued to ask, "Besides, this Lilith is not your own child, brother Lu Bai, she is just the child of that woman and Ouyang Jian, isn't she? What's the value of you doing this? Raise children for others? Raise for a lifetime?" ?”

Lu Bai was not sad, but looked at Yun Jin seriously and said, "Yun Jin, I thought you would have a better understanding of the child's personality when he grows up with you. You should also be able to understand Lilith's love for me. significance."

Yun Jin lowered her eyes and looked gloomy, "It seems that I have let you down, brother Lu Bai. I have not realized what you want me to know. I have never calmed down in Qinglong. Every time I feel that I am killed by a group of Among the people in my family, I feel disgusting! I feel uncomfortable! It is suffocating all the time, but for Baihu, I have to do it."

Lu Bai stared at Yun Jin. In his memory, Yun Jin was just an obedient and lively girl, but now Yun Jin has indeed grown a lot, "Hey, I've made you feel wronged."

Yun Jin closed her eyes for a moment and continued, "No, I'm not wronged. Because only in this way can I hate and grow! I should thank Brother Lu Bai!

So I can't forgive those guys who can betray their Chamber of Commerce by listening to other people's rumors!In my opinion they are ugly and should not exist.They are the chief culprits of polluting the white tiger's air. "

Lu Bai said lightly, "After the meeting is over, everything will pass. You don't have to be in a hurry."

Just as Lu Bai was talking, some of Bai Hu's thugs hurried over to report the situation, "President, Qinglong's people are here!"

"Who is Qinglong?" Lu Bai asked concerned.

The thug quickly replied, "Which Mr. Yun is it?"

What does he come to do?
"Let him in." Lu Bai thought for a moment, then raised his hand to signal his subordinates to let him in, then he turned his head to look at Yun Jin and said, "It seems that he came on your back."

Yun Jin pursed her lips, "He came quickly."

Lu Bai rolled his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, "Maybe I'm here to look for you."

Yun Jin opened her eyes slightly, "What did he come to me for? Did he kill me for Fu Shou? Or for those traitors?"

"Maybe it's because of Xuanwu's affairs." Lu Bai explained directly.

"For Jin Zhehu?" Yun Jin couldn't understand. In her opinion, Yun Qishen would not care about Xuanwu's affairs.

Lu Bai didn't think so, "Very likely."

Yun Jin took a deep breath, "When will Qinglong want to take care of Xuanwu's affairs? Although they cooperate, in fact the two sides do not confront each other."

"When people arrive, they will know."

After Lu Bai finished speaking, he signaled Yun Jin to sit down quietly again. After a while, Yun Qishen came to Lu Bai and Yun Jin under the leadership of Baihu's thugs.

At the same time, Aojie on Suzaku's side was suffering from physical torture.

The sound of whip interrogation kept echoing in the interrogation room, and Ojie's body was covered with whip wounds.

But the Suzaku thug who was in charge of the interrogation didn't stop waving his whip to teach this disgusting Aojie even if his hand was numb.

The Suzaku thug shouted loudly, "I saw you were very arrogant when you bullied us before! Why don't you dare to be arrogant now? You are very arrogant!"

Aojie gritted his teeth and endured the blows of the whip again and again, his eyes burst into flames and he said in disbelief, "Sooner or later, you will have to let me go back. When I go back, I will find a way to kill you all! No one will be left behind!" "

Hearing what Aojie said, Suzaku's thug who was in charge of the interrogation was immediately enraged, and he raised his hand and grabbed Aojie's ear, "I haven't settled the president's affairs with you! Want to go back? How can you be so stupid?" Easy! And the revenge of our Suzaku brothers, this time I will avenge it!"

The person in charge of the interrogation here has been waving the whip at Aojie, and the Suzaku thug who is waiting for him to be tired and responsible for replacing him can't get enough of it and directly proposes, "You beat too lightly, beat him to death! Let this guy try it too." Taste what it feels like to be hurt! Give us brothers a bad breath!"

As soon as the person here finished speaking, the thug in charge of the interrogation over there accelerated the speed of his swing and at the same time increased his strength.

Aojie then yelled, "You can't treat me like this! I am the master of Qinglong Hall! If you anger me, you anger Qinglong! Our president will not let you Suzaku go! If you don't believe me, just wait and see!! "

Ao Jie’s remarks made the Suzaku thugs who were in charge of interrogating him laugh out loud, "I don’t care if you Qinglong will spare us! No one can stop Suzaku from doing what Suzaku wants to do! We are not afraid of the Qinglong venue! We Suzaku Your president will lead us to glory!"

Another thug in charge of the interrogation immediately said, "Speaking of which, Aojie. When you were undercover for Suzaku, you should have understood that you will have to accept our trial sooner or later!

Before you do something that hurts our president, you should have thought that you will end up like this today!

You poison us with poison.We'll whip you to pieces!beat!Hit hard! "

Here Suzaku's thugs had finished their interrogation, but Aojie became vicious and prepared to do something to put the flames out.

Then I saw that Suzaku who had been interrogating Aojie fell to the ground with a plop.

The thug was foaming at the mouth, his limbs were twitching, and he passed out after a while.

This is the revenge Aojie played out.

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