Yun Qishen

Chapter 1793 End of unit

Lawyer was in a flustered mood at the moment, and suddenly, he was so uncomfortable that it was hard to breathe.His hand, which was still scratching the table just now, began to tremble unnaturally.

Yao Shun was looking at the materials prepared for tomorrow's meeting. When he found out that something was wrong with Lawyer, he hurriedly asked, "Lawyer, what happened to you all of a sudden? Your hands are shaking, are you okay?"

Lawyer looked at his trembling hand full of doubts, because he couldn't figure out the situation, "I'm fine, I don't know what's going on with me, this hand suddenly seems to be out of control."

Seeing that Lu Ren's hands were shaking more and more, Yao Shun directly ordered his subordinates to find a doctor, "Hurry up and find someone who can see a doctor."

After hearing this, the thugs ran out to find a doctor.

"Then... I'm sorry to trouble you..." Li Ren felt a noise in his ear, as if there was a kind of resentment crying in his ear, which made him irritable.

It was also the first time Yao Shun saw Lu Ren like this, his hands were shaking and his face was pale, he had no other questions for a while and would only ask Lu Ren, "Are you really all right?"

The law man endured the irritability in his ears, and he knew his situation very well in his heart. He explained to reassure Yao Shun, "It's nothing, you see, what's the matter if I can say that I can laugh, it's just that the trembling hands don't matter." I got it right, I thought I had Parkinson's, lol."

The more relaxed the lawyer explained, the more awkward Yao Shun felt, "I also hope that there is nothing wrong with you. But now I am afraid to look at you like this, and your face turns pale in an instant."

The lawyer naturally didn't believe it, "Ah? No way."

Yao Shun couldn't bear to see Li Ren again, so he asked Suzaku's subordinates loudly, "Where is the doctor! Is he here?"

Of course Suzaku's thugs didn't dare to procrastinate, and it was at this time that they brought a doctor over.

"Here we come! The president is here!"

As soon as the doctor came, he said solemnly, "President Suzaku, who wants to see a doctor..."

"Can't you tell who's sick?" Yao Shun was eager as if he didn't care about his tone. What he originally said to blame the doctor sounded more like another meaning.

"You are the only one who is sick!" At this moment, the lawyer decided that Yao Shun had the second meaning.

After a while, it was Yao Shun's turn not to understand, he looked at the lawyer and blamed, "Is that what I said!"

Lawyer became less clear-headed, he roared, "You're inside me!"

Yao Shun naturally didn't have a good temper, he patted the doctor on the shoulder, "Fuck him! See him! You can show him his brain by the way!"

Lawyer roared in dissatisfaction, "You're the one with a sick mind!"

Yao Shun frowned, the doctor he kindly called to treat Lu Ren, why did this Lu Ren suddenly change his temperament?
"What's the matter with you! Suddenly it looks like you've taken gunpowder?"

The lawyer quickly answered, "I didn't learn from you!"

Yao Shun clenched his fist and was about to smash Luren's face with his fist. He gritted his teeth, "Did your brain control your hand, or your hand kidnapped your brain!"

The doctor couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly stopped, "Okay, okay, I'll see a doctor! I know who to see, you two stop arguing!"

The lawyer yelled at the doctor again, "I'm not sick!"

Yao Shun shouted beside him, "Hands are shaking like afterimages, and you still say you're not sick!"

The doctor had no choice but to mutter in a low voice, "Let me see first..."

Then the doctor started to do a series of examinations on the lawyer, but the results of the examination made the doctor puzzled.


Seeing the doctor's voice, Yao Shun asked first, "Doctor, how is he?"

"This is strange." The doctor frowned, thinking about what to say.

Yao Shun, who was hesitant to speak when seeing the doctor, became extremely curious, "Why is it so strange? What's wrong with him?"

The doctor took a breath and said slowly, "It's not a physical problem, it may be a problem in his mind."

"You're just out of your mind!" At this moment, the lawyer seemed to be connoting him in everything he heard, his eyes were red and his temper was very irritable.

"Lun Ren! The doctor sees you, please restrain yourself!" Yao Shun reprimanded Li Ren with an extremely serious expression.

Lawyer shook his head, as if he calmed down for a short while, "I'm sorry Yao Shun, I was a little confused just now, that's not what I wanted to say."

Yao Shun became even more confused about the situation, and he asked the doctor again, "Doctor, what's the matter with him?"

The doctor calmly explained, "The shaking of hands has something to do with his heart, and he is physically healthy."

"Healthy? Is this still called health?" Yao Shun asked, pointing at Lu Ren's morbid appearance.

But the doctor was very sure of his own thoughts, "He is very healthy. Now you have to ask him what he is thinking."

Lawyer's tears blurred his vision, and he was also puzzled, "I didn't think about anything, it just happened suddenly, what can I do!"

Yao Shun hurriedly asked again, "Doctor, do you have medicine to treat him now?"

"It can only be controlled with some sedative drugs first." After speaking, the doctor began to search for drugs in the medicine cabinet.

Li Ren suddenly yelled out of his head and unconsciously, "What tranquilizer! I'm not sick!"

"Lu Ren, you are obedient!" Yao Shun saw that something was wrong with Lu Ren, so he raised his hand and grabbed Li Ren's trembling hand and pressed it on the table.

But Lu Ren didn't stop shaking his arms because of Yao Shun's suppression, "I also want to be obedient, but I can't breathe now, it's so uncomfortable."

Yao Shun yelled, "You can't breathe, why are you talking so much!"

At this time, the doctor also took out his sedative medicine and injected it into the needle tube, which was as thick as three fingers.

"No, doctor! Do you want such a big needle for the tranquilizer? I won't give it! I won't take it!" Although Li Ren's vision was blurred, he could see the needle with such a big needle clearly. He was already afraid of needles, let alone this Big one.

Yao Shun took Li Ren's arm and approached the doctor, "Come here! The doctor has quick hands and eyes! Quick!"

The doctor was also quick, he immediately found a blood vessel and injected the tranquilizer into it after he pressed Ritsu's hand.

"Ah! My arm!"

The pain began to spread from the arm to Ritsuto's entire sensory system. After he gritted his teeth and endured it for a while, he did see that the trembling of his arm eased a lot.

The doctor put away the medicine and said to Yao Shun, "Get an injection first and observe, and call me if it doesn't work."

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, doctor." After Yao Shun sent the doctor away, he turned his head and began to care about Lu Ren's condition again, "How are you feeling now, Lu Ren?"

Li Ren covered his heart and took a deep breath, "It's true that the hands don't shake anymore, but I just feel that my heart is congested and panicked. It's still a little difficult to breathe..."

Yao Shun couldn't stand it anymore and shook his head, "No, it's not a big problem, why are you crying now that you're such an adult?"

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