Yun Qishen

Chapter 1804 Chapter 1801 Chaos Dream Core

Heiying put his arms around his chest, and he sat on the swivel chair and watched the lawyer sternly blamed him, "Doing things from the beginning to the end, who made up their minds to treat the plot well at the beginning?"

"It's me." Lawyer didn't feel aggrieved, instead he felt that Sombra's lesson at this time was right.

"Then what's the result?" Heiying said and pointed to the display on the computer.

Li Ren scratched the hair on the back of his neck with his hand, "Failed..."

Yun Qishen stood aside and sneered at Li Ren, "You are very self-aware."

Lawyer turned to look at Yun Qishen and frowned, "You're hurting me again..."

Yun Qishen waved his hand, "Let's be honest, how many space gems do we need now?"

The lawyer replied normally, "If you go to the more dangerous plot world, you only need two or three."

After listening to the lawyer's words, Yun Qi hurriedly said, "Then you let me leave now, and I will deal with the space gem by myself!"

"We just came back, why don't you rest for a while?" The lawyer originally wanted to optimize the plot, and he didn't know what space plot to arrange for Yun Qishen for a while.

Yun Qi rubbed his arms deeply and then straightened his cuffs, "I don't rest. If you are worried that Evil Qi will disobey management by your side, you can also let him go to other plot spaces to find gems. Just say I let him Help, he should not refuse. After all, your proposal to let everyone cooperate is not acceptable, because we are all dealing with things in our own way, without any spirit of cooperation."

Lawyer nodded, he agreed with Yun Qishen's statement, "That's true."

The lawyer originally thought that everyone could cooperate well, but the result is not only the arrangement of the plot, but the four of them are very antagonistic.That's why he ended a plot so sloppily.Everything has become so-so.

Yun Qishen's attitude was indifferent, "The time for you to be moved by yourself should be over."

The lawyer didn't say anything else, he just found a high-intensity plot and let Yun Qishen go in, "I know, I will try my best to make the plot as compact as possible for you, I wish you good fortune."


With a flash of white light, Yun Qishen is already in a new story world.

There is no task standard in this world, and the lawyer didn't explain the specific plot to Yun Qishen.Because the lawyer himself doesn't know what exists in this place, and he doesn't know what method to use to pass the plot of this space.

Yun Qishen doesn't care about those, he prefers to explore the unknown.

"Are you a new friend?"

There was noise in the weirdness, like the sound of an old-fashioned radio coming from Yun Qishen's feet.Yun Qishen turned his head and saw a mushroom man with the length of a calf and the size of an arm walking towards him.

(It's really a weird plot, I hope nothing weird happens.)
Yun Qishen was thinking this while observing the surrounding scenery.

It was a field of highly exposed colors, like adding a layer of highlights and dispersion.It feels like reality in fantasy.

The mushroom man took out a leaf-shaped piece of wood and handed it to Yun Qishen. It made a strange sound, "Hully, this is an invitation letter from the kingdom. Please take it well. This is the only key for you to enter the royal city." .”

"Okay, I see." Yun Qishen couldn't help complaining after putting away the piece of wood, "What kind of Alice in Wonderland plot is this..."

But when Yun Qishen watched the mushroom man go away, a green vine wrapped around Yun Qishen's arm.

Then a huge petaled flower with a mouth full of fangs approached Yun Qishen, and it said aggrievedly, "I'm so sorry...can you help me find my eyes? It seems to have fallen somewhere .”

The voice was sweet, like that of a well-behaved child.

"it is good."

Yun Qishen was startled by the big flower at first, but he couldn't refuse because his arm was entangled by its vines.After making sure that the flower was harmless, he also set off to find the eyes.

The vine of the big flower pointed in one direction, "I can feel it in that direction."

Yun Qishen also searched in the direction of the big flower vine, and after a while he saw the eyeball that looked like a living thing on the edge of a deep pit covered by tree vines. "I found it, but I shouldn't be able to reach it with my hands. Let me borrow your vine!"

Yun Qi grabbed the vine of the big flower and reached for the lively eyes.

"Okay, eyes." After the vine wrapped the eyeball up, in order to prevent it from escaping, Yun Qishen had no choice but to hold it in his hand and hand it over to the big flower.

Dahua opened her mouth wide and asked in a weak voice, "Can you help me install it again? Because I always install it weakly."

"Okay." Yun Qishen then followed Dahua's instructions to help him install the eyeballs.

"Thank you, new friend. I have another flower here for you, thank you for helping me find my eyes." The big flower with the eyes fixed jumped up and down excitedly, and then it spit out a flower and stuffed it. I gave it to Yun Qishen, and then said anxiously, "It's getting late, new friend, go to Wangcheng to participate in the competition. Otherwise, you will be caught by the guards and thrown down."

Throw it down?
Yun Qishen was puzzled by Dahua's words, where did he throw it down?Why would you be arrested if you didn't participate in the competition?What game are you going to participate in again?
With these questions in mind, Yun Qishen asked the big flower again: "It's just which direction is the royal city?"

The vines of the big flower waved and pointed to the direction of a green and psychedelic water, "Go along this road, turn right after seeing the brain tree, and go straight to Wangcheng."

"OK, thanks."

Yun Qishen also took steps to go after receiving the guidance of the direction.

The scene is constantly distorting and changing, and everything around will make people unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.From time to time there will be a lot of monsters with human faces.Or someone thinking of a monster face.

The dirt road on the path turned into a waterway for a while, and turned into a gravel road full of thorns for a while.The sky is blue, red, and yellow.

They have no fixed appearance, but there is only one thing that does not change significantly.

It is the brain tree mentioned by the big flower monster just now.

As the name suggests, this brain tree is a book made of brain structures. Yun Qishen dared to touch it, and there was warmth and mucus on the tree, and it moved like a brain.

Yun Qishen was about to turn right when a piece of brain suddenly fell from the vertical fork of the brain tree. The brain began to swell and deform, and even made an old man's murmur. A bird came out of it.

The flesh-colored bird made of nerve threads flapped its wings a few times before flying away.

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