Yun Qishen

Chapter 1805 Chapter 1802 Chaos Dream Core

This is a plot space called Strange Box, and all the scenery in the space is an uncertain appearance of fantasy and horror.

The animals and plants in the space can be talking, tools or food.However, these animals and plants are different from those Yun Qishen usually sees, or completely different.

Just like the tree made of brain tissue he saw just now, and the birds and beasts made of strips of meat born from the tree.

Everything around him had a weird hallucination as if he had eaten some poisonous fungus.

According to Dahua's guidance, Yun Qishen left Brain Tree and walked on the road leading to Wangcheng.

The road is still constantly changing, and even almost opened up a bottomless pit on the road that Yun Qishen was about to go up.Fortunately, Yun Qishen noticed it quickly so he didn't fall into that bottomless pit.

"It seems that it is not easy to get to the king's city." Yun Qishen muttered and was curious about the game that Dahua mentioned.

After walking for a while, Yun Qishen also saw some moving plants with thin black legs swarming towards one place.

Because of curiosity, Yun Qishen had no choice but to deviate from the road leading to the royal city, turn around and follow those small plants to observe.

"No, no, I can't eat this thing!"

"No no no, these eyes can be eaten!"

"No, no, hair can be eaten!"

"No, no, you can eat these!"

The shrill voice seemed to form a language, and Yun Qishen felt like tinnitus in his ears, but because of his mind-peeking ability, he could also understand the meaning of these little plants' chirping.

can eat?What can I eat?
Yun Qishen still looked suspiciously and curiously, he only saw that these thumb-sized small flowers and grass covered an adult-sized object.They are crowding and jumping on it, and they don't seem to be eating anything.

Not knowing what attracted Yun Qishen, he just kept staring at it.When he came back to his senses, those thumb-sized plants had disappeared, but in front of Yun Qishen, there was a bone lying on the place of the adult-sized object.

It is not a human bone, nor an animal bone, more like a plant root, but it is the composition of bones.

This white bone merged with the weird scenery just now, and it was constantly changing its appearance.

weird?Can't tell.fear?Not at all.

For Yun Qishen who was very afraid of skeletons and ghosts, he didn't feel any resistance to a plant's white bones.

"Hey, new friend. You are almost late! You must arrive at the Royal City before sunset! The game is about to start, or you will be caught by the guards and thrown down!"

After Yun Qishen heard the sound, he quickly located the source of the sound, which was the sound from the bone of the plant in front of him.

Yun Qishen didn't look like it.

Are there other strange things around?

Yun Qishen looked around again, but he found nothing.

At the same time, he became even more curious, because the voice just now said the same thing as Dahua before.

It seems that the game is a very important thing.

Yun Qishen took out a big flower for him and placed it gently on the side of the bone of the plant. Then he stood up and stepped on the road leading to the king city again.

This time the road was much smoother than before, there were no mutated scenery around, and there were no weird things.

When Yun Qishen saw the guards guarding the royal city, he also took out the leaf token issued by the mushroom man.

"It's new!"

"I can tell it's new!"

"He still has the token in his hand!"

"I can see that he still has the token in his hand!"

"Hey! Are you against me?"

"I can see that you are against me!"

The soldiers guarding the royal city are two balls. They look more like blueberries and other berries, but they are purple all over and don't look very delicious.

Before Yun Qishen handed over the leaf token for the guards to check, the guards here started arguing.Yun Qishen saw that their arguing became more and more intense, and then one of the soldiers directly punctured Berry's stomach.

"You really deserve it!"

The berry soldier proudly drew out his spear.

The other berry soldiers fell to the ground and became a pool of blue-purple berries.

"No, no, I can't eat this thing!"

"No no no, these berries are edible!"

It was those sharp tinnitus sounds again, Yun Qishen clearly, those little plants just now came again.It's just that Yun Qishen didn't pay too much attention this time.He handed the leaf token to the only guard soldier for inspection and then successfully entered the royal city.

It was at this time that a round, fat hand suddenly appeared in the sky, and it slapped the sun to the ground and pressed it down hard.

This is called sun setting.

"It's catching up, I don't know what will happen when we arrive at Wangcheng after the sun goes down..."

Just as Yun Qishen was thinking, he turned his head and saw that the late participants had already been poked by the berry soldiers.Soon, Yun Qishen smelled the smell of roasted vegetables.

But to be honest, it still lacks some flavor.

Yun Qishen walked into the royal city, and he only saw some passers-by who looked panic-stricken, and they all muttered about becoming the husband of some duke, because only then would they be able to walk out of the maze safely.

Yun Qishen didn't care about so many small things at first, but when he appeared on the preparation bench of the game, he couldn't help seeing the Duke.

Although the title of that thing is Duke, it is only a female monster.It is about three meters tall. Its head is a particularly large and beautiful rose flower in full bloom. The color of the rose will change with the Duke's emotions.

Red represents love and romance, blue represents sullenness and anger, and yellow represents joy and intoxication.

This is already the most information about the duke that Yun Qishen has obtained so far.

At this moment, there are still many contestants with strange shapes gathered on the periphery of the competition maze.

The stone with eyes and the large stick insect with spider legs are all trivial things. What surprised Yun Qi the most was another kind, just like the animals and plants made of nerve threads and flesh strips that he encountered before. Weird guys.

The brain is made of the ears of various animals, and there are fluffy things crawling on the ground on the brain. The disgust is not in the shape, but in their large number.Just like the cubs of ordinary carrion worms gathered together, the dense crowd makes people feel hairy and scratch their arms.

But who can think of it?Those ear worms are the duke's husbands.

Yun Qishen raised her head and looked at the Duke at the finish line. The Duke was red at the moment, and she was excitedly announcing to all the monsters who came to participate in the competition:

[The game has begun!Sacrifice yourselves to my happiness, my dear husbands. 】

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