Yun Qishen

Chapter 1873 Nightmare

Out of control, Zhou Jiang pounced towards Huang Shisan like a wild dog.It exudes a black-purple smoke, which looks very uncomfortable.

After Huang Shisan dodged Zhou Jiang's bite, he also raised his hand, gathering a cloud of cold air. "I think you are completely crazy, don't think I can't deal with you with such a burst of power!"

The condensed cold air flew into the sky, and Huang Shisan immediately gave an order, "Ice—shatter!"

The cold air turned into pieces of hard ice and slammed towards Zhou Jiang.

"Hey! Cough cough cough!"

The ice hit Zhou Jiang's waist and abdomen one after another, and Zhou Jiang even vomited blood after being hit.The crimson blood was also mixed with some dark purple smoke.

"It's not over yet!" Huang Shisan proudly raised his voice. Under his control, more and more ice cubes were formed from the group of cold air, and all of them fell on the surrounding area without exception. Jiang's body.

The cooks who were watching from the sidelines sighed in a daze, "My God, it's like hailstorm!"

At the same time, some people were worried about Zhou Jiang, "Zhou Jiang, is he okay..."

"It's all smashed and smoked! Is it okay?"

Huang Shisan's attack didn't last long, and after he slammed Zhou Jiang hard, the chill dissipated.

"Be quiet! Be quiet! Look! Zhou Jiang, is he alright!" Although the cooks were worried, none of them dared to step forward to check the situation.

Zhou Jiang was smashed and lay on the ground close to unconsciousness, but he still held the mysterious thing tightly and refused to let go.Even before he passed out, he kept muttering, "No... you can't... see this thing... he's mine... mine..."

Huang Shisan became more and more angry. He walked towards Zhou Jiang and stooped to snatch the things from Zhou Jiang's arms. He opened the white cloth and saw that it was a box the size of a forearm.

Huang Shisan then turned to look at the cooks and yelled, "Cut, hey! You guys don't stand so far away! Come and pull him back!"

"Yes, Master Thirteen." The cooks rushed over and lifted Zhou Jiang up——

Yun Qishen used his magic to understand what happened in the dining room when Zhou Jiang went to Huang Jingyang's courtyard through the fallen Zhou Jiang.

【Oh~ So that's what happened, so that mysterious thing...】Yun Qishen looked at Huang Shisan, and soon found the mysterious box, 【It's there...】

Yun Qi frowned deeply and thought about it, 【What could be in it that makes Zhou Jiang look like Gulu who guards the Lord of the Rings.Is it possible that it really has a similar power to the Lord of the Rings? 】

[You have to find a way to see it for yourself. 】

Yun Qishen was still thinking about the plan, and Huang Shisan also said loudly, "Have you remembered all the rules I told you?"

The steward of the dining room fell on the ground and kowtowed, "Remember it all!"

Huang Shisan lightly kicked the kitchen steward's back with his foot, "Come and repeat it to me!"

The steward of the dining room took a deep breath, straightened his body and said, "The first point is that internal discrimination is not allowed, and those who are capable must report. The second point is that cooking is the priority. Are we cooks? Working as a rat eating rice in Huang's house. The third point is to follow the instructions of Master Goudan..."

[Pfft——] Yun Qishen almost didn't laugh out loud when he heard the name Goudan Master. , 【It’s too bad for this kid to do so. 】

After listening to the dining room steward, Huang Shisan nodded in satisfaction, "It's not too bad. Now that you understand the rules, let's cook!"

"Yes, master." As soon as the cooks stood up, Huang Shisan coughed again.

"Hey! What are the rules?" Huang Shisan deliberately made the kitchen steward look at Yun Qishen.

"This..." The steward of the dining room quickly came to Yun Qishen to bow and ask for instructions, "Master Goudan... what are we going to do next?"

"Let's cook first." Yun Qishen replied in the voice of a fat cook,

The steward of the dining room then turned around and ordered the other cooks, "Everyone, let's cook."

When the cooks in the dining room were busy, Yun Qishen also walked up to Huang Shisan and said, "Master, are you doing this..."

Huang Shisan crossed his arms in front of his chest. He raised his head with a rebellious attitude, "Don't tell me, you still want to intercede for them!"

Yun Qishen shook his head hastily, "No, I have to thank you, young master. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to talk to me so kindly."

"You don't need to say thank you." Huang Shisan sighed after finishing speaking, then raised his hand and gently scratched his head, "I don't even have the mood to eat after making them make such a fuss. Then The guy who stole the food money is Zhou Jiang, right? This guy is still stubborn, saying that he didn't steal the money..."

"It is indeed Zhou Jiang who took the money." Yun Qishen replied in this way.

Huang Shisan asked, "Did you see him take it with your own eyes?"

Yun Qishen nodded, "He also specifically told Xiao'er that if the money is gone, everyone in the dining room will definitely suspect Xiao'er first."

Huang Shisan frowned in dissatisfaction and rolled his eyes involuntarily, looking very irritable, "So you just watched him take it, and you haven't stopped it yet?"

"The little one knows, young master, you may not be able to understand the little one's thoughts, the little one is..."

Before Yun Qishen finished speaking, Huang Shisan interrupted, "I really can't understand. He should stop him immediately if he does something bad, instead of just watching blankly. You should do your own thing first." , I'm going back."

After speaking, Huang Shisan walked out of the dining room.

"Young master, go slowly." After Yun Qishen formally bowed to Huang Shisan, he even complained in his heart [Is this kid angry?It seems that he really doesn't like this kind of behavior of mine... It seems to Huang Shisan that I am just waiting to be misunderstood.But the thing in Huang Shisan's arms... now there is no way to check it. 】

Yun Qishen hadn't thought about it for long, when Yue Feng and Huang Shisan were talking outside the dining room.

Huang Shisan asked suspiciously, "Yuefeng, what are you doing in the dining room at this time?"

Yue Feng's attitude was also lukewarm, "I asked Chef Gou to cook and send it to the Ninth Young Master's courtyard. My wife is getting a little hungry again, so I plan to see if the dining room has anything to eat."

"Is that so." Huang Shisan then asked again, "How is my ninth brother?"

Yue Feng replied, "Ninth Young Master took the golden pill you gave Thirteenth Young Master, and the doctor also said that Ninth Young Master's body recovered very quickly, and he might wake up soon."

Huang Shisan's attitude became anxious, "Then can't I visit my ninth brother now?"

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