Yun Qishen

Chapter 1874 Nightmare

Yun Qishen was busy making meals in the dining room, and the sound of cooking and boiling water mixed with the sound of knives hitting the cutting board constantly stimulated his hearing, and from time to time, the voices of cooks discussing together became noisy.

But these chaotic voices did not affect Yun Qishen's hearing of the conversation between Huang Shisan and Yuefeng outside the dining room.

"The great doctor said that these days are more critical, and no one can visit, for fear of affecting Master Ninth." Yue Feng's tone was still so cold and peaceful that no ups and downs of emotion could be heard.

Then Yun Qishen heard Huang Shisan sigh and then said, "So the meal you are sending to the Ninth Hospital is for that great doctor?"

"Yes." Yuefeng replied quickly, his attitude remained flat.

"It's really hard work for him. Later, you go to my hospital to get some money and send it to the doctor. Let him take good care of Brother Nine first." After Huang Shisan finished speaking, his voice was silent again. Into the deep ears of the clouds.

"My subordinates know." Yuefeng watched Huang Shisan leave the dining room and then turned and walked into the dining room.

After noticing the arrival of the moon wind, a cook in the dining room rushed to Yun Qishen to report, "Master Goudan, the moon steward from the Ninth Academy is here."

For a while, Yun Qishen really couldn't accept the title of master given to him by the cooks, but now he just raised his hand and responded kindly, "Okay, I get it."

Yuefeng walked into the dining room after the cook reported the situation.He first looked around and soon he found Yun Qishen's figure among the busy cooks, he stepped forward and was about to talk to Yun Qishen, but Yun Qishen greeted him one step ahead.

"This room is too messy and noisy, let's go out and talk about something." Yun Qishen approached Yuefeng and pushed him out of the dining room.

"..." After Yue Feng was pushed out of the dining room, he was still a little confused at first, but he soon realized Yun Qishen's intentions, and then began to assist Yun Qishen in acting.Yuefeng immediately showed a commanding posture and said to Yun Qishen, "How about the meal I asked you to prepare?"

Yun Qi saw that Yue Feng was very good, and even pretended to cooperate with acting. He raised his hand and gently scratched the back of his head. He smiled naively with a fat figure, and his attitude towards Yue Feng was also respectful. "Don't worry, I just came back from the Young Master's Courtyard. The meal you asked for is currently being cooked, and it will be ready in another two quarters of an hour."

Yuefeng nodded in understanding and continued, "I just want to tell you again, the meals sent to the Ninth Hospital don't have to be too bland, and it's best not to make them too greasy."

Yun Qishen nodded knowingly and patted his chest, "I understand. I cook, don't worry."

Then Yuefeng's eyes were attracted by the curse mark on Yun Qishen's neck, and he pointed to Yun Qishen's neck and asked, "What's wrong with your neck?"

Yun Qishen slid his hand from the back of his head to the neck and touched it. He deliberately showed a tired look and said, "This neck seems to be twisted. I have felt something wrong since just now. Could it be because It was caused by not sleeping last night..."

"Show me." Yuefeng said coldly, but Yun Qishen didn't resist, he lowered his head and moved closer.

Yuefeng cast a spell to remove the curse seal, and then lowered his voice and said to Yun Qishen, "Huang Zhengyan is sending people to follow you now. The seal on your neck is just a mark, and you need a magician to untie it yourself, but as long as you don't If you use too much power, the curse seal will not respond."

Yun Qishen also breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Yuefeng's words, "Since it's not the type of monitoring, I can rest assured. Huang Zhengyan's people are pretty easy for me to deal with, but this person who put a curse on me ..."

"You mean the Fifth Young Master Huang Wenxuan?" Yuefeng said, "This is the fifth young master who knows how to curse and seal."

Yun Qishen narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, "It's him, so Yuefeng, can you help me deal with him?"

Yuefeng looked at Yun Qishen's disguised fat face and was a little embarrassed at first, but after a moment of contemplation, he finally nodded and agreed, "I should be able to."

Yun Qishen also lowered his voice, "I'm sorry to trouble you. By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you, which makes me very curious."

"What else is there?" Yuefeng saw Yun Qishen's curious tone, and he also slightly opened his eyes wide in curiosity.

Yun Qishen's attitude was serious, and he moved closer to Yuefeng's ear and said, "Just now when Huang Shisan left, he was holding a box in his arms. That box is very strange, please help me investigate."

"I see." Yuefeng's eyes also became serious, and after he finished speaking, he pushed Yun Qishen away and changed into an acting mode and asked with concern, "How does your neck feel now?"

"It's much better, thank you for your help." Yun Qishen replied like this.

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