Yun Qishen

Chapter 201 Cultivation of all parties

Chapter 201 The Cultivation of All Parties (3)
(God's perspective)
The cultivation cave in the cultivation cliff of Jingling Mountain.

The growing golden unicorn is launching a fierce attack on Ye Qi.

Ye Qi practiced how to use the black gas to dodge, and the unicorn fire spread quickly when it touched a surface.

Ye Qi turned sideways and quickly came to the foot of the golden unicorn. The red sword slashed horizontally at the front foot of the golden unicorn.

The golden unicorn roared in the sky, and a golden barrier burst out from the golden unicorn's body.He easily deflected Ye Qi's sword energy.

Ye Qi wanted to use black energy to dodge, but he was also ejected by the golden barrier when a knot was missed.

Seeing this, the golden unicorn shrank with a shriek and ran over to check Ye Qi's injury.

"Your move is quite powerful." Ye Qi sat up with the red sword.

"Hmph, if you don't get distracted, how could this divine beast's sloppy attack here hurt you?" Jin Qilin didn't know where to take out the immortal fruit and threw it on his body and shot it into Jin Qilin's mouth.

"No way~ Come again!" Ye Qi was ready to meet again.

The golden unicorn chewed the fairy fruit unhurriedly, "When the beast is finished, what Yun Qishen said to you before is so influential? OK! OK! OK! The beast doesn't ask...I It bothers others to blush the most. You know your skin is fair, so blushing is obvious."

Ye Qi covered his mouth with his hand and did not speak.

One beast and one person stayed like this for a while.

After the golden unicorn swallowed the fairy fruit, it once again emitted golden flames all over its body.

Ye Qi also stepped back.

The golden unicorn first attacked Ye Qi with a paw, and when he turned his eyes, he easily escaped by bouncing his arm.

As a result, what Ye Qi did not expect was a unicorn fire falling from the sky.

With a swipe, it slammed down and directly pressed Ye Qi to the ground.

"You're distracted again!" The golden unicorn spit out a small fireball of unicorn fire provocatively.

Ye Qi got up from the crack on the ground, "Come again..."

There was black energy around Ye Qi and he used the black energy to form a rope to trap the golden unicorn.

Jin Qilin looked at the black energy around him, "Oh! You have so much strength! It's not easy!"

"Then please Jin Qilin, please don't let me anymore..." Yan Qi teleported towards Jin Qilin along the black rope.

The golden unicorn turned around and caused a whirlpool to bounce off the evil spirits.

"not good!"

The golden unicorn suddenly felt that something was wrong, and it hurriedly looked up.There was a huge black fire gathering above.

"Ha!" Jin Qilin smiled proudly, the black fire fell, and Jin Qilin avoided it perfectly.

The black fireball smashed the ground out of the crack just like the fireball spit out by the golden unicorn before.

This kid can learn this trick in an instant, which is really talented.He attacked with black energy gathered into a black rope to trap my attention below, while the real attack came from above.With that said, that move will definitely work.

The golden unicorn leaped into the air, and then snorted the unicorn fire at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi's black qi protector then quickly dodged, turning around, the shoes rubbed a layer of soil against the ground.Ye Qi slashed over and split the Qilin fire into two balls, rubbing the edge of Ye Qi's body and flying over.

The fireball hit the ground and smashed the ground into two long and deep cracks.It takes a long time to repair the crater even with the space spells that are self-recovering in the world.

The golden unicorn also landed heavily on the ground, and before Ye Qi could react too much, the golden unicorn had already attacked him.

The close Qilin Huo attacked the face of Ji Qi.

The black energy around Ye Qi quickly gathered and erupted again, and the black barrier bounced off the flames of the golden unicorn.But it seems that the ability is not very strong, but the entire black gas barrier is surrounded by the unicorn fire.

The black qi contracted uncontrollably again, and the unicorn fire burned the Qi again.

Ye Qi exhaled tiredly, while Jin Qilin pointed.

"I think you should rest and stabilize your mind. You are not competent enough, and you don't care about learning spells. You should also strengthen your physical skills. Especially the bounce of your feet is not enough..."

Ye Qi naturally listened to Jin Qilin's judgment with a smile, and when Jin Qilin finished speaking, the stubborn gangster here began to look like his female watch.

"Could it be that you envy me, someone likes me, Jin Qilin~" Yan Qi patted the dirt on his body and sighed again, "I'm afraid I'm leaving the singles league, making you feel bored and always picking on me??"

Jin Qilin has long been accustomed to this kind of remarks from Mo Qi, it turned its head in disdain and then the sound of "poof" became smaller, "He is just here to tell you, why do you still have him... ah, disgusting god beast. If that scumbag hugs you, you can't die on the spot, if there really is a divine beast at that time..." Jin Qilin turned his back to Ye Qi when he became smaller, and when Jin Qilin was looking at him, when did this guy do this? Blush easily.Okay, this beast shut up.

The golden unicorn didn't plan to say any more, it looked at Ye Qi blushing and smiling like a fool.

It must have been infected by staying with Yun Qishen, and sure enough, all fools are contagious.But the food made by that scum is delicious.

Furthermore, the golden unicorn knew clearly that the spiritual veins on Ye Qi's feet had been cut off by the spiritual realm, and the golden unicorn didn't understand it, so he could only explain the matter to the spiritual realm.Its golden unicorn doesn't want to find that spiritual realm either.

After Ye Qi calmed down, he began to practice the mental method by himself.

The golden unicorn also looked around for fairy fruit to eat.

The divine beasts outside the barrier wiped away their tears.

"Master Jin Qilin is too hard, and his ability is almost learned by that stubborn apprentice."

"Look at the devastated Lord Jin Qilin, all of them have lost weight... woo woo woo."

"Master Jin Qilin..."

Jin Qilin has a feeling of being cursed again.That scumbag won't say it's a pig again!The last time Lai called him a pig, he didn't go to Yun Qishen to settle the account!Scum, scum, scum!
At this time, in the Demon King City of Jiangbang, Yun Qishen sneezed loudly.

"Did I catch a cold yesterday..." Yun Qi woke up deeply.

Lai urged on the side, "Don't try to find an excuse not to make sweet and sour tenderloin for Benlong."

"...I'm serious." Yun Qishen thought he didn't make any excuses.

But Lea didn't believe it.

Besides, on the side of the Spiritual Realm, the Spiritual Realm took Luo Bufan and Mo Ruo to the main hall.

There are also two Taoist priests above the main hall, Qianqiu Rong and Du Jing.

Luo Bufan and Mo Ruo looked at each other nervously and worriedly. At this moment, Mo Ruo's stomach began to growl.

"What are you looking for us for?" Luo Bufan pushed Mo Ruo behind him and asked, "We have already told you everything we know, do you still want to chase after Jinglingshan?"

"No, I can let you two go. But I have conditions." Lingjing Road turned around and faced Luo Bufan and Moruo.

"What conditions!" Moruo leaned over and was curious.

"This condition is to let the two of you teach some spells to several of my disciples." Lingjing Dao seemed to be talking about conditions.

Luo Bufan blinked, "What good is this for us? Why should we help your disciples learn our spells??"

The corners of Lingjing Road's mouth rose, and the sharp eyes deterred Luo Bufan and Moruo.

"Why? How can there be so many whys in the world? Do you think you're writing [-] whys!" Spirit Realm Dao's tone was mixed with displeasure.

But Luo Bufan thought to himself, I only asked why, why is it only [-]? ?
"But if it's good, you have taught my disciples, and I'll let you go. It's not impossible if you don't agree..." Lingjing Dao casually leaned on the chair in the main hall and looked down at His Highness Luo Bufan and Luo Bufan. Moro.

"It's just that you won't get out of here alive."

Spirit Realm Dao's speech became cold again.

Du Jing on the side thought to himself, in his spiritual realm, this is an open condition to let the two of them go, it is simply to let them choose between life and death.And you must choose to live to suffer...

 ah!A little messier again!

(End of this chapter)

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