Yun Qishen

Chapter 202 Chapter 201

Chapter 202 Chapter 4 Cultivation of all parties ([-])
(God's perspective)
Gu Choumian, Chen Yueluo and Yun Qiqing arrived at the Immortal Medicine Sect.When they saw Mi Zixin, he was talking with Murong Danran through a messenger.

Chen Yueluo also looked at the summons curiously. It turned out that the master was at the periphery of Jingling Mountain at this time, no wonder he never saw him.

"I'll ask you about Qiqing's affairs for the time being." Murong Danran's voice came from the messenger.

Yun Qiqing didn't look directly at the order, Mi Zixin nodded and cut off contact.

"Master, I've already found them both." Gu Choumian saluted Mi Zixin.

"You go down first, by the way, go to Chou Mian and look for Qiu Shan. The two of you will go to the cultivation cliff together and bring you some immortal fruit for your seventh uncle."

"Yes!" Gu Choumian bowed and stepped back.

Chen Yueluo watched Gu Choumian leave the refining room.

"I don't know what's wrong with Uncle Six looking for me and the two of you?" Chen Yueluo asked after returning to his senses and bowing to Mi Zixin.

"You two sit down and we'll talk."

As soon as Mi Zixin's black bone fan was opened, he began to fan the wind slightly.

Chen Yueluo and Yun Qiqing were sitting together.On the opposite side, Mi Zixin unfolded a drawing.

"Let me talk about Yueluo first... Although the immortal sword is a compulsory spell for immortals, it is really not suitable for beast masters. Besides, Yueluo, your beasts naturally don't need to attack with immortal swords, so I plan to take back your immortal sword."

"What weapon do I use, Uncle Six?" Chen Yueluo looked at the blueprint curiously, but there was nothing on it.

Mi Zixin raised his hand and quickly took back Chen Yueluo's immortal sword and threw it into the refining furnace.

what!What a pity……

Chen Yueluo felt distressed, but what could he say, anyway, these immortal swords were forged by Mizixin Sixth Master Uncle.

"So what's going on with the blueprint here, Uncle Sixth Master?" Chen Yueluo looked left and right, but couldn't see any hidden spells on it.

"Although this is a blueprint for the refining tool, he moved it at will, and I refined it with some Three Stone Immortal Grass. I came here to find you Yueluo for this purpose." Mi Zixin threw the black bone fan forward. . 32 fan bones rotate to form a black transparent barrier.

"This..." Chen Yueluo had never seen Mi Zixin use any spells other than healing.

"Behind this barrier is where you are going. I don't know where it is. Yueluo, take this blueprint and go there to find your weapon... And then..." Mi Zixin went to Chen Yueluo tied a hand rope on his hand.

"Safe travels."

Chen Yueluo looked at the bracelet, which seemed to be woven by Gu Choumian.

Chen Yueluo nodded and entered the barrier.When Chen Yueluo disappeared completely, the 32 fan bones merged into the original black bone fan and returned to Mi Zixin.

Yun Qiqing was unmoved by what was in front of him. He coughed from time to time, but through the treatment of Gu Choumian, his body would not vomit blood.

"You just heard that your uncle asked me to take care of you."


Seeing that Yun Qiqing was still indifferent, Mi Zixin sighed, "Do you think I came to you just to tell you this?"

"Otherwise?" Yun Qiqing subconsciously touched the knife wound on his face.

Mi Zixin heard from Murong Danran that he accidentally scratched Yun Qiqing's face. The last time he was seriously injured, the child left and refused treatment.At this time, Mi Zixin also had a headache for a while, and then more and more poisoned disciples were indeed busy for a while and forgot about Yun Qiqing.

Mi Zixin took out a silver medicine pill from the box, "If you take this medicine, your disease pulse can be well controlled."

Yun Qiqing swallowed the medicinal pill raw without hesitation.

Mi Zixin was incredulous at first and then laughed, if Yun Qishen would have to question the dead person who would not take this medicine... Sigh~

"Then what? If it's all right, I think Uncle Six, you can let me go back." Yun Qiqing felt that his body relaxed a lot after taking that pill.

The medicinal herb here is refined from the healing gastric juice of Mizi Xinjin's golden unicorn, which can be said to cure all diseases.

"You can't go there either... so you must be in the Immortal Medicine Sect. From now on you are no longer a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect." Mi Zixin said calmly, he put the black bone fan on the table, and got a cup of tea beside him .

"Is this Uncle's idea? I..." Yun Qiqing wanted to stand up and walk straight away, but suddenly felt that his legs were numb.

"Uncle Six, what have you done? My legs..."

Mi Zixin sighed, he placed the tea in the middle of the table, and there was a small tea stem floating in the teacup.

"The moment I hit you when you were sitting, I broke the meridian in your leg so you couldn't walk anymore."


"It's for you to calm down and let go of your hatred. You can go out on your own after you've practiced healing." Mi Zixin sighed with emotion that the people of his Yun family are not serious and no one will change the character... Sigh~

Yun Qiqing was not talking, Mi Zixin picked up the black bone fan and opened it.

"let us start……"

Since then, under the rule of the Black Bone Fan, there is another person who shudders when he hears the sound of the fan.

Besides, on the other side, Daoist Chengxu just gave him to meditate to sense the aura around him, and find the aura he needs to absorb into his body.

Water spells are undoubtedly the nemesis of fire spells.If the mana is equal, fire spells can never be against water spells.

And in case, what you need to learn is to find the one-ten-thousandth breakthrough point in water spells.

Who said water can't burn!If you believe in it, but sit still for a long time without any progress.

If you look at Daoist Chengxu who is dealing with the affairs of the sect, he will be even more restless.

"In case of concentration." Daoist Chengxu also felt that he couldn't teach him anything in case, but directly told the child that he couldn't teach him by Chengxu, and that in case the child might go wrong.

"Yes! Master!"

In case, although the verbal promise is refreshing, but the heart is unable to calm down.

"Hahahahaha." Daoist Cheng Yun's laughter came from outside the door.

In case of curious look at the past, Cheng Xu did not stop it.

"In case I have seen Second Master Uncle!" In case of untie, he sat up and saluted.

Cheng Yun smiled and looked at what would happen, and the black ring ruler blocked her mouth, "Well~ am I bothering you?"

"What do you have to do with me, Cheng Yun?" The Taoist priest Cheng Xu also walked towards Cheng Yun.

Daoist Chengyun looked at the case, and Daoist Chengxu understood it and let him go out first.

If he felt the reaction of the master and the uncle, he would like to know what they were talking about.

But Daoist Cheng Yun set up a barrier inside in case he couldn't hear it at all.

"You mean that the master wants to let the two outer disciples teach in case? What does the master think?" Daoist Chengxu disagreed.

Cheng Yun smiled, "The master must have his plans. That disciple named Luo Bufan is a first-class immortal swordsman. He was caught by Liu Yun only because he met the stubborn apprentice. As for the ghost master Moruo, master Originally, I planned to ask him to teach Chen Yueluo and Liu Yun's new disciples, but after thinking about it, it would be more convenient for him to stop him in case of being irritable."

After listening to Daoist Cheng Yun's remarks, Daoist Master Cheng Xu had to sigh, "Since it's the master's decision, even if I don't agree, it won't help... There are so many things in the door, and I really can't afford to practice. In case, it's better to do this, junior brother..."

"I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I won't bother you if my brother is so busy, hahaha."

Daoist Cheng Yun blocked his mouth with a black ring ruler, turned around and pushed the door to leave, and Daoist Chengxu was helpless.

As soon as Daoist Cheng Yun opened the door, he saw that if he was standing at the door with a blank face, he couldn't help but smile again.

(End of this chapter)

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