Yun Qishen

Chapter 203 Chapter 202

Chapter 203 Chapter 5 The Cultivation of All Parties ([-])
(God's perspective)
Gu Choumian followed Mi Zixin's order to find Qiu Shan, but after he arrived at the Xiancao Garden, he saw Jiang Qing alone with a hoe looking around with a puzzled expression.

"Second Senior Brother... What happened? I don't think you look very good." Gu Choumian stepped forward and asked, "Why didn't you see Senior Senior Brother Qiu Shan?"

"This is also what I want to ask..." Jiang Qing put his arms around the handle of the hoe, "Third Junior Brother, how many years have you said about our Senior Brother! How many years! I just negligently asked him to go to the back room to strengthen his body. The pill-making... ah~ our senior brother doesn't know where we got lost."

Jiang Qing sighed, and Gu Choumian also sighed, "Master asked me to take my senior brother to practice on the cliff and send some immortal fruits to the seventh uncle. Let's talk about the senior brother later, and the second senior brother should help me pick some immortal fruits."

"Okay... I really hope that senior brother doesn't do anything wrong. Third junior brother, have you noticed that instead of getting better, he is even more in his eyes when he got lost here. At first, he just took the wrong door, and now he doesn't even recognize the way."

Jiang Qing put down his hoe and took Gu Choumian to pick the fairy fruit.

Gu Choumian just smiled. His second senior brother paid attention to a lot of things, and he didn't know the fourth junior brother... He...

Gu Choumian felt as if he was about to think of something, and Jiang Qing realized that Gu Choumian was in a bad mood and quickly asked, "What's the matter with you, Third Junior Brother?"

"No... I'm fine... I just haven't seen Fourth Junior Brother him for a long time, what did the Master send him to do... My mind is just a little confused..." Gu Choumian gently rubbed his temples.

Jiang Qing's heart was slammed again.

"Don't worry, Xi Wuhe is fine, he will be back sooner or later..." Jiang Qing smiled reluctantly.

"Is that so..." Gu Choumian stopped exploring the strange memory he just felt, but he looked at Jiang Qing's face with tears, "Second Senior Brother, why are you crying?"

"I... feel bad that the fairy fruit I have worked so hard to raise is going to be eaten, can you not be sad?" Jiang Qing said and sniffed.

"Second Senior Brother is still so easily sentimental..."


In fact, Jiang Qing was thinking about Duan Xiwu. Now is not the time for everyone to be sad. He understands the severe pain from sadness to forgetfulness to sadness. He doesn't want Gu Choumian to experience it.It's good for him to experience this kind of thing alone. He doesn't hate Yun Qishen now that Duan Xiwu died. It has nothing to do with him here. He blames himself for not bringing Duan Xiwu back. Ordinary people live on.

When the two of them finished picking the fairy fruit, Qiu Shan still didn't hit back by mistake.Gu Choumian had no choice but to look around. The matter in Jiang Qing's Immortal Grass Garden was not finished, and he had to go in alone and take the supplement pills to add fertilizer to the immortal grass.

Qiu Shan also didn't quite understand what was going on with him, and his own Lu Chi problem was getting worse and worse.Jiang Qing asked him to go to the back room to get a body strengthening pill, but he didn't know where he was.

He seemed to have passed through some white vortex, and then inside the vortex was a strange place.

Originally, there was snow all around, and there was nothing but layers of smoke in the vortex.

Then Qiu Shan walked around casually, and he looked around curiously.

Suddenly, Qiu Shan felt something bit his hand.

Qiu Shan raised his hand expressionlessly and saw a small black snake.

Then an immortal sword attacked towards Qiu Shan.

And Qiu Shan didn't move, and didn't use black energy to resist.

The person who attacked here was dressed in a white python pattern shirt, with a blue crown on his head, and murderous intent was revealed between his eyebrows and eyes.

This person stopped the immortal sword in front of Qiu Shan.The sword head pierced into Qiu Shan's forehead just a finger's distance away.

"Why don't you run away! You must be a devil, right?"

This elegant young man in white is Yun Chengyue who followed the spirit snake Xuming to practice.

"Well..." Qiu Shan sucked his own black blood and black gas from the small fork in his hand.Qiu Shan was still panting as usual, "...Yes."

Yun Chengyue admired her being able to wait patiently for him for so long.

"Then die!"

As soon as the sword turned, Yun Chengyue approached Qiu Shan's eyebrows again to attack.

Xiao Cha seemed to have drank something unpleasant and hurriedly opened his mouth, quickly left Qiu Shan's hand, and got directly into Qiu Shan's arms.

Qiu Shan had to dodge this time, even if Yun Chengyue attacked Qiu Shan fiercely, he had no intention of counterattacking.

"Are all of you devils playing this kind of trick!!" Yun Chengyue used a vertical and horizontal sword move to charge Qiu Shan.

Qiu Shan was unable to fight back and had to turn his back. Qiu Shan's back was wounded with a cross wound, with black blood flowing from it.

"Why didn't you act so late! If you want to die like this, I will fulfill you!"

Yun Chengyue was even more angry for a while, why didn't this guy attack him and turned his back on him.When he killed the entire Yun family, he had never seen the devil be so kind!

This time, Yun Chengyue made up her mind to kill Qiu Shan, and the immortal sword pressed against Qiu Shan's neck.


Little Fork yelled.

A white light knocked Yun Chengyue's fairy sword flying.

Yun Chengyue was flustered but angry, "Master, why did you stop me!"

The black-haired and silver-shirted woman came out of the smoke, blowing smoke with a bong in one hand.

"I said that some people should be killed and some people shouldn't be killed. After you recover your vigor and a little magic, you start showing off. I don't want the face of my master here?" Ling Snake Xuming walked over slowly, "I let him It's here...but...I don't understand that I can get to me by walking straight, but this child turned a corner."

Yun Chengyue angrily took away the sword, "Why did the master let this devil come here!"

"Entrusted by others... You might as well go on the sidelines and practice your sword instead of being angry here!" The spirit snake Xuming approached Qiu Shan and repaired the stab wound on Qiu Shan's back.

Yun Chengyue had no choice but to flick her hand and disappear into the white smoke.

"Well..." Qiu Shan looked at the spirit snake Xuming, but there was a kind of fear in his heart. As for what Qiu Shan was afraid of, he couldn't express it clearly.

"I'm sorry that my disciple hurt you. I apologize to you for him. And I thank you for protecting this child." Ling Snake Xuming raised his fork and quickly followed her hand and left Qiushan and got in. Inside the sleeve of the snake Xuming.

"...You...what are you looking for me..." Qiu Shan said, "I still have business...I have to rush back..."

Spirit Snake Xuming helped Qiu Shan, "I came to you because of my friend's request, my friend - Taki Yunhua."

"The former queen..."

"I really knew that she was an 800-year-old old lady, and she looked like a child all day long... ah~ that's all." Ling Snake Xuming handed the smoking gun to Qiu Shan, "I asked you to come. It's to give you this stuff."

Qiu Shan took the smoking gun and looked at the golden pattern on it, "This..."

"It's not to cure your lunatic!" After Ling Snake Xuming said, he flicked his sleeves, and Qiu Shan returned to the Immortal Medicine Sect.

"If you don't understand anything, ask me which old friend is." The voice of the snake Xuming floated in the air.

Qiu Shan looked at the smoking gun in his hand in a daze, and then heard Gu Choumian calling him.

"Big Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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