Yun Qishen

Chapter 204 Chapter 203

Chapter 204 Chapter 6 Practice of All Parties ([-])
(God's perspective)
Gu Choumian looked at Qiu Shan with a smoking gun in his hand, and the new student was puzzled.

"Big Brother!"

Gu Choumian walked towards Qiu Shan, who was dazed at the smoking gun.He... doesn't smoke... this...

Hearing Gu Choumian calling him, Qiu Shan turned back calmly.

"Master asked me to come and let you and I go to the cliff to cultivate with you, and send immortal fruit to Uncle Seven." Gu Choumian approached the smoking gun, "When did the senior learn to smoke?"

"Hmm..." Qiu Shan said, and Gu Choumian waited.

"No...not mine..."

After Qiu Shan finished speaking, Gu Choumian also nodded. He thought that the elder brother Qiu Shan was getting more and more crazy because he smoked secretly, but it seemed unlikely.

Gu Choumian asked Qiu Shan for a smoking gun to check, and the tobacco burning in it turned out to be golden pills that were refined every ten years.

"Where did this thing come from?"

"Well... someone gave it to me..."

Gu Choumian had no choice but to return the smoking gun to Qiu Shan. Senior Brother Qiu Shan was a demon, and the golden pill in the smoking gun was also the magic golden pill of the devil.It's not dangerous to leave it to Senior Brother Qiu Shan, but smoking is harmful to health...

"Hmm..." Qiu Shan wanted to speak again after taking the bong from Gu Choumian's hand.

"Is there anything else to say? Senior brother?" Gu Choumian and Qiu Shan had been together for a long time and naturally knew his habits.

"...Let's find Uncle Seven..."

Qiu Shan originally wanted to say thank you, but he was too embarrassed to say two words after so long, so he had to choose something more...

Gu Choumian and Qiu Shan quickly returned to the Xiancao Garden, took Xianguo, and went to practice the cliff.

Along the way, Gu Choumian kept paying attention to Qiu Shan, worried that if he didn't pay attention, his senior brother would be gone... Alas~ I'm tired.

Gu Choumian looked at the hand rope on her wrist and smiled, and she didn't know what happened to the moonlight. The master didn't embarrass him...


Besides, on Chen Yueluo's side, after he entered the black barrier, it was like a bottomless pit.

There is no end to the dark road all around.

If it wasn't for the faint glow of the magical artifact blueprint in his hand, Chen Yueluo would not be able to see the road ahead clearly.

Suddenly a strong wind blew from the dark place in the distance.

Chen Yueluo had to cover his face with his arms and closed his eyes.

After the wind gradually subsided, Chen Yueluo put down his arms and opened his eyes.At this time, it was suddenly clear.

Afterwards, a purple vortex appeared on Chen Yueluo's back, and his cat demon rushed out of it.But it seems that Xiao Zhi did not appear.

Chen Yueluo walked around with a novel look on his face. The many green plants here are also beneficial to Chen Yueluo. Although there is no fairy sword, these plants are his weapons!
Chen Yueluo ignored the commotion of the cat demon and opened the magic weapon scroll in his hand.

Then the vegetation in front of him gradually turned into smoke and was absorbed into the drawing of the magic weapon. Chen Yueluo watched as two ring shapes gradually emerged on the drawing.

Then the surface began to vibrate, and even cracked and gushed magma from the inside.

Chen Yueluo subconsciously wanted Yujian to take off, only to remember that he did not have a fairy sword.

The cat demon roared angrily at Chen Yueluo, took him in his mouth, and threw himself away.

The moment Chen Yueluo left, the place where Chen Yueluo stayed just now shattered into magma.

The cat demon ran with Chen Yueluo all the way, when some boulders wrapped in magma fell from the sky.

Chen Yueluo's knot seal summoned vegetation to resist, but it couldn't grow out of the ground?

"This... what's the situation!" Chen Yueluo had no choice for a while.

The cat demon purred, as if to say Chen Yueluo, you kid, give me a little more hope.

The shaking of the ground became stronger and stronger, and the magma poured out more and more.As a result, there was no place for the counselor to stay, so the cat demon had to stick its claws into the magma and jump far away with all its strength.

Chen Yueluo saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart, but if it wasn't like this, he and counseling would both die here.

" bastard...wait...what are you doing!"

As soon as Chen Yueluo expressed his gratitude, Chen Yueluo slammed into the sky and then fell towards more and more magma below.


Chen Yueluo was successfully thrown onto a high hill. As soon as Chen Yueluo landed, he quickly formed a seal and summoned a purple vortex to make the counselor go back, but the unsatisfactory part was that the vortex could not be summoned at all.

The cat demon fell on top of the magma, and the small amount of magma still scorched the cat demon's fur and directly injured its flesh.

The counselor roared in pain and stood up trembling, but Chen Yueluo had a glimmer of hope.

"Counseling and jumping!! My family is not so weak! Jumping!" Chen Yueluo didn't notice that tears were coming out of his eyes at this time, and hit the ground drop by drop.

Chen Yueluo's hand kept forming seals, and more than a dozen seal spells could not be cast in an instant.

The cat demon's hind legs shivered and stood up, and then the cat demon fell abruptly with a bang.


With Chen Yueluo's shouting, the distant hills cracked again and spewed out magma, and the huge lava boulder monsters burst out.

The sky was filled with black smoke, and the sky was blood red.

The magma rushed to the cat demon like a wave.

Chen Yueluo could only hit the ground with his hands, damn it! ! !Then Chen Yueluo jumped off the high hill. He didn't care whether he had a broken foot or a broken leg, and no matter how painful his feet were in the magma here, he used his body protection spell to come to the cat demon.

The counselor used his head to let him leave, but Chen Yueluo was determined not to leave.

The lava pouring over towards Chen Yueluo and their heads was about to drown this man and the monster and turn it into bones.

At this moment, two hand-wheel instruments appeared in front of Chen Yueluo.

The second round collided with sparks, followed by a blue magic air mass that blocked the pouring magma, and also wiped out all the magma under Chen Yueluo's feet and the cat demon's body. .

Chen Yueluo looked at the scalded dead flesh on his feet, at this time the blue mana was repairing his feet.Chen Yueluo would have died on the spot if he hadn't jumped off with a body protection spell just now.

Chen Yueluo then quickly went to check on the cat demon's injury.

Sure enough, the cowardly injury recovered under the blue air mass.

In a short while, the wounds of this person and beast will be healed, and not even a trace of it will be seen.

The two wheels stopped turning and flew into Chen Yueluo's hands. my weapon...

Just when Chen Yueluo stared at these two magical instruments that appeared out of thin air, the giant lava monster that was as huge as a mountain smashed towards them with a punch.

Seeing the situation, he picked up Chen Yueluo and hid again.

Chen Yueluo quickly regained his senses, and then he looked up at the lava boulder monster and smiled slightly.

"Counsel! It's time for us to fight back!" Chen Yueluo flew out the hand wheel after she finished speaking.

Counseling and Chen Yueluo arrived at the high hills together, and then stretched out their limbs and bowed to the ground, and then screamed in the sky.


? ? ?Chen Yueluo looked at the cat demon and gave me back my handsomeness just now.

It was only then that I reacted, so I had to do it all over again.

The cat demon's golden eyes glared at the front and then shouted again.


Weeping ghosts and gods with one movement, shaking mountains and rivers with one roar!

(End of this chapter)

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