Yun Qishen

Chapter 2038 Chapter 24 Desire

[Every soul has needs, and as long as there are needs, there will be desires, and these desires are endless. And I like these desires. 】

Huang Shisan felt that his surroundings were strange. He was floating in the air and unable to move. Even blinking became a very difficult thing. At the same time, he also felt some strange eyes constantly examining him. From the tips of his toes to the tips of his hair, those sharp eyes made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

A pair of white hands covered his eyes, and there were even stranger touches crawling over his body, from the inside out, as if everything in his body was being analyzed and disintegrated.

Huang Shisan only felt constrained. He was very reluctant to stay in this state, but he was unable to change it.

There was a strange reverberation in his ears. This reverberant voice kept telling him about desires and what desires a human being should have. The voice told many kinds of stories with emotion and emotion.

If Huang Shisan's biggest desire at the moment is to be freed and live, there is another desire that keeps puzzling in his mind.

[I want Sister Zhuo Yao! 】

[I want Sister Zhuo Yao! 】

This desire grew bigger and bigger, until he accepted all the scrutinizing sights around him and all the touches that restrained him.

Soon the absorber of desire knew Huang Shisan's strong desire, and Zhuo Yao's voice appeared in Huang Shisan's ears.

"Thirteen I am..."

"Sister Burning Demon? Is she really Sister Burning Demon!"

"It's me thirteen..."

"Sister Zhuoyao, you——"

[Surprise and beauty are the beginning of satisfying desires. There is no real lack of desires in the world, only the infinite expansion of desires. 】

"What bullshit!"

Yun Qishen's voice penetrated all the chaos and rushed over.

The white hands released Huang Shisan's eyes under a burst of dazzling sunlight. Only then did Huang Shisan realize that the burning demon lying on him at this moment was just a long and thin white hand with a mouth on it. They kept making sounds that bewitched Huang Shisan. They are cross-attached to each other, and the other end like a spider web is connected to the body of the "spider", and the "spider" is currently hidden in the cloud of benefits.

"Brother Jiu, how did you find him here?" Huang Shisan patted his face with his hand to keep calm. He stood up and looked at Yun Qishen and blinked in confusion.

Yun Qi frowned deeply. His head was not very comfortable at the moment, and some miscellaneous sounds appeared vaguely in his mind. He guessed that these eight achievements were a means to induce him to have desires and feed them to the Heaven of Abundance.

Use words to induce desire.

He pulled Huang Shisan's shoulder, "You still have the black energy that I buried in your body. I followed the black energy and found you. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave quickly."

"Okay." Huang Shisan nodded and followed Yun Qishen to the outside of the clouds' eyes. There were also citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven who came out to stop the two of them on the road, but they were quickly stopped in place by Yun Qishen's black energy.

Naturally, there are people who are not restrained by black energy.

"The competition between us is not over yet. You should stay in the Paradise of Prosperity! Take your life!" Leji, whose arms were covered with blue bloody wounds, stepped in front of Yun Qishen with heavy steps.

Not long ago, Yun Qishen sensed Huang Shisan's location and quickly escaped from the fight with Leji and rushed here. What a coincidence that I was able to rescue Huang Shisan before he fell into desire, otherwise it would be a bit tricky to stand on the opposite side of him with Huang Shisan's ability.

Yun Qishen looked down upon Leji's attack here, and it was nothing more than slashing at him with the sword that had stolen his soul. Yun Qishen had no intention of killing him completely. He thought that as long as Leji was seriously injured, he would stop pestering him. It's just that this thorn was too stubborn. He didn't even stop after suffering such a serious injury. He dragged his injured arms and legs and continued to fight him in vain. Yun Qishen just wanted to take Huang Shisan away from the Kingdom of Prosperity as soon as possible. Before Yun Qishen could make a move, Huang Shisan took out a bow and arrow in his hand and shot Le Ji in the chest.

One arrow was not enough, and the second arrow flew out immediately after, splitting the previous arrow shaft in half. The sharp arrow naturally pierced into Leji's chest.

Blue blood spurted out, and Leji fell to the ground with his mouth open, and he died like this.

Yun Qishen turned his head to look at Huang Shisan in surprise. At this moment, Huang Shisan's eyes were red. He didn't have the same youthful aura as before, but now he only had a layer of sinister madness.

"A good death! A good death!"


What shocked Yun Qishen was not that it was so easy for Leji to die, but what Huang Shisan said at this moment.

"As long as you become strong, there is no need to be restrained by others! Don't you think so, Brother Nine? You must have obtained the power of the Fertile Heaven to become so powerful, right?" Huang Shisan smiled wildly, "So it turns out that It's so satisfying to realize your desires! Why should I leave? There is everything I want here! Yes! Why should I go back? Hahahaha."

Huang Shisan's transformation was so fast that Yun Qishen had to admire this fertile paradise. He looked at Huang Shisan's ferocious smiling face, and upon closer inspection, he found that there seemed to be something connected to Huang Shisan's head. It was a transparent and extremely thin Threads as densely packed as spider silk.

"Is this the connection of desire?" Yun Qishen thought carefully again, "No! I have also fallen into the illusion of desire! Leji is not dead!"

He mistakenly thought that Huang Shisan killed Leji, and as long as he thought this, his desire at the moment was to hope that Leji would die. This meant that his eyes were now covered with white hands, and she was looking at it now. Everything is an illusion.

【No one can escape desire. 】

[Tell me what you really want, Yun Qishen. 】

Yun Qishen raised his head following the voice, and a handful of dense spider threads stuck to his head. He lowered his head again, and neither Huang Shisan nor Huang Shisan was seen, and even the other Heavenly Kingdom people around him were gone. No trace.

He was the only one in his hallucination at the moment.

"Who am I to tell you!"

Yun Qishen was very sober. If he really expressed his desire, he would be immersed in desire like Huang Shisan just now.

[Why don’t you say it and I’ll say it for you? 】

"There's no way to bewitch me!"

[People always say what they mean, so why can’t they express what they think in their hearts? 】

[Yun Qishen, actually you are the one who is least willing to disappear. Coming here from your space, you have actually diluted your love for the characters in that space. If you want, you can go back to Gu Ao now... back to the beginning of everything——]


When Yun Qishen opened his eyes again, he was cooking in the kitchen. Looking at the old stove and the vegetables on the chopping board, he knew clearly that he was in the kitchen of the Immortal Medicine Sect.

As for what he was doing just now, he didn't know.

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