Yun Qishen

Chapter 2039 Chapter 25 An illusion that is both true and false

"Ah, I can finally have a hot meal after so many days! Thank you, junior brother!" Duan Xiwu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to stare at the steaming meal in front of him.

Jiang Qing touched Duan Xiwu's arm and asked him to help, "Hand me a pair of chopsticks, Fourth Junior Brother, thank you!"

Qiu Shan still had his usual taciturn face. He stirred his bowl with chopsticks and said, "Xie..."

Mi Zixin, who was sitting in the main seat, half-squinted his eyes and smiled. He said very gently, "Thank you very much. I originally wanted to ask Chou Mian to help me. But it turned out that Master and the old man had something to do. It seemed that someone was sick." , the teacher can only ask Chou Mian to go over first and have a look."

Yun Qishen took his chopsticks and nodded to Mi Zixin, "It's important to see a doctor. Master, the food is getting cold, eat quickly."

Only then did everyone end the tradition of Solitaire and start eating.

Jiang Qing was chewing meatballs in his mouth. He glanced at the other dishes on the table and then raised his head to look at Yun Qishen and asked, "Junior brother, why didn't you cook spicy dishes today? Suddenly, I felt that the taste had become bland, and it was a bit... I’m not used to it anymore.”

Before Yun Qishen raised his eyes and responded, Duan Xiwu muttered, "I think the taste is just right."

Jiang Qing turned to look at Duan Xiwu who was biting his chopsticks and laughed, "Haha, the fourth junior brother is afraid of spicy food. He can't wait to faint after taking one bite of chili pepper, hahaha!"

Duan Xi glanced at Jiang Qing and said, "Second senior brother, you are almost okay. I still remember last time, I took one bite of junior brother's cooking and it was so spicy that I drank half a tank of water!"

"It's not that exaggerated!"

The two of them were talking about each other and had a lot of fun.


An empty bowl was placed on the table, Qiu Shan stood up and bowed to Mi Zixin.

"Big brother."

"Senior Brother Qiu Shan."

The two brothers who were arguing also turned to look at Qiu Shan.

Mi Zixin also gently placed the bowl he had picked up on the table, and looked at Qiu Shan with half-squinted eyes, "It seems that Qiu Shan is full. Okay, you go ahead and do your work. Pay attention to safety on the road."

Qiu Shan was speechless. He turned around and left the house.

Jiang Qing looked at Qiu Shan's leaving figure and muttered, "Ever since he was little, he has always eaten very quickly."

Duan Xiwu put a meatball into his mouth, and while he was chewing it, he asked, "Second Senior Brother, do you think Senior Brother can taste it?"

"How did I know?" Jiang Qing looked away and continued eating.

Duan Xiwu then turned to look at Yun Qishen, "By the way, little junior brother, why don't you take your little golden pill today?"

Yun Qishen replied calmly, "Improve the food. After all, no one can tolerate spicy food all the time."

"Yes." Duan Xiwu first stuffed a few mouthfuls of rice and then said, "Next time, junior brother, why don't you try making some pastries or something? I can't do without taking care of the fairy grass garden these days, and I want to fill my stomach in the afternoon. .”

Jiang Qing took a sip of the soup and started talking as soon as he swallowed it, "Are you just trying to cushion your stomach? I think you're just a glutton."

Seeing that the two of them were about to start again, Mi Zixin coughed twice, "I can't say anything after eating."

"It's Master." Jiang Qing obeyed and closed his mouth. Duan Xiwu stuck out his tongue at Jiang Qing and said, "Slightly."

After Yun Qishen finished his meal, he stood up and put away Qiu Shan's bowl. "I'm full. I'll send the empty bowl back first."

"Okay." Mi Zixin nodded.

After eating, the sun became more dazzling. It was summer, and even if you were on the top of a mountain, you wouldn't feel any coolness, and you would easily break out into a sweat if you moved.

Duan Xiwu stretched out, "Ah~ it feels so comfortable to eat. It would be great if I could still get some sleep."

Jiang Qing accompanied Duan Xiwu to the Fairy Grass Garden while accusing him, "Fourth Junior Brother, you are only thinking about how to enjoy yourself. Go to work! It is harvest time now, and the yield of fairy fruits will be reduced if you are not careful. I don't want to In the second half of the year, I went down the mountain every day to look for fairy fruits."

Duan Xiwu smiled sarcastically, "I know, I know, when did Second Senior Brother become so verbose? Also, when can I show Junior Brother the picture book I lent you last time? I'm so bored!"

Jiang Qing stopped at the fork in the road and said, "I still have about ten pages left to finish. I will send it to you after I finish reading."

Duan Xiwu curled his lips. When he raised his eyes, he saw Yun Qishen in the distance who had just finished clearing the dishes. He then waved his hand and shouted, "Junior brother! Have you finished washing the dishes? Let's go to the fairy grass garden!"

When Yun Qishen heard the voice, he turned around and responded loudly, "Oh, it's coming."

Jiang Qing patted Duan Xiwu on the shoulder and walked to the other side of the fork in the road. "Okay, I'm going to watch the fire too. You two can get busy."

Duan Xiwu hurriedly reminded again, "Remember the picture book!"

"Got it!" Jiang Qing waved his hand and walked towards the alchemy room.

Duan Xiwu patted his clothes, turned around and approached Yun Qishen, he smiled and said, "Hey, junior brother, why do I see you looking so worried today? Tell senior brother if you have any worries. "

Yun Qishen hung a handful of clothes that he had just washed on the clothesline and wiped his hands with the hem of his clothes. "There's nothing wrong. I just feel like I've forgotten something, and I always feel light on my body."

Duan Xiwu raised his eyebrows and put one hand on his hip, "It's not good to feel so light. Your fourth senior brother and I have been fertilizing or watering all day long. It's really a sore back."

"Fourth Senior Brother, thank you for your hard work..." Yun Qishen didn't know what to say. He just felt that something was missing. Everything around him was a bit dreamy, but he couldn't tell what kind of dream it was.

"What's wrong? I see you have anything else to ask." Seeing Yun Qishen in a daze, Duan Xi spoke again nonchalantly.

Yun Qishen blinked. He had nothing to ask, so he simply said casually, "Haven't the people from the Immortal Sword Sect come looking for trouble recently?"

Duan Xiwu straightened up and took a deep breath. There was a hint of jealousy in his tone, "They must have been busy recently. They heard that there was a once-in-a-thousand-year secret land, and they all went treasure hunting."

"Treasure hunt?" Yun Qishen became curious.

"Yeah, I want to go too, but who told us that we don't know any protective spells and can only cure diseases. I heard that the treasures in the secret realm are all immortal treasures. Just bring one and use it as a treasure to guard the immortal gate. Jing Lingshan is fine." Duan Xiwu raised his head and looked at Jing Lingshan's holiday head, "Let's not talk about this for now, let's go to the Fairy Grass Garden quickly to save a pig from eating it."

"Pig?" Yun Qishen seemed to have recalled something.

Duan Xiwu felt that Yun Qishen was stunned today, as if he had lost his mind, "Yeah, Pig, you forgot about the mythical beast you brought back with Uncle Seventh. It's fat like that, isn't it?" What else can a pig be!”

It's the golden unicorn...

Yun Qishen tried hard to recall what Duan Xiwu said, and it seemed that such memories existed. (End of chapter)

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