Yun Qishen

Chapter 2064 Chapter 227 Fishman

"Zie Qi, you guys are here too." Zhuo Fan was wearing ordinary casual clothes and standing next to the condiment table with a plate in his hand.

Zaiqi walked over with an empty disc and asked, "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Zhuo Fan smiled to relieve his embarrassment, and then pointed to the dipping sauces of different colors in front of him, "Ah, that's right. Although I saw some guests coming over, I know how they serve it, but I don't know very well. How do I decide which one I can eat?”

"Then take some of them all and try them." Yun Qishen squeezed between the two of them and stretched out his hand to take a spoonful of hot sauce.

Zhuo Fan took a small step back, and then he picked up a spoon and scooped out the dipping sauce, "Ha, I'm really stupid, I stayed here for so long."

"The first contact is inevitable." Yun Qishen could understand Zhuo Fan's situation. After all, he had no opinion on food in that book. This setting will still exist even here. But it would be nice if he could avoid causing space collapse there.

"I haven't been formally introduced yet, my name is Zhuo Fan." Zhuo Fan looks ordinary, but his behavior is still that of a divine and martial emperor, friendly and dignified.

Yun Qishen stretched out his hand and shook Zhuo Fan's hand, "Yun Qishen, I met him in the royal city before."

Zhuo Fan smiled and glanced at Yun Qishen and then at Xi Qi behind him, "The conflict between the two of you has been resolved? It's great."

"Actually, there is no big contradiction." Yun Qishen said and patted Zuo Qi on the back. Zao Qi was slightly shocked by Yun Qishen's actions while holding the plate.

Zhuo Fan still smiled and said, "I often heard Ji Qi mention you in the royal city before."

"Really?" Yun Qishen also smiled and faced Zhuo Fan.

"This is good, you try it." Qi Qi took a spoonful of mushroom sauce and handed it to Zhuo Fan's empty plate.

"Thank you." Zhuo Fan thanked him politely.

Yun Qishen squeezed the plate in his hand and said to Xi Qi, "I want that too."

"Okay." Zuiqi scooped another spoonful of mushroom sauce and gave it to Yun Qishen, but didn't Yun Qishen not like eating mushroom sauce?

By the time the three of them prepared the dipping sauce, Mo Langqin had finished all three plates of meat and said, "You three are really impressive."

As Yun Qishen sat down, he recalled the large table of dishes he ordered at Guao Mo Langqin. He really admired the speed of eating, "What? Can't the hot pot stop your mouth?"

Mo Langqin paused with the chopsticks in his hand, "Young Master, what you are saying is that a hot pot meal cannot stop my mouth. Speaking of which, do you have somewhere to go after dinner?"

"It hasn't been decided yet." Yun Qishen also started to put ingredients into the pot.

"Then I will take you to the antique market?"

Mo Langqin was very interested, but Yun Qishen was not looking forward to it.

"You want us to follow you to restock? I don't have the money to go to that kind of place."

Mo Langqin poked his head toward Yun Qishen, "Hey! You won't necessarily buy it if you go and have a look. Don't just ask the price. No matter how cheap something is, it will have to be sold to you at a higher price."

"Have you ever done this before?" Mo Langqin gave Mo Langqin a cold look.

Mo Langqin had no choice but to sit upright and smile, "Brother, what you said here..."

"Let's eat your food first. Zhaiqi and I don't have anything to do anyway, so we can just go shopping with you." Although Yun Qishen always spoke harshly, he was not mean in any way.

Mo Langqin had known for a long time that Yun Qishen would agree, and the smile on his face did not drop. "If you see a good product, tell me not to hide it."

"I think a good one can be cheap for you?"

"Hey, I can lower the price for you. We businessmen have a set of trading methods."

"I believe you for now."

"This is the right place." Mo Langqin and Yun Qishen were chatting with each other, while Zuo Qi was listening beside him, while Zhuo Fan concentrated on studying the food.

"What kind of meat is this?" Zhuo Fan asked as he took out a ball of meatballs.

"That's shrimp slipper." Mo Langqin replied.

"Shrimp?" Zhuo Fan looked obviously confused.

Mo Langqin blinked, "You've never eaten shrimp?"

Yun Qishen explained from the side, "The Shenwu Kingdom is inland, so it is normal to have never seen shrimps, and the people in the Shenwu Kingdom don't like to eat aquatic products other than fish."

"As expected of a cook, he knows a lot about food. There are even geography questions here." Mo Langqin muttered softly.

Zhuo Fan over there swallowed the shrimp sliders and slowly opened his mouth, "Actually, I was lucky enough to eat similar sea creatures once. I was investigating things on the border coast. Those sea creatures had human legs, but But their bodies are no different from fish. The citizens at the border couldn't eat them at first, but they couldn't live without normal fish for them to eat, so they had no choice but to study how to eat those fish-men."

"The fish man..." Mo Langqin's expression became serious, and Yun Qishen and Ji Qi also had serious expressions.

"Didn't you change after eating those murlocs? Didn't you turn into murlocs?" Yun Qishen asked.

Zhuo Fan shook his head, "That's not true. Have you eaten it too? In this world?"

Mo Langqin waved his hand quickly, "No, no, this world is normal."

"Is the fishman abnormal?" Zhuo Fan looked at Mo Langqin and then turned to Yun Qishen, his eyes full of doubts.

"It may not be normal in this world." Mo Langqin also turned to look at Yun Qishen and asked, "Did the lawyer tell you about the abyss, sir?"

"He asked me to go back to Gu'ao and investigate. Did something really happen?" When Yun Qishen heard what Mo Langqin said, he immediately remembered what the lawyer said before leaving.

Mo Langqin took a deep breath, "The fish man, this fish man appeared in many spaces. The abyss is constantly devouring other spaces. Because of the collapse of Gu Ao, the power of the abyss flowed away, so this was caused. The impact today.”

"Then do you know how to stop it?"

"I'm not sure yet, but Gu Aoli must have a way to limit the spread of the abyss. It comes from Gu Ao, so Gu Ao naturally has a way to control it. Just like before."

Yun Qishen lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, "But Lu Ren said that he wanted to take back the power of the three books. If the power of prophecy disappears, Ling Yaoqing's power will no longer exist, and the abyss should also disappear. "

"He should have said that Ling Yaoqing's power is too strong and he can't control it."

"what do you mean……"

Mo Langqin frowned, his expression extremely serious, "I'm not just guessing, Ling Yaoqing and their space-destroying power may have already merged into the abyss and are waiting to swallow up all the space. Maybe the previous nightmare was just an introduction. , because as long as the space crystal is lost, this space will be easily swallowed and destroyed."

"Then, don't we become accomplices?" Yun Qishen opened his eyes in shock.

"No, as long as the space does not collapse, it is difficult for the abyss to be eroded and entered. As long as the previously collapsed space is repaired in time, there will be no problem. Jiayu also helped with these things."

After hearing Mo Langqin's explanation, Qi Qi finally understood, "So that's it. No wonder Jia Yu asked me about it before."

"What are you asking? About the collapse of space?" Yun Qishen withdrew his eyes and turned to Xi Qi.

"Yeah." Zuo Qi nodded slightly at him, and they all fell silent for a while.

Zhuo Fan took a sip of the clear soup base and stared at Yun Qishen's mandarin duck pot with concern, "Aren't you going to eat it? Your meat has been cooked for a long time."

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