Yun Qishen

Chapter 2065 Chapter 228 Antique Market

Several people came to the antique market. In addition to some young people buying bracelets, there were also some middle-aged and elderly people dressed in simple clothes.

Mo Langqin came to a stall where he bought antique items and took a look. The stall owner introduced his products very enthusiastically, "These are all old items. Which one did the customer like? I will introduce it to you."

Mo Langqin raised his hand to indicate that it was not necessary, "No need to introduce, I can see it. Our suppliers are all from the same place. We did a big business a few days ago. Didn't we get some new goods?" I think the market is open here these days, so I thought of coming over to get some."

"Then you won't get anything good." The enthusiasm on the stall owner's face collapsed instantly. Yun Qishen watched from the side, wondering if this was exactly the same as Mo Langqin's attitude back then.

"How do you say it?" Mo Langqin raised his ear curiously.

The stall owner also came up to Mo Langqin and whispered in his ear, "This place is very thieves. Anyone who doesn't hide it, and those who really don't want those good things and set up a stall are fools. With so many people, who can If you have good things at home, they have been targeted for a long time. Is it your turn?"

"What if anyone makes a mistake?" Mo Langqin smiled.

The stall owner raised his eyebrows and said, "You are smart, just take a broad view. If you receive good things here, I will buy them at a high price."

"Can it be done?" Mo Langqin smiled professionally.

The stall owner patted his chest and said, "You just need to bring the good stuff over and it will be done."

"Okay." Mo Langqin stood up and pulled Yun Qishen and the others towards the inside of the market.

"Do you really want to sell it at a high price?" Yun Qishen asked Mo Langqin curiously.

Mo Langqin glanced at the previous stall and smiled, "Just like you said, whoever sees the good things should return it to him." He then turned around and patted Yun Qishen's shoulder, " You wander around, and if you like anything, just talk to me."

"I think the purple clay sculptures over there are pretty good." Yun Qishen raised his hand and pointed to the purple clay pot craftsmanship not far away.

Mo Langqin squinted his eyes and looked over there. He shook his head, "Those are all craft fees. It's not easy for me to bargain."

When Yun Qishen heard this, he became interested, "Oh? And you're not good at bargaining? Didn't you just promise me that I would talk to you if I wanted to? Are you regretting it now?"

Qi Qi also raised his hand and pointed to the other side, "The little Taoist priest thinks the root carvings over there are good."

"Both of you like modern handicrafts, right?" Mo Langqin was convinced. If the two of them were interested in some antiques, he would be able to tell some tricks. These handmade products are not the same ones. The price is accurate.

"This piece of jade is good." Zhuo Fan picked up a round jade from the stall nearby.

"Fake." Mo Langqin quickly asked Zhuo Fan to put down the piece of jade. If this thing breaks, he will be cheated.

"This red crystal is quite beautiful." Unexpectedly, Zhuo Fan picked up another pendant.

"Dyeed." Mo Langqin cheered and watched Zhuo Fan leave the fake stall.

Yun Qishen crossed his arms in front of his chest and said slightly impatiently, "What do you mean, are these either fakes or handicrafts? Then you still let us come."

Mo Langqin responded with a smile, "Don't be angry, I'm not looking for a target."

Yun Qi glanced at him deeply, and then noticed a toy stall behind him. The stall owner was an old woman. Her clothes were simple and she exuded a mysterious aura. "Are those bones?"

Mo Langqin looked in the direction of Yun Qishen's gaze, and frowned when he saw that it was a piece of playing bone, "That thing is unlucky. If you are not careful, it will be linked to some cause and effect."

"Are you still afraid of this?" Yun Qishen said and walked towards the stall.

Mo Langqin hurriedly caught up and warned, "Sir, if you want to have an exciting week before going back, why not go over and have a look."

"Just take a look." A few people came to the bone art stall. The old woman raised her wrinkled face and smiled at Yun Qishen, "You're a rare visitor, this little guy has a keen eye at first glance. Shizhu, this thing must be suitable for you."

As the old woman spoke, she took out a finger-width bone and handed it to Yun Qishen.

"Hey! You can't buy and sell by force." Mo Langqin hurriedly stood between the two of them, and then whispered to Yun Qishen, "Old people like them are so treacherous that I accidentally fell into their trap. You may also think it’s good for them to give them more money, but in fact they earn more than you.”

"No matter how treacherous I am, you are not as treacherous as you." Yun Qishen pushed Mo Langqin away and continued talking to the old woman.

Mo Langqin curled his lips and said, "Tsk, what you said is a bit hurtful."

"I don't want money for this thing, I'll give it to you for free, old lady." The old lady said seriously.

"What?!" Mo Langqin felt as if he was hallucinating.

"Free, this..." Yun Qishen held the smooth bone and muttered in his heart.

Mo Langqin leaned into Yun Qishen's ear and whispered again, "Free is the most expensive thing in the world."

"Mother-in-law, what does this mean?" Yun Qishen frowned slightly and then asked her mother-in-law.

"What else can it mean? Because of your karma, you are destined to meet this bone." The mother-in-law then took out another bone and waved to Ji Qi, "And you young man, this piece is yours. .”

"Thank you." Qi Qi did have a familiar feeling after taking the bones. Is this the so-called cause and effect?

"What kind of bone is this?" Yun Qi asked with deep concern.

The mother-in-law just smiled. "Don't say it, don't say it."

Mo Langqin also squatted down at this time. He looked at the old woman seriously, "Grandma, where are you from?"

The mother-in-law just raised her finger and pointed at Mo Langqin's throat, "Haha, you, that thing in the esophagus is about to hatch, be careful... be careful..."

"Mother-in-law, you-" Just when Mo Langqin was so surprised that he wanted to continue asking, someone bumped into him and he was almost knocked to the ground.

"Oh, my goods! You are so reckless, a vase! That's a vase! What if it breaks?"


"I've damaged everything here, how are you going to compensate me? Just tell me!"

The vendors next door were making a lot of noise, which attracted Yun Qishen and the others' attention.

"Why is there a sudden commotion? Where's the mother-in-law?" When Yun Qishen came back to his senses, he only saw Mo Langqin squatting on the ground with a sad look on his face.

"The mother-in-law disappeared in the blink of an eye..." Mo Langqin stood up and patted the dirt on his body.

"Is it possible..." Yun Qishen also realized something at this moment, "That mother-in-law is not from this world!"

Yun Qishen recalled what the old woman said just now, and he asked Mo Langqin with concern, "By the way, I heard you say it before in the hospital, what is that thing in your esophagus?"

Mo Langqin took two steps back and kept a friendly distance from Yun Qishen, "Ha, it's nothing. Young Master, please stop asking."

"Oh, I'm not interested anyway." Yun Qishen saw that Mo Langqin didn't say anything, so he naturally didn't force it. Just what kind of cause and effect did this bone in his hand bring to him? He still cares a lot.

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