Yun Qishen

Chapter 2083 Chapter 244 Ordinary

Chapter 2083 Chapter Ordinary

That day, Zhu Batian sat aside and stared at Hua Fan for a long time. He didn't understand what feelings he had for Hua Fan at that moment. He only knew that he didn't feel love for Hua Fan.

Hua Fan had the same feeling every time he rejected him. Both of them had accepted and rejected, but everything was still very weird.

"You still can't forget him?" Zhu Batian gently tucked the hair around Hua Fan's ear behind her ear.

"I hate him... I have always hated him." Hua Fan looked at Zhu Batian's face with a sad expression, "But Zhu Batian, I'm sorry... We obviously tried many times. But I really can't fall in love. You, our relationship is like keeping each other warm. You don’t love me, and I don’t love you either. We just give each other the same kind of recognition.”

"Don't say that, we can still be friends, can't we?" Zhu Batian's heart felt empty. He thought that even Hua Fan didn't need him anymore.

Hua Fan touched Zhu Batian's cheek with his hand, "After all, we have no other friends... Ahem!"

Seeing Hua Fan suddenly coughing violently, Zhu Batian quickly handed over a glass of water, "Hua Fan!"

"It's okay, I just have a cold. I'll be fine if I take a nap." Hua Fan took the water glass and took a sip. After she put down the water glass, she continued, "Actually, we just need to maintain a normal relationship as friends. You don't have to Responsible for me."

"You should rest first..." Zhu Batian helped Hua Fan lie down and covered him with a quilt gently.


Rakshasa stood at the door of the ward and looked at Heiying doubtfully and asked, "Heiying, do you have anything to say about what you said before? You left too quickly before, and there are some things I haven't yet..."

The passing nurse made a quiet gesture towards Rakshasa, "This is a hospital, please keep your voice down."

"I know, I'm sorry." Rakshasa could only apologize to the nurse in a low voice.

After watching the nurse leave, the black shadow also spoke to Rakshasa, "If this matter really has anything to do with me, I think I need to go back and ask our creator."

Rakshasa frowned, "He may not even know what he has written. Just like he forgot us, he may have forgotten your settings long ago."

"Do you still have any objections to him now?" The shadow showed a wry smile.

Rakshasa looked away from the black shadow slightly, "I definitely have some opinions, but there aren't many anymore... By the way, you asked for the letter I asked you before..."

The black shadow continued what Rakshasa said, "It's already here with me. I saw you hand it to me at that time."

Rakshasa also breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought I was busy and forgot that the other party seemed to know the existence of outsiders like us."

"Well..." Heiying's expression also became serious. Of course, his serious look was also noticed by Rakshasa.

"Actually, I think you are not as ordinary as you look."

Rakshasa's voice brought the black shadow back to reality from his daze.

Black Shadow pretended to be relaxed and scratched his cheek with his hand, "It's hard to say, I'm just an ordinary person who likes to play games."

Rakshasa obviously didn't believe it, so she continued to ask, "Since you were also created by him, what was your original world like?"

"In the world of online games, I'm just a little cannon fodder player. If there's anything you don't understand about the game, you can ask me, and I'll help you get better." Heiying felt that his voice was a bit loud, so he hurriedly He lowered his voice and said, "Don't worry, I won't charge you."

"Ha, forget it, I don't want to play any games. Since the things have been delivered to you, I'll leave first." Rakshasa clearly had something going on, so she looked at the time and left in a hurry. The black shadow watched Rakshasa leave and then turned around and opened the door and entered Hua Fan's ward.

At this time, Hua Fan kept staring at the door. She smiled tenderly at the dark figure who came in, "It's really troublesome for you to take care of my affairs."

Heiying lowered his head shyly, and scratched the back of his head involuntarily, "After all, you are also our friend, and we should take care of you."

"Where did Zhu Batian and the others go?" Hua Fan then asked.

Black Shadow put down his hand and said directly, "They went to train."

"Training?" Hua Fan blinked. He had not heard Zhu Batian mention this matter.

"After all, they all want to become strong. I heard that Xuanruo's training is very easy to improve their strength." Heiying actually wanted to go, but he was afraid that he would be lost in the actual combat class because he didn't have much physical fitness.

Hua Fan sighed instead, "Actually, I think Zhu Batian doesn't need to pursue any power. Why can't people accept their own mediocrity?"

Heiying followed Hua Fan's point of view and continued, "This is indeed a problem, and people cannot accept it easily. Everyone is an independent individual, and they all think that they are extraordinary. Only in this way can there be desire, and only in this way can there be passion. "

Hua Fan closed his eyes and spoke in a very soft voice, "Well... I don't understand you a little now."

"So you understood it before?"

"I don't know anymore..." Hua Fan opened his mouth feebly, "I'm afraid that if I pursue you to a certain extent, everything will be shattered, just like what happened to me..."

The black shadow quickly smiled and persuaded, "Oh, don't be so pessimistic! Look at it, if you think you are ordinary, then just be ordinary. Life is to be lived down to earth day by day, and it does not have to be thrilling. Ordinary people have their own way of living, and extraordinary people have their own way of living. We are all born different but the same. This is how we are human beings and how we should be responsible for our own lives. ”

"You're right." Hua Fan squinted at the black shadow and smiled, "Can I trouble you to go to Zhu Batian's place and give him a message for me after today's visiting hours?"

"Okay, what do you want to say?" Black Shadow's attitude immediately became more serious.

Hua Fan coughed twice and continued, "I just want him to accept his own ordinaryness like me. He has become too obsessed with power these days. I'm afraid he will go crazy."

"Okay, I understand." After the black shadow finished speaking, the nurse who patrolled the ward also opened the door and came in to say hello.

"Visiting hours are up."

The black shadow nodded to the nurse, "I understand, sister nurse."

"I'm going to trouble you about Zhu Batian, Heiying."

Before Heiying left, Hua Fan emphasized her request again in a gentle tone.

"Yeah." Black Shadow nodded and waved to Hua Fan.

However, just when the black shadow walked out of the hospital, a huge black vortex appeared in front of him.

The black shadow stepped back cautiously, but someone pushed him from behind and pushed him directly into the black whirlpool.

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