Yun Qishen

Chapter 2084 Chapter 245 Boom

Chapter 2084 Chapter Boom

A strong wind blew her long white hair, Yao Yue stared at the falling red snow all around and smiled, "The time is coming, can you do it?"

At the same time, Yun Qishen was fighting Zhu Batian. Yun Qishen used his sword to continuously slash in front of Zhu Batian, but Zhu Batian actually blocked every slash with his hands.

"Zhu Batian, we are saving you!" Yun Qishen gritted his teeth and pressed the sword down towards Zhu Batian's wrist.

"I will never believe you again!" Zhu Batian's appearance at this moment can no longer be seen as human. He has a green face and fangs, and scales have grown all over his body. The power of the curse has turned him into a monster. "My own power I want to master it myself!”

Not only his appearance, Zhu Batian at this moment was completely occupied by the desire to become stronger.

"Zhu Batian! Stop being so stubborn!"

Yun Qishen swung the sword with great effort, and Zhu Batian crossed his arms as if to resist and was pushed away.

"Hmph." Zhu Batian waved his hands and rushed forward as soon as he stopped. Zao Qi saw the right opportunity and directly blocked him. The two of them were deadlocked on the spot.

Veins appeared on Zuo Qi's arms. Although the strength was strong enough, he couldn't hold on for too long. "It's so deep. I'll restrain him while you attack his abdomen."

"I know." Yun Qishen also rushed over at this time and aimed at Zhu Batian's stomach.

Just as Falcon was about to help, Yao Yue's scythe was blocked in front of him, "Falcon, just set up a barrier to protect the two of them. There is no need to help anymore."

Falcon did not act directly but looked at Yao Yue, "Yao Yue, what do you want?"

Yao Yue raised her brows and looked at the three people fighting, "No matter what, I just came out to have fun and watch the excitement."

"Is this what you said about having fun?" Falcon obviously didn't want to see Zhu Batian and Yun Qishen fight.

Instead, Yao Yue pursed her lips and smiled, "Ha, isn't it interesting? It's ridiculous to see that after all your efforts, you can't defeat even a small part of my fragmented power."

As soon as Yao Yue finished speaking, Hao Qi created an excellent opportunity for Yun Qishen to attack, "Qishen, now!"

"Hey!!!" Yun Qishen's eyes widened, and the back of his sword quickly slashed towards Zhu Batian's stomach.

"Pfft!" Unable to bear the momentum, Zhu Ba Tian spit out the swallowed fragments.

"Spit it out!" Falcon sighed as he looked at the fragments that were spit out into the sky from a distance.

Yao Yue also made a sound of disbelief here, "Oh, it's really beyond my expectation."

But Zhu Batian didn't give up at this moment. He jumped up and reached for the fragment, "How could I let you succeed! This is my thing!"

When Zhu Batian was about to get another fragment, Yun Qishen jumped up and swallowed the fragment directly into his mouth.

"What!" Zhu Batian was startled at first, and then knocked Yun Qishen away with a wave of his hand, which also caused the fragments that should have been in Yun Qishen's mouth to pierce his esophagus.

"It's so deep!" Hao Qi hurried over to help Yun Qishen. Falcon wanted to move over but was blocked by Yao Yue.

"Falcon, don't move."

Falcon clenched his fists at Yao Yue, "What, do you want me to wait for you to go over and kill Yun Qishen?" "Oh, the time has not come yet. I just went over to ask him how he felt. Falcon, just stay there." Just stay here." Yao Yue waved his hand, and a layer of crystalline solid formed underneath the Falcon, and the solid solidified his entire body in place.


Yao Yue ignored Falcon's shout and came directly to Yun Qishen and Ji Qi.

"You -" Before Zuo Qi could finish his words, Yao Yue flicked him away with a finger, and even fell to the ground several times before he stopped.

"Baoqi..." Yun Qishen covered his throat and breathed hard.

Yao Yue bent down directly and asked Yun Qishen's eyes, "Hey, how do you feel now?"

Yun Qishen stared at Yao Yue twice and felt his throat stuck, and finally relaxed, "Damn, of course it feels like a fish bone stuck in your throat. What are you doing here?"

Yao Yue felt bored for a moment. He straightened up and put the scythe on his shoulder, "Don't be nervous, it's not time for me to ask for my things yet. I only said it's almost time. Isn't it time yet?"

Yun Qishen also straightened up and looked at Yao Yue, "If you want to say anything, just say it. If you want to ask, just ask directly. Don't beat around the bush."

"How did you piece that heart together?" Yao Yue crossed her arms on her chest.

Yun Qishen said directly, "It's nothing special, I'm just good at splicing those things."

"Good at... huh, let's just look at your performance." Yao Yue nodded slightly, then he moved his fingers again,

"What do you mean-" Before Yun Qishen could finish his words, Yaoyue kicked him hard in the chest.

"Time's up!" Yao Yue's scarlet eyes also became serious.

"Uh-" Yun Qishen, who was kicked against the shield, felt his lungs bleeding, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

Yao Yue's barrier also completely wrapped him and Yun Qishen, "This is a matter between us, just the two of us. Don't worry, with Falcon's current strength, it is impossible for this barrier to have any impact on me. He can't get in either."

And Ji Qi, who was outside the barrier, hit Yao Yue's barrier surface again and again, "It's so deep!" He hit harder and harder, causing bruises and blood on his hands. "hateful!"

After Falcon broke free from the crystal, he hurried over and held Zuo Qi, "Sui Qi, don't get excited yet. I believe Yao Yue will not do anything outrageous."

With red eyes, Zuo Qi got angry at Falcon, "Take care of your friends and don't touch my things!"

Falcon didn't have any emotional changes. He now understood Falcon's feelings very well, so he didn't refute or prove anything. "Okay, then I'll take Zhu Batian and leave first. I'll leave this to you first, and I'll help you find an expert who is familiar with the barrier."

Ji Qi ignored Falcon, and Falcon came to Zhu Batian who was kicked aside.

Zhu Batian's abnormal shape gradually dissipated, but he still said unconsciously, "Become stronger... I must become stronger..."

"Hey..." Falcon sighed. After he made Zhu Batian faint, he looked at Xi Qi again, "You also..."

I saw Xie Qi condensing a purple power in his hand and punching Yao Yue's barrier with a fist to create tiny cracks.

[Boom——] The sound was shocking and ear-piercing.

Yao Yue naturally saw the cracks in his barrier being smashed. He leaned forward to observe for a moment and smiled, "It's really good. I didn't expect it to be smashed like this. If your friend's strength can be developed well, Definitely more powerful than you, I don’t know why he doesn’t have the desire to pursue power.”

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