Yun Qishen

Chapter 2085 Chapter 246 Leveling

Chapter 2085 Chapter Leveling up

Yun Qishen, who was stepped on by Yao Yue, coughed violently, "Ahem, cough, cough, what on earth are you going to do!"

Seeing Yun Qishen trying to stand up and resist, Yao Yue found it more interesting, so he pressed his foot down a little more, "You come to deal with me, using the power my fragment gives you. In fact, if you don't swallow the fragment, I will only choose Zhu Batian. Who asked you to swallow it? Just think of it as accompanying you to level up."

Yun Qishen put his hand on Yao Yue's foot and tried to avoid it, "Leveling? What a joke, you are just too arrogant and arrogant! It's not you who defeats yourself in the end. You are so narcissistic. Open the door to narcissism! Narcissism is here!”

"Yun Qishen, I advise you not to anger me. Do you still think that someone will come to save you? Hahaha, no one in Xuanruo can break my barrier now! No matter how qualified your friend is, Maybe!" Yao Yue pressed harder, and Yun Qishen's hand could no longer hold back. Yao Yue's foot directly stepped on Yun Qishen's chest and pushed him into the ground.


Yao Yue took the sickle and swung it, the blade was resting on Yun Qishen's neck, "If you want to leave my barrier, you must defeat me. This barrier will be the only time you experience it in your life." The real place of death!"

"You-" Before Yun Qishen could say anything, his head separated from his neck.

"Successful kill for the first time." Yao Yue shook off the blood on the scythe and watched the wound he had just made heal rapidly, "Yun Qishen, I told you that your physical strength is too far behind."

After the wound on Yun Qishen's neck had completely recovered, he finally realized and exclaimed, "This is it!"

What just happened? Yun Qishen has completely lost consciousness. Is that death?

"Are you awake?" Yao Yue's words directly broke Yun Qishen's thoughts, and the next second his neck was separated again, "Kill the second time!"


Yun Qishen didn't breathe for long after he recovered for the third time. He could only hear Yao Yue's sparse words at this moment.

"I won't give you a break. If you really want to leave here, you have to find a way to become stronger and defeat me! For the third time!"

Yao Yue has a strong interest in killing. He likes to kill, so he enjoys the process of killing Yun Qishen, resurrecting him and killing him again and again.

"Fourth -" Before the sickle reached the depths of Yun Qishen's neck this time, Yun Qishen blocked it with silk thread. Even though Yao Yue narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly in her heart, "Ha, you have made some progress this time. But it’s not enough! The fourth time!”

It's just that Yao Yue doesn't want to let Yun Qishen go. He wanted Yun Qishen to understand his own incompetence and weakness.

I have to...

Think of something...

There is a way!

"The fifth time!" "The sixth time..."

The repeated deaths and resurrections gave Yun Qi little time to think deeply. Although he lost consciousness quickly, the feeling of the sickle cutting the wound would only become stronger and stronger.

What if you use silk thread to pull yourself apart?

When Yun Qishen thought this, his teeth were already shaking with pain.

"The seventh time...the eighth time!"

Yao Yue's killing speed was getting faster and faster, and when Yun Qishen had just a little consciousness, his scythe would fall down. This also allowed Yun Qishen to lay down a layer of thread from the moment he deliberately dodged.

This layer of silk thread plays a decisive role.

It's now!

One layer of silk thread restricted the sickle's attack, while another layer of silk thread pulled Yun Qishen's body to the side.

Yao Yue couldn't help but admire, "So you want to use this method to avoid attacks? It's interesting!"

Yun Qishen, who was pulled away by the thread, quickly stood up and ran, putting some distance between himself and Yao Yue first. absolute! I absolutely cannot let him catch me and attack me again! "

"You still want to hide! It's not that easy!" It's just that Yao Yue is faster than Yun Qishen, and the blade of the sickle is sharper and faster, "The ninth time!"

Yun Qishen understood the moment his body and head were separated. Although he couldn't resist for the time being, this method of distance was very feasible!

...But I tried several times in a row, but never as successfully as this time.

Yao Yue suddenly felt a little tired, and he was no longer interested in killing people, "The one hundred and thirty-fourth time! Are you afraid that you haven't made any progress at all? You have my energy fragments! You only have so much strength. It’s just a waste of my energy!”

Yun Qishen woke up and glared at Yaoyue with his eyes, "Don't be too happy too early!"

Yao Yue was not afraid at all, he used the tip of the sickle to scratch Yun Qishen's face, "Hey, what do you want? You can't solve anything by escaping!"

"Stop looking down on people!" Yun Qishen yelled at Yao Yue, and then the silk thread pulled him, and he finally stood up.


"Missing?!" Falcon was a little shocked when he received the news that the actual combat team member had disappeared.

Ito stared at the rough information displayed on the screen and said, "That's right, they seem to have been sucked away by this thing."

"Do you have any detailed investigation information?" After Hayabusa settled Zhu Batian, he approached Ito and asked about the situation.

Ito shook his head, "There is no detailed information yet, but what is certain is that this black hole does not have the ability to travel through space. It is more like a living thing."

"If that's the case, those missing people should still be in this black mass." Falcon dragged his chin with one hand while staring at the screen, "First investigate the properties of this mass and find its weaknesses."

"I know, I'm checking." Ito didn't move his hands from the keyboard.

"Please help me contact Lanze again."

"Okay." Ito was reluctant to contact Aizawa.

You started the call, and Lan Ze started to act cute towards Falcon, "Huh? It's Brother Falcon, is something wrong? Did the previous space instrument malfunction again?"

"That's not it. I have other things to ask you. You should come to Ito first."

"Okay~" Lan Ze made an OK gesture and hung up the phone.

At this time, the instrument sounded an alarm, and Ito typed on the keyboard for a while, and finally called up the surveillance maps of various places in the war zone, "Falcon! That thing has appeared again! The location is locked in Area C... Isn't that what you are dealing with here? Zhu Batian’s place!”

"Not good." Falcon frowned and ran out again.

Ito reminded loudly. "Falcon, be careful, this thing seems to be very sensitive to power!"

At the same time, on Hao Qi's side. Suddenly a huge black vortex appeared behind Zuo Qi.

"What is this?" Zuo Qi was staring at the center of the darkness in confusion when a voice that was neither human nor beast came from inside.


Immediately afterwards, a strong suction force was about to swallow Zuo Qi whole. Zuo Qi scratched the edge of the barrier and struggled hard, "Damn it, this thing has such a strong suction force!"

"Bao Qi! Don't let go!" Falcon ran back from a distance with a long knife, but at this moment, the black vortex disappeared.

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