Yun Qishen

Chapter 2089 Chapter 249 Coincidence

Chapter 2089 Chapter Coincidence

It was a dark and windy night, and a group of people with painted faces were sitting around a bonfire outside the royal city. They were discussing something with their bronze and iron masks.

A guy with a deer-patterned iron mask put firewood into the fire and said, "God knows the eyes, they are just the eyes of a bad teacher! What is this? Could it be the power awakened by the new king?"

"What God knows, he just wants to add a layer of glory to Tatu's death to calm Tatu's rebellious soul." The voice of the strong man wearing a bear mask was a little loud, shaking everyone around him. ear.

"That is, what ability can he have!" A relatively short rat-faced man jumped up and said, "If the compass hadn't chosen him and protected him with the power of the compass, he wouldn't even be a king. He would still be a cow farm. Slaves who eat shit! Their families will be slaves for generations, and they will be nothing more than food for pigs."

Bear Face followed Mouse Face's words and continued to laugh, "It's so ridiculous that our tribe would be led by a kid who eats dung! It's so ridiculous! I don't know how foreigners will laugh at us!"

The rat-faced man laughed slyly, "So we have to find a way to kill him, get the power of the compass, and hold the power in our hands."

The dog-faced guy on the side who was silent suddenly sighed, "You don't understand, those people inside are very protective. No matter how much they look down on this new king, they still want to support him and control him, because only with this method way, they can get what they want.”

Lu Mian then said, "Our tribe needs a leader, but we don't need a so-called king!"

Dog Face smiled and said, "Hehehe, I heard that there is a foreign force that has been developing rapidly recently. Maybe we can unite them to do this. Unite them to invade our tribe, and finally we will show up and kill them. Drive away and become the hero of our tribe."

After hearing what Dog Face said, Bear Face suddenly became interested, "Oh? What kind of guys are these? Can they have the strength to invade our tribe?"

Gou Mian used a stick burned with fire to draw a totem on the ground, which was a pair of eyes. "I heard that there are some guys in their tribe who can use magic."

Looking at the strange totem illuminated by the firelight on the ground, the bear laughed loudly, "Spells? Hahaha! Little tricks are nothing in front of the compass. That puppet king has a compass, and some civilians who know little spells can't do it. I can't stand it. Don't you and I understand the power of the compass? This new king just doesn't know how to use it. Once he masters it, it will be like that.

Lu Mian raised his hand and patted Xiong Mian on the shoulder, "Then why do you think they can rapidly develop their power at this time? Although they don't pose any threat to us now, what will happen if this trend continues to develop? ? We have to control them in advance. We can't wait for a king we don't want to see to save our tribe."

Rat Face nodded and looked at Dog Face, "Indeed, if their power is too large, it will definitely affect our tribe. Do you know more details about them?"

The iron mask of the dog's face was glowing with fire. After a moment of silence, he spoke again, "They call those who have supernatural spells demigods, and their race is also called demigods. And those who have spells are very Strangely, they can be easily recognized by their white hair. It is said that they have also mastered a method that can destroy the compass."

After hearing these words, everyone around the campfire fell silent. Lu Mian was the last one to speak, "It seems it's time to discuss it with them."


At the same time in the royal city, the young man who lost Tatu looked into Tatu's eyes and dared not fall asleep. He put his hands together and knelt down to worship the heaven and the earth, "Compass, compass, please guide me, what should I do?"

At this moment, a slender woman about the same age as the boy ran in from outside, "Chu Xinjun!"

The woman cried and hugged the boy and trembled all over. The boy was a little surprised. After all, they were not old enough to get married yet and according to the rules they couldn't be so close, but Molika was indeed his wife.

"Mollica, why did you come here suddenly?" the young man asked the woman with blue eyes. "Arnold! Arnold!" The woman was trembling as she spoke. She was out of breath.

The young man gently touched the woman's head to comfort him, "Don't be nervous, tell me slowly, what's wrong with Arnold?"

The woman cried and lifted up the fabric on her leg, and showed the bruised and swollen whiplash to the boy, "Arnold said he wanted to send me to a foreign tribe! He wanted me to marry the foreign tribe leader! I don't want to go, He hurt my leg." The woman hugged the boy tightly and cried, "Mollica is Xin Jun's wife, and Molika doesn't want to leave Xin Jun!"

"This..." The young man was even more surprised. Tatu had not yet rested in peace, and something like this happened again at night. He was angry in his heart, but he could not resist his Arnold, because it was against the rules of the tribe.

Young Arnold, that bloated guy also came in with a whip. As soon as he came in, he waved the whip at Molika, "I advise you to leave with me! Otherwise, don't blame me for beating you to pieces. !”

"Arnold!" The young man stood up and protected Molika behind him.

The bloated man pulled the whip and frowned, "What? Chu Xin, do you want to protect this woman?"

The boy opened his arms, "Mollica is my China! She is the king's China! You can't treat her like this!"

But the bloated man burst into laughter, "King... Hahaha, my supreme king! If you want to consolidate your status, you have to sacrifice everything. Whether it's Tatu or Molika, there are ways to consolidate your status. , is always a good way. Do you still want to go back to the life of a pig or a dog? Give her to a foreigner instead of letting her suffer, so that you can have thousands of women and a very stable life. ”

"Why don't you choose another woman? Molika is my China!" The young man approached the bloated man, but the man pointed his whip at the young man.

"Because only in this way will the guys around you who are unwilling to surrender to you know how cruel you are!" The bloated man pushed the young man away and ordered loudly, "I advise you not to make any resistance! Come on! Get Molly Kara go!”

The young man couldn't bear it anymore. Does the so-called power mean that he wants to destroy all his beloved things and all the things he regards as treasures?

He waved his hand and shouted, "Let's see who dares!"

[Boom——] A violent bright light burst out from the young man's body along with a powerful force. The young man was stunned. When the bright light passed, what he saw was red all over the ground.

"!" The young man collapsed and collapsed on the ground. He didn't know which direction to climb. He could only scratch his face with his hands, "No!! No!! This is not true! Tell me this is not true. Oh! Molika!

Although Yun Qishen felt uncomfortable looking at everything in front of him, he still wanted to continue looking at it. At this time, he felt a little hot at the base of his neck.

"This is... a compass." The next second Yun Qishen discovered that the compass pattern attached to his neck was moving towards the compass in his hand, and then the two seemingly disconnected things miraculously overlapped together. .

"How could this happen? The compasses of the two worlds actually overlap!"

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