Yun Qishen

Chapter 2090 Chapter 250 Those who are capable work hard

Chapter 2090 Chapter : Those who are capable work hard

"Um... thank you. If you weren't here, I really don't dare to think how terrible this result would be." Chu Xin held two round crystals of different colors in his hand. They were the two people on the ground who were bloody and bloody. He raised his head and looked at Yun Qishen who appeared in the illusion and asked, "Can the compass really save my Arnold and Molika?"

Yun Qishen calmly replied to him, "Theoretically it is possible, but... I am not sure that my compass and your compass can interact with each other to resurrect people. This is against the laws of nature after all."

Chu Xin carefully put away the soul-leaving orb in his hand. His eyes were shining with excitement and enthusiasm, "You have helped me so much, but I haven't asked you your name yet. My name is Chu Xin, and I am from this tribe." "The leader."

"My name is Yun Qishen." Yun Qishen's attitude was much calmer than his.

Chu Xin was curious not only about Yun Qishen's origins, but also about the slim-fitting purple clothes he was wearing. He tugged on Yun Qishen's clothes and touched them for a long time, "Where are you from? Your clothes are really beautiful. It makes my eyes shine. These clothes look very special. What kind of animal fur are you talking about?"

"If you really want to say it, it's clothes made of straw and silk." Yun Qishen didn't know the specific era where Chu Xin lived. He only knew that Chu Xin's lifestyle was still very old. But this place is not Guao but Xuanruo. There is still a certain gap between it and the regular ancient times. Yun Qishen must leave here and defeat Yao Yue. He will be able to return to his own world soon.

Chu Xin opened his eyes even more curiously, "Huh? Can that kind of thing be made into clothes? We all just use a knife to cut the animal's fur and tie it on our bodies."

Yun Qishen nodded, "Well, you heard me right, those things I mentioned can be made into clothes."

"Then what should we do? This sounds very interesting, can you teach me?" Chu Xin rubbed his hands, he couldn't wait to take action. But Yun Qishen clearly rejected him.

"Sorry, but I can't teach you right now."

Chu Xin was just a child, and he would inevitably be sad if his interests were blocked. However, the sudden curiosity could not fade away easily. He pulled Yun Qishen's clothes and asked, "Then when can you teach me?"

"Wait until I finish handling my affairs." Yun Qishen did not want to have any contact with Chu Xin. This is just an illusion created by the compass, he can't take it too seriously.

"What are you going to do? How can I help you?" Chu Xin patted himself, as if Yun Qishen could take away all his sadness, and Yun Qishen's eyes were just like Tatu's, which made him Yun Qishen's good impression doubled.

Yun Qishen frowned in distress, "I don't know exactly what to do, but I can't wear the clothes I am wearing now. Can you find an animal skin that I can wear?"

"There are some!" Chu Xin quickly took out a piece of animal skin from the box where he kept his clothes and handed it to Yun Qishen, "This is the skin peeled off from the snake animal. Now the weather is getting warmer. It shouldn’t be very cold.”

"It's okay." Yun Qishen took the animal skin and started changing his clothes.

Looking at Yun Qi's deep white glowing skin, Chu Xin looked at his own dark skin, "Your skin is whiter than the skin of our tribe. This is the first time I have seen this kind of skin since I was a child. people."

This made Yun Qishen suddenly realize that he had to find a way to darken his skin so that it would not stand out. Soon Chu Xin noticed the sewing marks on Yun Qishen's back. He traced it in the air with his fingers and asked, "What is this on your back? Is it your totem?"

"That... thing on my back can be considered as such." Yun Qishen didn't want to discuss the seam.

"Then what does this totem mean?" Chu Xin pulled off the animal skin flag behind him. He pointed to the totem on it and said, "Look, the totem of our tribe is a ferocious tiger. Of course, there is still a picture on the side. That’s the compass.”

"The totem behind my back is meaningless." Yun Qishen still didn't want to talk about it.

"There will be no totems without meaning." Chu Xin firmly believes this.

Yun Qishen frowned, "Let's end this topic first."

"Well..." Chu Xin didn't know what to say. He felt that he seemed to be annoying, so he cautiously approached Yun Qishen again and asked, "Then you said that the compass can resurrect my family, do you know that I need What to do?”

"Do you know what specific powers the compass has?" Yun Qishen asked suddenly after pondering for a moment.

Chu Xin even replied, "The use of the compass is under the control of the high priest. But... I haven't seen him since I succeeded to the throne. I was also surprised by the power just now... The compass doesn't seem to be a good one. Things. Everything has changed since I became the king, and I don’t like this feeling.”

Seeing Chu Xin's mood gradually sinking, Yun Qishen also sighed, "Hey, to become a king, you must accept such changes."

"If you become king, you will lose your family. I would rather..." Yun Qishen continued before Chu Xin finished complaining.

"No, after you become the king, all your people will be your family. This is your responsibility and you can't escape it. I had the same idea as you at the beginning, but gradually I also understood it. Being able to do more work is not what others define you to do, change the direction, because you have the ability to help others, of course the final decision is yours, whether to deal with it or not, but no matter which path you choose, Don’t regret it.”

Chu Xin didn't understand what Yun Qishen said, but he felt that what Yun Qishen said was very reasonable. He once again held Yun Qishen's eyes full of longing, "What you said is so profound. Are you also a king in your tribe?"

Yun Qishen laughed dryly and pushed away Chu Xin's pull, "I am or am not, I have never put myself in the position of a king, but I have placed myself in the position of being able to lead the people to live a happy life. Enter the companions." He then looked at the bloody tribal soldiers on the side, "You have to know that humans will not completely obey others."

"I know." Chu Xin clenched his fists. While he was confused, his expression became serious. He looked at the compass in his hand and said, "I decided to go to the high priest first and ask about the compass first. Some power! Then I can revive my family."

"Yeah." Yun Qishen didn't know what to do next. Since the protagonist of the plot decided so, he didn't need to refute. He just hoped that the next actions would go smoothly.

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