Yun Qishen

Chapter 2102 Chapter 260 Be yourself first and then talk about feelings

Chapter 2102 Chapter Be yourself first before talking about relationships

"Not awake yet?"

Jiayu took several tubes of medicine and walked towards the tired-looking Zui Qi. It had been a week since he brought Yun Qishen back to rest, and there weren't many days until he could go back to Lü Ren's side.

"Hmm..." Zuiqi looked at Jia Yu with tired eyes and nodded reluctantly.

Jiayu frowned slightly. He first glanced at the pale Yun Qishen and then put the medicine on the bedside table. "This is today's medicine. I have mixed it for you. You can just feed it to him later." ”

"Okay...thank you." Ji Qi's voice was a little hoarse. He didn't have the vigor of a young man at the moment. Jia Yu felt that he looked older than himself, a middle-aged man in his thirties.

"An Qi came just now, what did she say?" Jia Yu thought of helping Zhi Qi to divert his attention. After all, he had been staring at Yun Qishen and he would not wake up immediately.

"She said she was deeply in a dream, and she wasn't sure when she would wake up." Qi Qi sighed slowly. He hadn't closed his eyes for a while. Ever since Yun Qishen was controlled by Yao Yue in the barrier, Zuo Qi had not had a good rest. Immortal cultivators can't endure it like this...

"Dream..." Jiayu crossed his arms in front of his chest and said, leaning against the wall, "I have looked up the compass before. The compass, greedy for power, will forge beautiful dreams to the people chosen by the compass. I think now Yun Qishen may be balancing with the power of the compass in his body. If he can achieve balance, then Yun Qishen will..."

"I will never forgive him!" Before Jia Yu could finish his words, Zuo Qi gritted his teeth and let out an angry rebuke.

"Are you talking about Yao Yue?" Jia Yu was not surprised, and quickly understood who the target of Xie Qi's anger was. But Jiayu didn't want to increase Zuo Qi's anger. Instead, he persuaded him, "Zi Qi, give up. As long as you don't mess with him, that guy won't cause trouble. Besides, no one can deal with Yao Yue at the moment. As long as there is resentment and anger in a person's heart, his power will become stronger and stronger."

"You have also seen that even if this space has been destroyed, Yao Yue just slept for a while. Every world space has existences that he can least explain and control, and Yao Yue is the existence of this world. "

Zuo Qi clenched his fists, "But to put it bluntly, isn't he also a character created by Lü Ren?"

Jia Yu sighed, "Hey, Lü Ren can't control it. The resentment in Yao Yue's heart is too difficult for Lü Ren to control. If they meet, Lü Ren will be the only one who gets hurt."

Jia Yu pursed his lips and continued, "After so many things, Ritsuto is no longer the same character he used to be. He can't completely erase a character. Even if it is necessary to be clean and tidy, he can't erase Yao. Moon. In other words, even if...even if the falcon disappears, the moon will not disappear, do you understand?"

"Then I can't just watch Yun Qi suffer so much! I can't do anything!" His dark blue eyes were full of disappointment in himself. Gradually, his existence became more and more transparent, even to Yun Qi. He is also like a background board beside Qishen.

"If you think about it differently, Yun Qishen has become stronger as he wished, right? Although I don't advocate becoming stronger for the sake of becoming stronger." Jia Yu continued to persuade Xie Qi, "Xie Qi, remember me Did I tell you before? Don’t be held back by thoughts like this. You also have your own things to do. You are not a product, and neither are we, but living people. Outside of the plot, we want to return. Self, enhance self-worth.”

"I know what you're talking about..." Zhai Qi's clenched hand slowly loosened. It seemed that he had to find the location of his existence first.

"Ha, you don't have to answer me so quickly, take your time. Taking care of Yun Qishen is the most important thing now." Jia Yu patted Zuo Qi's back gently before turning around and leaving, "I still have some things to do. If you need to find Falcon, just use the communicator to find me if you need anything."


After watching Jia Yu leave the house, Zhai Qi's eyes moved to Yun Qishen's pale face again.

"It's so deep... I believe you can definitely defeat that compass. I just hope you wake up soon, I... don't want to wait..."

Zuo Qi lowered his head and realized that he had been waiting for Yun Qishen. Obviously what he gets from being so active is never the best he expected.

Zuo Qi began to question his own selfishness. He felt that he thought things were too simple and too beautiful, but the reality was not his own imagination and self-righteousness. He threw out the branch and waited for someone to hold the other end. But in fact, Yun Qishen was just standing on the other side of the branch.

Ji Qi brought the branch closer to Yun Qishen more than once, but the closer he got to Yun Qishen, the farther away he would be. So he chose to wait, wait for Yun Qishen to respond to him, wait for Yun Qishen to hold the branch, and wait for Yun Qishen to respond. It's so deep... "You're so angry... Can you stop looking at me like that? It looks like I've been dead for a long time..."

Yun Qishen's words completely broke Xie Qi's random thoughts.

"Qishen, you're awake!" Zuo Qi should obviously be happy, but at this moment he was more stunned and at a loss.

Yun Qishen sat up and looked around with a pale face. He first glanced at Zui Qi's tired look, and then focused on the medicine on the bedside table, "My body is so stiff... I How long have you been lying there? Is that medicine over there for me?"

"Yeah." Zuo Qi also looked at the potion on the bedside table and nodded.

"Then why are you standing there? Pass it over."


Yun Qishen reached out towards Zuo Qi, and Zuo Qi took the potion in a panic and handed it to Yun Qishen.

"What's wrong with you? Are you stupid?" Yun Qishen took the potion and raised an eyebrow at Xi Qi.

"It's nothing, I just haven't adjusted myself well yet." Qi Qi didn't know what state he was in at the moment. He should be happy, but why couldn't he be happy?

"Are you surprised that I woke up?"

"I'm a little surprised..."

"Ha, it's quite funny when I open my eyes and see your blank expression."

"Stop teasing me, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Yun Qishen moved his arms and back, and clearly heard the sound of muscles and bones moving, "Except for the stiffness of my body, everything else is fine. I should be able to move around a little. This medicine can also improve blood essence and blood, which is very good."

After saying that, Yun Qishen drank the potion all at once, and then he was so bitter that he stuck out his tongue, "Lie, this thing is too bitter, no wonder my mouth is so bitter, I have been drinking this for the past few days. "

"So you are also afraid of hardship." Zhai Qi thought of the time when Gu Ao escaped to drink medicine. At that time, it was still Yun Qishen...

"I don't like bitterness, but not as much as you." Yun Qishen could see what Zui Qi was thinking, but he just didn't understand what was going on with Zui Qi's obvious change in personality. Could it be related to the invasion of the abyss?

"Actually, I heard what Jia Yu said just now... What did he say to you? What are you planning to do?" Yun Qishen coughed twice and changed the subject.

"He said to find your own place first... I also want to go out for a walk alone as he said."

Xie Qi's hands were grasped together. He didn't seem to want to talk to Yun Qishen at this time, but he spoke out his heart somewhat unfavorably, making the atmosphere a little awkward.

"It's good. I support you. When you go back to Gu'ao, you can go out and explore, and I'll go back to my country to deal with things." Yun Qishen smiled at Ji Qi, "Let's be ourselves first and then talk about our feelings slowly. Bar."

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